[-] stergro@feddit.de 12 points 7 months ago

I am a Linux user for over a decade but I have no idea what this discussion is about. Can someone give me a tldr? I install some software using apt and some using the store and never have any issues.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 7 points 10 months ago

That's not an issue anymore. There is an Duolingo course, tons of Anki vocabulary decks, the app Drops supports Esperanto and the website lernu.net has a pretty good free course to learn Esperanto grammar.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Niche communities that took years to built up and that I can't find anywhere else. For example Esperanto speakers are quite active on Twitter. They also have their own Mastodon instance, but it is not the same. (I use both now)

[-] stergro@feddit.de 6 points 10 months ago

He is very different in Shrinking. Turns out he is a great comedy actor as well.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 12 points 10 months ago

Not every atheist is a humanist or even pro science, so they definitely exist. For example some regions in East Germany have a high Atheist rate and a very right wing population.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 8 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

This. If it was about robotic propes and landers I would give it a lot more attention. I can even imagine humanity sending unmanned propes to other stars in a century or so, but the first ones would probably be flyby missions. Space could also be full of low tec probes such as Voyager.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 14 points 11 months ago

GLS Bank. Ja ich weiß, teilweise schwurbelnde Anthroposophen, aber nirgends sonst kann ich bestimmen was genau die Bank mit meinem Geld so anstellt.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Lieber ein Umfragetief zwei Jahre vor den Wahlen als wie sonst ein Umfragehoch, das bis zur Wahl dann wieder weg schmilzt.

Diesmal kann keiner behaupten Habeck und Baerbock wären unerfahren und ich bin auch gespannt was Özdemir im nächsten Wahlkampf so macht. Ich glaube der letzte Winter wird im Rückblick Habeck extrem helfen.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 14 points 11 months ago

Ist heftig zuzuschauen wie Israel langsam von den rechten übernommen wird. Gut dass die Progressiven Widerstand leisten.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 7 points 11 months ago

Ja, definitiv das beste Elektroauto der 10er Jahre. Schade dass nicht noch mal ein facelift kommt. Ich hoffe der Renault 5 wird ein guter Ersatz.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

One in 33 is like one nerd in every school class. Sounds plausible to me.

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