[-] stergro@feddit.de 31 points 1 month ago

I would never put something in my brain that doesn't at least have a public API documentation. If the company discontinued the product I want to be able to keep using it. Open Source software would be best.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 25 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The Australian model is also interesting. After your degree you pay a certain percentage of your income to your university for a decade or so. But only if you earn more than the average person.

This means a university gets more money when their students gets good job.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 23 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

A friend joined them to get protection because he got beaten a lot. He left again after his first drug trafficking job was offered to him. (and fortunately he was allowed to leave because he didn't know enough yet)

My schoolmates rented a club house for parties and the bikers wanted to do the security themselves. The have beaten people and kicked one drunken guy lying on the floor who argued too much with them. Completely unprofessional.

This was late 2000s in rural Germany.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 51 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Oly in Bavaria. In every other German State this can only be done for a few days max in extreme situations.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I speak Esperanto and I am quite active in the movement and write for the Esperanto Wikipedia. In 2011 I had quite a cool trip to an Esperanto Youth Congress in Kijiv. But it's hard to talk about it because most people see it as a failed project from the early 1900s, not as a modern subculture.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 15 points 10 months ago

A good way to get an impression about real america as an outsider is to follow smaller hobbyist YouTubers from middle sized towns. One guy from Michigan I follow has a remarkable boring life that's completely different from every American stereotype.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 36 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

300 Jahre lang sind viele Menschen dafür eingesperrt worden und gestorben damit wir heute das Christentum frei kritisieren dürfen. Ich lasse mir die Aufklärung nicht von der nächstbesten Religion, die um die Ecke kommt wieder kaputt machen.

Wenn weiße Nationalisten diese Verbrennungen machen würden, dann wären sie für mich klar ein Hassverbrechen. Das wird aber von Ex-Muslimen aus dem Irak gemacht, und die sollten das dürfen. Der Kontext ist entscheidend.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 49 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

A German Black rapper (Sam Deluxe) once said: "as a black person you can't really choose your political opinion freely, because one side only wants you out of the country." Many join the left because it means protection.

I think parts of hiphop culture fits quite well to a conservative worldview when it comes to money, masculinity and the role of women.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Mac is Linux, but in a golden cage. Not sure if this exist as a picture.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 15 points 10 months ago

Ich hoffe wirklich der Renault 5 wird ein Erfolg, Zoes habe ich immer gerne gefahren und das wird ja sowas wie ihr Nachfolger.

[-] stergro@feddit.de 16 points 10 months ago

The world map clearly isn't censored

[-] stergro@feddit.de 22 points 11 months ago

Sowas passiert wenn sich dir Säkularen nicht organisieren.

submitted 11 months ago by stergro@feddit.de to c/main@feddit.de

Reddit hat seine API geschlossen um das Aufbauen von Datenbanken für Sprachmodelle zu verhindern. Da stellt sich die Frage: wie steht das Fediverse und insbesondere Lemmy dazu? Dürfte ich für einen freien Assistenten (z.B. für https://open-assistant.io/) Datensätze auf Basis der subs hier auf Lemmy zusammenstellen?

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