[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 9 points 15 hours ago

A war in Lebanon is actually bad for Netanyahu. His interest is a slow-burning war so he can prolong the current situation as much as possible

The current situation is that he's in a war in Gaza and that is keeping him in office. He can still spin this as "we are fighting against an existential threat". Rocket defence and retaliation strikes aka the slow burning war in Lebanon is not enough for the Israeli society to unite behind Bibi. Only if they seriously attack. And I think Netanyahu wants to provoke such an attack.

Sending thousands of bombs God knows where they land is not a proper defense. It's a huge escalation where Hezbollah will answer. I think the best argument against this strike has been thrown around everywhere: What if Hezbollah made such an attack where 3000 bombs where sent to IDF people. We would talk about a terrorist attack. Why is that different now?

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

Yeah, that was just a stupid Dropout joke ^^

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago

Damn, Sam Reichs father is really big on social media

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Ok that makes a bit more sense on the surface

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

Why is it okay for them to bomb Lebanon as well?

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 61 points 1 day ago

Bibi really wants a war with Hezbollah, doesn't he? I mean you can't call it defending Israels safety anymore when you provoke any and all responses every other month with a missile here, a bomb there and now thousands of bombs everywhere. This is just another measure to keep Netanyahu in a conflict so that he doesn't have to bear the consequences of multiple corruption cases against him and the dissolving of his coalition outside unity cases in a war. Why is Europe and the US still covering for him? What is the rest of Israel doing?

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 20 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Wait what? AI generated reviews? Please tell me this is a joke? What the fuck is the point of that? In an ideal scenario I want to read about what experience a buyer has with a product. I already expect at the bare minimum of half of the reviews to be fake. Why would you admit you absolutely shouldn't trust any of them?

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago

I actually liked TLJ as well. Like others said, I liked these Force Connection scenes with Rey and Kylo, I liked how it dispatched Snoke, dismissing the idea of yet another Star Wars conflict being controlled by an evil old wizard and instead gives sets the way for a new story by giving Kylo Ren the reigns of the new empire (which was thrown in the trash by JJ in ep 9, which is the gravest sin for me of that film), and gives a plausible take on the seduction to the dark side and to the light side. I know these ideas were poorly implemented e.g. the proposition Kylo makes to Rey "Hey, look, I've killed the evil emperor! Join me and we can take this whole thing over. Let's start by killing all your friends!". What a great offer, Kylo. But still I liked that this was something new and more than just a rehash.

What I also really loved is that not every character has to be related to the Skywalkers or another character of the other trilogies, again something JJ threw in the trash by ep 9. Why does Rey have to of some ancient magical lineage? I liked the idea that the force was running through people everywhere, even through slave kids on the casino planet. Everybody can be a hero, even if your parents or ancestors weren't. Wait, what's that, JJ? Everything was Palpatine all along? Never mind then.

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 27 points 1 month ago

Netanyahu really doesn't want these negotiations to come through, does he? How can he go to the hostage families and tell them he's gonna get their relatives back when he bombs the shit out of the country they're hidden in, has blown up and wanted to funnel sea water into the tunnels where they are most likely held (from an outsiders perspective) and now basically shot someone in the face across the negotiating table?

Tell me how that makes sense.

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 20 points 1 month ago

Beside Project 2025 and everything fascist he says and clings to to get elected so he doesn't have to face judgement, you've got got to admit that sometimes he is hilarious. Unintentionally mind you, but still so funny.

Like this could have been an Onion headline or a sketch about how his whole campaign was 'Biden old' and now he's caught with his pants down when Biden is no longer on the ticket. Next up he's gonna claim Biden faked being demented so he could ruin Donalds campaign by dropping out. It's all a conspiracy, folks...

I'd be dumbstruck if Kamala loses this at this point. It's astounding to see how a campaign could swing so hard after such a fumbled debate and a literal assassination attempt.

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago

until it’s too late because it’s a boiling frog situation.

That's a common misconception. If frogs are thrown into boiling water they almost die instantly, if they are placed in a pot that's slowly beginning to boil, they desperately try to escape after a while

[-] sozesoze@lemmy.world 35 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm looking at my calendar and wondering, it's not November right? It's still June, or isn't it? As an outsider, why are American leftists basically being called fascist enablers when they are only protesting and demanding reasonable, better policies? And yes, they leverage their only political power they have in the USA, their vote, in June months before the election, to get better policies. Wow what an undemocratic move of them.

Now they are demonized for it, at the same time I've seen nothing here last week when Biden enacted a right wing immigration law with an executive order. So it's okay to try to sway republicans, even though the GOP has racist views on lock as their USP.

It's like they are Schrödingers leftists: powerful enough to prevent Biden from being reelected and it's totally their fault if Trump wins, not the democratic party, but not powerful enough to receive any compromises because they are such a small voter base and so radical with their demands of stopping a genocide and protecting illegal immigrants.

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