Kagan did not mince words.

pls (i.redd.it)

10-11pm. I wake up early naturally (no alarms).


We can surely find a better source than Fox News, which has admitted in court that it knowingly lies to its viewers.

I have the same routine.

[-] something_random_tho@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

That's good advice. I updated the route in OSM and it now recommends a better path, but still not what I'd consider the safest/still not what Strava recommends. It seems like it prefers shorter distances with painted bike lanes over having a protected bike lane at all points of the journey. It'd be a neat option -- prefer protected lanes even at expense of more distance.

Even in Hogwarts the geese are little cunts.

[-] something_random_tho@lemmy.world 28 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Just tried out the nav for bikes across town to see the route it picked. It used the same route that Google Maps did, which is a death trap with 55mph cars, blind hills, and no bike lanes. I see no way to report the issue in the app, either.

(Strava chooses the correct, safe route which uses protected bike lanes the whole way)

Sad way to lose such a bright, young mind.

I'm in a similar boat. I use Sidebery which has groups of tabs (in addition to nesting them). Would really want something similar built in natively to organize all of them.

Guy is literally doing a cancer research charity bike ride in honor of his deceased wife and gets hit with this.

I hope the farmer gets some time to think this over in a jail cell.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by something_random_tho@lemmy.world to c/bicycling@lemmy.world

Just tried commuting on my bike from Santa Monica to downtown Culver City today. I took the Exposition bike path, which was fine until I needed to get off of it to head south.

Google recommended I take National and--lo and behold--there's no bike lane with cars flying past at 55mph+ on blind hills. That's a death trap.

On the way home I left early to avoid traffic. I took Venice Blvd, since it has a protected bike lane all the way until McLaughlin which Google Maps called "bicycle friendly." No bike lane, of course, with cars flying past leaving a foot of distance between me and death. One testy driver in a BMW didn't want to wait the 15 seconds for me to pedal into the left turn lane to get back onto the Exposition bike path, honking and then flying by nearly killing me. Jeez lady, I'm not the city planner. Don't kill me to save 15 seconds.

How does Culver City put zero bike lanes going north to south connecting to the Exposition path? How do these drivers maintain their licenses?

What's a cyclist to do?

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