[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 11 hours ago

Sounds like they may have set it up to wipe for security paranoia, and maybe not to be jerks?

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 4 days ago

I actually see this rest stop idea as really cool advantage to bring life back to random locations across the country. Kinda like the 1950s Route 66 road tour theme that was popular back then. Create a stop with some goofy thing to look at, some food, some place to stretch, a park, a rock wall, whatever. Great opportunity to capitalism while creating fun and working around the range problem until technology improves or countries like the US get with the program and go more public transport.

As for:

Stop pretending we need to drive 500 miles without stopping, that’s dangerous anyway.

It is more a functional reality in western states, not a luxury or something to boast about. One can drive that 200 miles (likely your charge range will be less at 85MPH with a 60MPH headwind and ascending 4000 vertical feet over a few hours) without having services, utilities, or even towns. The range is a necessity to get back to civilization, let alone finding a charger or gas station.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 14 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Ha, what a delightful way to share! Figured it would be easy enough to Internet search, but this way, others reading the thread will be more inclined to enable it when it is just right in the conversation.

Edit: Holy crap, this finally got rid of the weird start menu lag where it used to be "hit win key, type fir, launch firefox" to "hit win key....start menu freezes with no typing, a second modal window floats above it, sometimes in arbitrary locations on the screen (likely because I told Edge to not run in the background ever so it always cold-starts) then "fir" appears there, or sometimes "ir" or sometimes "r" or sometimes nothing." Just to run a program.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 4 days ago

Yep, just gotta get off my lazy butt and do it.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 4 days ago

They're itching to tap into their 500 gallons of Prepper's Milk and Jerky stew. They want their larping to be real so hard. It pairs well with the religious nutters that think by killing others, they'll be allowed in Their God's Heaven. It's mind-boggling.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 9 points 4 days ago

There is a reg key to add that disables bing search.

Ooh, do share with the class!

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 19 points 4 days ago

Kinda weird seeing what Steve Jobs would have eventually become, had he treated his cancer.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 15 points 4 days ago

It's also partly because phones now require 60,000 antennae and radio waves don't go through metal. Wireless charging, NFC, wifi (x2), bluetooth, cellular (x4), UWB..... There's some ability to reuse the antennas via TDM and other tricks but they just "need" so many these days. Also also, plastic is kinda evil from a pollution standpoint, although one could also argue that it could just be recycled with the rest of the phone.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 6 days ago

It is just waiting for a tipping point to kick the whole powder keg off, basically. Like a dormant volcano as the pressure builds below the surface. At that point, people will seem irrational and random, just because there are so many vectors of fail taking place in parallel.

Random example that comes to mind, was talking to a friend and they were mentioning their employer is going to start a weekend rotation for teams. One of the shifts has 3 people, so once every three weeks, one employee will be working 7 days a week. They previously had weekend staff to cover the weekend shift. The company's solution wasn't to hire more, redistribute, or one of the many other ways to solve the problem. Just, Lumberg from Office Space instead.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 6 points 6 days ago

And the apps exist so the companies can at least gather telemetry from your mobile device, so you're still paying for them, just...in a different way.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 57 points 2 months ago

Why do they keep calling it a war? A one-sided genocide of people trapped like rats by their captor, does not a war make.

[-] skuzz@discuss.tchncs.de 81 points 3 months ago

And you must rinse them out, too.

This step right here has to end. Recycling facilities should have cycling filtered graywater loops to do the rinsing. Using clean drinking water to rinse out containers is an absolute waste.

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