[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 2 points 12 hours ago

At a national level, I think some of it just comes down to resentment at popular policies being blocked, largely because of lawmakers from southern and midwestern states. I'd also wager context plays a part in this. Sure, NY has its share of rural Republican voters, but our dumbfuck GOP voters mostly manage to just mess things up for our own urban areas, appropriating funds from the MTA budget to build bridges to nowhere in their home districts so they can point and cry about those god-damned socialists in NYC not even being able to manage the budget for a single agency (that they actively work to undermine) so they can further gut public services.

Sure, it's not ideal, but at least we're (mostly) only hurting ourselves. GOP Congress-men and -women from southern and midwestern states collectively hold the rest of the nation hostage through their disproportionate impact on the Senate. Whether it's climate change, student loan forgiveness, universal healthcare, packing the Supreme Court, or any of numerous other issues, these states hold others with vastly larger populations hostage, impeding broadly popular policies in a profoundly anti-democratic fashion.

It may not be fair to the non-GOP voters in those states, it may be misdirected resentment, but I don't think it's all that difficult to understand why people from majority Democrat, northern states might be kind of tired of the south and midwest's collective shit at this point. If the GOP-leaning demographics in those states could either be dropped into a volcano, or, failing this, soundly beaten at the ballot, it would go a long way towards addressing this stereotype

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 6 points 14 hours ago

Also, not everyone that is good at a job has the personality to be in management. I've found myself in several management roles before I realized I absolutely hate being responsible for other peoples' work and am just not cut out for it.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

A combination of factors made it happen. First up, you had low turnout. Only 20.5% of voters actually voted in that election, the lowest of the past 30 years.

Aside from that, Adams had strong support amongst voters of color. For people who don't live and/or work in these communities, it can seem like voting against their interests and be surprising, but non-white voters are not a monolithic block. Quite often, majority black or Hispanic neighborhoods in the Bronx can prove more conservative than many people might expect, for example, particularly on social issues. A lot of my older co-workers from Latin America at the time, along with my mother-in-law, didn't view BLM protests as legitimate actions to begin with, and just thought of them as troublemakers looking to break stuff and loot. The "tough on crime to raise quality of life" message was really powerful for many of the people I know, and they took it completely uncritically. There's also a ton of super religious folks that won't support Democrats over things like LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, and other culture war GOP talking points. I can't really speak to the Black community, but if you learn Spanish, there's also just a ton of casual racism, sexism and homophobia that would probably shock people.

In addition to conservative social inclinations, lots of these folks are not what you would describe as well-informed. My elderly Ecuadorian, Dominican and Peruvian co-workers at that time were constantly buying into totally baseless conspiracies they got sent on WhatsApp. That and the 2020 presidential election cycle was super frustrating at home, as my mother-in-law would religiously watch the news on Univision, where they would trot out "scandals" and conspiracies that had been disproven weeks earlier and abandoned in the English-media, but Univision knew they could get away with airing for the significant portion of their audience with limited or no English. I even remember watching the news with her, my wife and her sister, who are both fluent in English, and the three of us getting upset that an interview in which we could hear the original English statements were being translated entirely inaccurately.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 10 points 5 days ago

When I have an option not to, I don't. Unfortunately, the way health insurance works here, I often don't have an option. With the insurance I had through my previous job, basically as soon as I requested a second refill, the pharmacy benefits would go "Hey, we won't cover this anymore, unless you switch to 90-day refills via CVS Caremark." At some points last year, that could easily have been $500-$1,000/month more for me to pay for my meds in order to keep getting them at the pharmacy two blocks away, and I just didn't have it. Instead of going there and having pretty much all my prescriptions filled in an hour or less, I got to enjoy Caremark not letting me refill until the last minute, then encountering shipping delays with medications I really shouldn't have been abruptly missing doses of.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago

Even if English is your first language, it's not always easy to maintain your composure when talking about a topic you're emotionally invested in or under a lot of stress about. I would take a different stance about a driver that drops f bombs every other word, but this prudishness about occasional profanity is silly.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 34 points 1 month ago

On the other hand, that's a pretty rough looking 27 year old. He looks like a 60s something bro who never stopped lifting.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 49 points 3 months ago

In my experience, it's not just a lack of reading comprehension, but often some combination of an utter lack of curiosity, laziness and defeatism. Many other things, like video games, have escaped the realm of being reserved only for nerds and gone mainstream, yet computers remain something people just constantly assume are hopelessly complicated.

I know for a fact my mother-in-law can read just fine, as she spends most of her day reading novels and will gladly spend the rest of it telling me about them if I happen to be there. Yet when it comes to her cell phone, if there's any issue at all, she just shuts down. She would just rather not be able to access her online banking in the Citi bank app for weeks or months at a time, until one of us goes and updates it for her, rather than reading the banner that says "The version of this app is too old, please click here to update and continue using it." and clicking the damn button. If anyone points this out to her, though, she just gets worked up in a huff and tells us "I'm too old to understand these things, you can figure it out because you're still young." She will eventually figure these things out and do them for herself if nobody does it for her for a while, but her default for any problem with her phone is to throw her hands up and declare it a lost cause first. I've seen a lot of people have the same sort of reactions, both young and old. No "Hey, let's just see what it says," just straight to deciding it's impossible, so they don't even bother to check what's going on.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 65 points 3 months ago

If you read the article, it's defined purely in terms of income:

The poll, commissioned by the National True Cost of Living Coalition, found that around 65 percent of Americans who are considered “middle class,” earning above 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL), are in a financial struggle.

In a way, it kind of proves the point that we need to reevaluate what the actual cost of living is in the modern age. For a family of 4 to be considered middle class by this metric, they would have an income of $62,400/year or higher. For a single individual, it's just $30,120/year. I don't know anywhere in the US where making $15 an hour means you're in the middle class, yet the federal government wants to keep acting like it's the 1980s and you can live it up to an extent on such a meager income.

That being said, financial struggle doesn't necessarily mean they're one step away from being destitute. It could just be a struggle to maintain their current standard of life, where is used to be taken as a given that this would improve over time.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 43 points 4 months ago

I'm sure it won't happen, but there's a part of me that would just love to hear that when the negotiations get to Idaho, Idaho is just like "Nah, hard pass, we don't want you either."

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 60 points 4 months ago

Yeah, talking about jobs being created without any context on the types of jobs being created is meaningless. Great, there are now more part-time jobs paying minimum wage with no benefits and erratic schedules near me, just the sort of job creation I was waiting for so I could regress in my career.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 34 points 4 months ago

What is this setup that requires thousands and thousands of dollars to achieve encryption? It's just typing 'y' and hitting enter during my install, if anything. It's good general practice and the highest cost involved is a totally negligible effort to type an additional password in at boot. It's not like we were talking about rigging up some crazy kill switch that somehow physically destroy your drives at a keystroke if you think the feds have shown up.

[-] shikitohno@lemm.ee 37 points 5 months ago

Honestly, cover letters are something that needs to die out for most jobs, they're entirely pointless. 99% of the time, it just seems like they want you to rehash the contents of your resume and grovel a bit for the company. Screw that.

You want someone with 5 years experience in a role, my resume shows I have ten years doing that job, make your call if it's good enough to interview me or not. I'm not writing an essay about how excited I am for the opportunity to count widgets at your company, and how it's always been a dream of mine to work inventory control for a company that changes the world by ensuring stock buybacks can regularly happen by overworking and underpaying their staff.

Biggest waste of time I see recommended for applications. I don't apply to any job that requires them.

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