Ah Dr Horribles. An underrated classic that all nerds should see, something that could only come out of the writers strikes back then. Such a unique and funny thing. Of course now the songs are stuck in my head

Like us pc gamers don't know how to wait out a game

Not to mention people talking, kids crying/screaming/bright phones/other distractions that staff aren't allowed to do anything about. When I'm at home I get a giant OLED screen, my own sound system, quality snacks, and no distractions

Are they going to start making AAA games worth more than 60? You make something like RDR2 I'll gladly pay over 100. You make another boring assassins creed I'll wait until it's 15.

Absolutely, they get too easily scratched without them. I get rid of the paper covers though, they just feel like ads.

That I25 expansion? What a fucking waste of money. 10 years later, not done and already it's filled

Just build fucking trains, Colorado. How do the springs and fort Collins not have rail already? Such a huge commuter corridor and there is nothing. Shameful

It wasn't us, it was the people who used it who really caused the failure.

"controversial", meaning everyone hates it except google

God preach here. "Our storefront works half the time, is clunky, bulky, filled with flashy ads and no substance, allows no customization, you can't add your own games, you can't run it on Linux, and our games will always assume you're trying to pirate or hack even when we know you just bought the game. Switch over now! You'll love it!

Broad generic claims like that tell me more

Once upon a time, after growth companies would shift from a growth stock to a stable stock. Instead of telling wall street "you can make money here" it would mean "you can keep your money relatively safe here". We apparently don't do that anymore. Seems like it would have been perfect for them.

it's a big pedo instance iirc

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech to c/satisfactory@lemmy.world

Oh I'm excited for this one!

spoilerThe HTTP API?! Oh I am building so many integrations with this. First up, discord webhooks to notify me when friends are playing!


Take your pick, they're all back!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

One of my favorites, just remembered it, and this article is from the AU's perspective.

I like that they have to explain it to Aussies because they don't understand why there would be a need for massive parking lots.

Not all US cities have reliable or widespread public transport networks, so it's likely that a similar number of Americans drive to and from concerts. As such, most stadiums in the US are surrounded by vast parking lots to accommodate all the vehicles - but not in Australia.


Eras is finally on streaming services, no more rental fees, enjoy all!

The elves began it (poptalk.scrubbles.tech)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.one/post/11673394

Every movement to oppose Christianity had its place. In the 80s they called themselves Satanists, even though they didn't believe in a literal Satan. In the 2000s we saw the introduction of "militant" atheism, externally dubbed the "new atheists." Now we have a new generation of ex-Christians who can speak to conservative Christian beliefs because they were able to get out. And they can remind everyone that it wasn't easy.

I am still a "militant atheist" in that I'm willing to speak my mind. I don't bring up my atheism unless someone makes their religion my business. The same for these people.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech to c/taylorswift@poptalk.scrubbles.tech

Personally my SO and I are heading to a friends house who will be having a small party with it playing, less to watch it but more to have it on in the background, but a chance to rewear out outfits

#taylorswift #swiftie #eras

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