
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Got an email from Aura saying they are working with Google to keep the functionality. I wish they were working on a Nextcloud integration instead. Anything to protect themselves from Google I'm the future.


Der Weitblick wird gesenkt und auf kurzfristig wirksame Projekte gestarrt.


Mindestens 52 Waffen oder gefährliche Gegenstände fehlen – darunter drei Granatwerfer und acht scharfe Schusswaffen. Seien an der Fachhochschule Polizei in Aschersleben verloren gegangen

[–] 31 points 1 week ago

Too little, too late. I'm on Lemmy now :)

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Unerwartet kommen die Streiks aus meiner Sicht gar nicht. Die Laufzeit von Tarifverträgen sind ja bekannt. Man Bucht also einfach innerhalb der Laufzeit, da besteht Freundespflicht, oder? Abgesehen davon finde ich es unangebracht vom Arbeitgeber noch nicht mal ein Angebot zu bekommen. Wenn man Streiks verhindern will, weil es so kritisch ist, den Betrieb am laufen zu halten, kann man dann nicht Beamte einsetzen? Die dürfen nicht streiken, soweit ich weiß.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I can tell you it's a very good digital picture frame for my needs that gets less convenient with this change by Google. I have one and gave one to my parents. This feature allows everyone with access to a shared Google photo album to contribute without an extra account or software and my parents get pictures of their grandchildren and what not. Also since the frame does nothing else but display pictures and play short videos it only needs to be plugged in and it does it's thing. It is quite wonderful to be honest. It is a shame that Google is taking this joy away.

[–] 38 points 2 weeks ago

This API changes takes away the reason I pay for Google One storage so I can cancel it. If I understand the article correctly I can move to iPhone to keep a similar feature, I just need to heart s photo to add it. Might as well abandon Google altogether.