[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 1 points 2 minutes ago

Isn't she just doing that to try and stop Steve Holt from being attracted to her mum instead of to her?

I don't think she was trying to get people to be nasty to her particularly, just trying to distract Steve.

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 1 points 4 minutes ago* (last edited 4 minutes ago)

Another exception: Archer

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

Here you go - DAGA:

An X aong the top means don't play this string for this chord. A circle means play this string without any fingers on the frets. And obviously a numbered circle on a fret means put that finger in this spot.

It's fairly simple to do those chords (and I suck at guitar, seriously), and they sound nice.

Hope that helps and you don't chuck your guitar :-)

EDIT - just realised that that's not even how I play G or A - same fret holds but I use different fingers for them.

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 3 points 7 hours ago

Biggest disappointment: 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 😞😞😞

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

That's what I thought, but really? Of all the cities in the world, the top two are 50 miles apart in central Scotland?

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 9 points 2 days ago

What does it mean by most addicted? And why are Glasgow and Edinburgh right up top?

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago


The Daddy Mac'll make ya...

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Oh, is THAT what it is? Thanks, I couldn't figure it out at all! πŸ‘

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

This is more of a fix than a feature, but I find that sometimes when I'm in my inbox, I can't get back to my home screen. It's inconsistent but it happens a lot, and I usually have to open a comment reply, then go to the thread, then the community, and then I can use the home button again.

It's something that happened with Sync for Reddit too, so it's not a new issue. I can't seem to work out a pattern of circumstances though, it just seems to happen randomly.

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 9 points 4 days ago

It was a shame how he carried on.

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

Well, that was an absolute waste of time.


Sorry Norway. Our jammy win in Oslo robbed you of a chance to experience a major tournament. Instead, your place went to a badly organised rabble, with no urgency, no ambition and not even basic ball control.

You should have been in this tournament, and that disgraceful excuse for a Scotland team should have been languishing in 3rd or 4th. How in god's name did we beat Spain?

Sorry Norway, you deserved better.

[-] sanguinepar@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Well done Hungary. Scotland have been an absolute shambles. I'm glad we're out tbh. Fuck off Clarke.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by sanguinepar@lemmy.world to c/football@lemmy.world

Of limited interest, I'm sure, but I spent a bit of time working all this out, and wanted to post it before Scotland go 2 down after 5 minutes tomorrow and render it all moot...


If Scotland lose to Hungary, we're out. No ifs, buts, or maybes.

If we draw then we need at least 2 out of 3 scenarios to happen in order to sneak through:

  • Spain beat Albania AND Italy beat Croatia
  • Turkey beat Czechia AND Portugal beat Georgia
  • Denmark beat Georgia AND England beat Slovenia by 5 or more (I think)

If Scotland win against Hungary then any 2 (or more) of these scenarios gets us through

  • Spain avoid defeat to Albania (Scotland would finish better than Albania and also better than one of Croatia or Italy, regardless of their result)

  • Netherlands beat Austria (Scotland would be ahead of both Austria and Poland)

  • England avoid defeat to Slovenia (Scotland would be ahead of Slovenia and also at least one of Denmark or Serbia).

  • There's also the possibility that Slovenia hammer England (Scotland could finish better than England on goal difference and also would be ahead of at least one of Denmark or Serbia)

  • Portugal avoid defeat to Georgia (Scotland would be ahead of Georgia and also ahead of one of Turkey or Czechia)

  • Even if Georgia did win, we could beat them on GD, but we'd have to thrash Hungary, so not likely.

  • No draws on match day 3 in group E. Doesn't matter who wins, as long as two teams do.

  • Or, if there are 1 or 2 draws in group E then it comes down to goal difference, so we would have to hammer Hungary, see above.

And yes, I made a spreadsheet to work all this out... :-)

submitted 1 month ago by sanguinepar@lemmy.world to c/pics@lemmy.world

Great timing. Unless they're thinking they might get a new manager bounce without actually appointing a new manager?


Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please... 🀞🀞🀞

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by sanguinepar@lemmy.world to c/mst3k@lemmy.world

RIP Roger, thanks for Gunslinger, The Undead, Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell and so many more.


FFS, not this bullshit again... Hopefully fan pressure can fight it off just like last time.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by sanguinepar@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

Example post: https://lemmy.world/post/14058825

I've no idea if this is technically possible at all, but on posts like the one above, where multiple images have been added, it would be really handy to be able to swipe between them as if they were in a gallery. At present it's a case of open one, close it, open the next, etc...

Same for comments, not sure if that would be different than posts.

Thanks :-)

submitted 4 months ago by sanguinepar@lemmy.world to c/49ers@lemmy.world

Let's go Niners!!!


TLDR - Blue cards will be for dissent and cynical fouls. Two blues means red. Blue plus yellow also equals red.



😬 😲 😒


Great news for Liverpool and for Scotland! Fingers crossed he comes through the rest of the season unscathed and leads us to glory in Germany!

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