You can never seem to remember where you parked your car and you wander a parking garage for eternity
Can you make a map comparing 2020 to 2024? Was voter turnout like this last time? Cool map btw. Thank you
Wave race was legit. I still think about that game and I'm an old gamer
ChildIDFile. Creates a secure file of your kid's information that lives only on your personal device but can be shared with police quickly. Hopefully you never need it
Kamala won and is the better candidate
Samesies. Geocities and MySpace were a good time. I now only keep the FartBook because of business not pleasure
Good, please do it right. This is good news
I have washed shoes on gentle before with success. Technique, I put them in a pillowcase that closes first to keep laces from tangling
It is a bummer that you are feeling financially stressed, but the price of things won't get better by electing a felon. His stated policies will make things worse
Meh, it works for me. I like it here more than reddit. Sorry that you haven't found your groove. It toom me a while of finding the right things to subscribe and right folks to follow before my feed felt fun and interesting. I use Lemmy as a jumping off point for rabbit holes that are interesting to me
Connect works for me