[-] rezz@lemmy.world 2 points 4 hours ago

One of the best scenes of that entire show tbh. That was when it peaked.

[-] rezz@lemmy.world 2 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

It should have. This is why I joined, and in fact there’s no technology reason why it shouldn’t have. The CEO et al simply did not understand that the content creator was their customer and viewed them, somehow, with disdain—despite being anti IP anarchist types, they were oxymoronic when it came to understanding who they needed to serve.

I think the best way for it to live on is as a software fork / side chain to BTC/BCH. Or you could refactor it completely against Celestia. Ethereum it wouldn’t work because the data shards demand too much and would cause L1 fee spikes.

[-] rezz@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

I worked for LBRY before Odysee spin off. Worst culture from the C-Suite you could ever imagine. Autistic sociopathy is the only way to describe it.

[-] rezz@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Must be keeping Spida then.

submitted 1 week ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It's game FIVE of Mavericks vs Celtics.

The Mavs staved off the sweep with the biggest victory of the entire playoffs. 3-1 has been done, as Nick Nurse once said—will they push it to 7 or end in a Gentleman’s Sweep?

Thanks for joining us all season everyone who has participated.

submitted 2 weeks ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It's game FOUR of Mavericks vs Celtics.

If the Celtics win, they will be the first team ever to sweep both conference and NBA Finals, with a final combined season+postseason record of 80-20

Thanks for joining us all season everyone who has participated.

If this is it—see you in the off season!

submitted 2 weeks ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It's game THREE of Mavericks vs Celtics.

Thanks for joining us all season everyone who has participated.

Welcome to the first NBA Finals series in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It's game TWO of Mavericks vs Celtics.

Thanks for joining us all season everyone who has participated.

Welcome to the first NBA Finals series in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It's game one of Mavericks vs Celtics. Celtics have home court advantage.

Thanks for joining us all season everyone who has participated.

Welcome to the first NBA Finals series in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 1 month ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It’s the conference finals! Game five edition.

The Wolves once again face elimination.

Welcome to the first playoffs in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 1 month ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It’s the conference finals! Game four edition.

The Pacers and Timberwolves both face elimination.

Welcome to the first playoffs in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 1 month ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It’s the conference finals! Game three edition.

Welcome to the first playoffs in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 1 month ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It’s the conference finals! Game two edition.

Welcome to the first playoffs in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 1 month ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It’s the conference finals!

Welcome to the first playoffs in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 1 month ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

It’s Game 7 day! Threads are below.

Welcome to the first playoffs in any Lemmy NBA community history.

submitted 1 month ago by rezz@lemmy.world to c/nba@lemmy.world

The Thunder face elimination vs the Mavericks.

Welcome to the first playoffs in any Lemmy NBA community history.

[-] rezz@lemmy.world 38 points 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

We need an encyclopedia of posts/content like this that is the masterbook of Fediverse ops and scaling "how-to."

[-] rezz@lemmy.world 38 points 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
[-] rezz@lemmy.world 64 points 7 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

This is elite self-hosting, lol. I want more of this content.

[-] rezz@lemmy.world 36 points 9 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)


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