[-] red@sopuli.xyz 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

No,. another type of ML algo could, but not an LLM. It doesn't work like that.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 3 points 6 days ago

I put all those in different files

compont/functions/foo.ext etc.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 3 points 6 days ago

It still works. is_this_thing_some_thingy. Is is just a prefix for if the suffix returns true/false.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

The truth is, this is the perfect type of a comment that makes an LLM hallucinate. Sounds right, very confident, but completely full of bullshit. You can't just throw money on every problem and get it solved fast. This is an inheret flaw that can only be solved by something else than a LLM and prompt voodoo.

They will always spout nonsense. No way around it, for now. A probabilistic neural network has zero, will always have zero, and cannot have anything but zero concept of fact - only stastisically probable result for a given prompt.

It's a politician.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 15 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

That's not a Google issue. That's literally each and every public traded corporation. They need to maximize shareholders profits by definition.

Could we stop stock markets and that? I'd love it.

I don't believe anyone decided to step in deeper shit one step at a time, they listed, and from there onwards it's the only possible path. Death by a thousand greedy strokes.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 69 points 1 week ago

50% nic lmao. Fake as hell.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 74 points 7 months ago

Take note US. This is how we handle shitty practices in scandinavia.

Imagine if someone tried to implement tipping culture here.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 53 points 8 months ago

Still no proof capsaicin caused the death. I'm eagerly awaiting for what the autopsy unveils

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 41 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

That's because the law wasn't made because rich assholes, but because broken exhausts, wether by design or by negligence, are a god damn nuisance.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 61 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

They didn't optimize it for consoles either. Series X has equivalent of 3060 RTX graphical grunt, yet it's capped to 30fps and looks worse than most other AAA games that have variable framerates up to 120fps. Todd says they went for fidelity. Has he played any recent titles? The game looks like crap compared to many games from past few years, and requires more power.

The real reason behind everything is the shit they call Creation Engine. An outdated hot mess of an engine that's technically behind pretty much everything the competition is using. It's beyond me why they've not scrapped it - it should have been done after FO4 already.

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 51 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You can uninstall the Xbox app. Why that's not done by your work domain admin is peculiar, or are you using random consumer installations?

[-] red@sopuli.xyz 47 points 9 months ago

With Sync you can just pre-emptively filter based on keywords.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by red@sopuli.xyz to c/diablo@lemmy.world

Talking about tickets made via battle.net

Long story short, there's an issue and I provided multiple different proofs about it. I've received the exact same boilerplate reply 3 times in a row, and I've supplied more and more data and information each time.

It's not like the person going through the ticket is even reading it.

Is there any avenue, does anyone know, how I could eacalate?

Edit: and the reason I ask this my issue is not resolved, and the rep issued my account a warning. I'm wondering if it's cheap labor just not giving a shit.

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