[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 1 points 11 hours ago

Yeah, low turnout is basically the only way Republicans win anymore. That's actually why I'm still pretty worried about Biden's chances; the way he's handled Israel is killing enthusiasm in young progressives and (more importantly) Muslims in Michigan.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 1 points 13 hours ago

Also, to add to this, mountain lions are cats that are roughly the size of humans and really aren't much of a threat to us. I'm not saying you could kill one with your bear hands, and they have been know to kill adult humans if they can get the drop on them, but they really aren't a huge threat head on. The safety advice for dealing them is to get aggressive, look big, throw rocks and sticks at them, and physically fight them off if they attack, as they're usually easily driven off. If we had the physiology and relative muscle mass of gorillas, we'd probably kill them pretty easily.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 6 points 14 hours ago

Yeah, my theory for why she stayed in so long was because she was waiting to see if one of his trials caused him to drop out. Also, my understanding is that political parties aren't obligated to select the candidate primary voters choose, and the leadership could just go into a back room and pick whoever they like.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I do. I also remember her campaign intentionally elevating Trump in the primaries and ignoring Michigan organizers who begged her campaign to focus on the rust belt. I think I'll reserve my sympathy for all the election officials, prosecutors, judges, jurors and even assault victims who became Trump's punching bags without helping him ascend to the highest office in the country through their own hubris, and not worry about what Clinton might feel she's owed.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

Hillary Clinton makes every piece of news about Trump into an excuse to relitigate an election she lost due to her campaign's spectacular incompetence

Clinton chuds: wHy ArE YoU oBseSseD wItH hEr?!?!?

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

By turning a victory for Alvin Bragg and the criminal justice system into a fundraising opportunity for a smug, self-centered narcissist.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Trumps conviction is the best news we've had in months, if not years, and she ruined it in 48 hours.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

Yup. Sly Cooper still looks great as well.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

It's also a pain walking around with ham in my pockets in case I want to go to Dunks.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 71 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Zooey Deschanel and Katey Perry are actually the same person and no one can convince me otherwise. Yes, I know Katy Perry did a music video about how similar they look; it wasn't her trying to be a part of the joke, it was her mocking us by showing us the grift. Wake up sheeple.

[-] pjwestin@lemmy.world 25 points 3 days ago

The simplified menu now features-

Simplified menus are why Panera Bread now sucks. A hedge fund bought them, decided they could save a small percentage by dropping their turkey distributor, so they dropped the Turkey Bacon Bravo, their most popular sandwich, from the menu. The same thing happened to Dunks, which is why ham is no longer available on breakfast sandwiches. This is the stage capitalism we're at; destroying popular goods and services to squeeze a few cents of temporary profits out for shareholders.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by pjwestin@lemmy.world to c/politicalmemes@lemmy.world

Tankie's original use was for British communists who supported Soviet military expansion. In the modern sense, it is used to describe communists who are authoritarian-apologists. For example, a communist who romanticizes the Soviet Union or makes excuses for the Uyghur genocide is a tankie. I've also seen it stretched to include militant anti-capitalists, or more commonly, "militant," anti-capitalists who call for violent resistance to capitalism from the safety of a keyboard.

Democratic-Socialists are not tankies. Socialists are not tankies. I don't even think most communists qualify as tankies. Criticizing Democrats does not make you a tankie. Condemning Israel's human rights violations does not make you a tankie. Voting third party doesn't make you a tankie. I see this term used here every day, but never correctly.

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