[-] pelotron@midwest.social 10 points 23 hours ago

It will be nice for Steam Deck and desktop Linux gamers. Discord will never fix their Linux game audio capture, and using OBS for this might be too complex for some people (and has its own issues on Wayland).

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 8 points 1 day ago

I just saw their Big Time video! Glad those guys have the guts to do that.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 2 points 1 day ago

If hallucinogens are illegal, the sovereignty of your mind has already been undermined =o

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 10 points 1 day ago

Beware that points like this suggest that messaging platforms should be monitoring all communications sent between users. If that's the world you want to live in, ok, fine... But in this case the guy that committed the crime is the one who has been punished. Isn't that the correct result?

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 11 points 1 day ago

Donut - how? All the giga-sponsors they take lately?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by pelotron@midwest.social to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by pelotron@midwest.social to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml

I just found this cool utility a couple days ago and have found that it's a great solution to sandboxed versions of Discord being unable to provide rich presence. It's a Python script that queries the Steam web API to get info to forward to Discord's API. The "installer" sets up a systemd service that will auto-run the script for you.

It requires you to get your own Steam API key which was a trivial, though slightly buggy, process for me. You can optionally use your own Discord app ID, or just use the one owned by the guy that created this script.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 76 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Midwesterner here. This is correct. Though it's missing anti-abortion ads and the PORN DESTROYS ALL LIVES signs that always follow the Adult Superstore ones.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 58 points 2 months ago

A vast amount of the Pacific Garbage Patch consists of discarded commercial fishing gear.

RIP James Randi (midwest.social)

RIP James Randi who died before anyone could claim the his prize for playing RB1 over the board against Levy.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by pelotron@midwest.social to c/micromobility@lemmy.world

Sorry for the messy work bench but that's how it is with my DIY projects. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the Build Kit Boards Duo kit with a custom battery setup.

The battery enclosure is one from their site that is on fire sale due to being left over from their previous kit version. It doesn't exactly fit so I did a little work on it with a hacksaw. It is bound to the board via 8 thumb screws that attach to steel threaded inserts that I installed on the deck. I do have to remove all the screws to take the batteries out and charge them... I'd like to come up with a better solution but no good ideas so far.

For batteries I'm running three 5000mAh 4S LiPo batteries in series, so effectively a 12 cell. There is room in the enclosure for three more of these so I can have two 12 cell packs in parallel. I'm hoping for a 25 mile range from that setup.

I commuted to work on this this morning and had a blast! Electric skateboards kick ass.

I can't use AMD (midwest.social)

It's necessary for my very important hobby of generating anime nudes.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 110 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

McCain is one of the old guard Republicans that went down fighting. His final vote thumbs down for the repeal of the ACA was legendary. I didn't vote for him but I do have great respect for him.

Contrast that against all the limp dicks who are silently retiring instead of speaking out and trying to right the ship.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 82 points 4 months ago

"Alright, now that I'm logged in to my cloud terminal account, let me enter my root password for sudo."

submitted 4 months ago by pelotron@midwest.social to c/metal@lemmy.world

This song popped up on Sirius XM this past weekend and I loved it. It's like a blend of Dimmu and Wilderun.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 55 points 5 months ago

This meme brought to you by people who get all their news from memes


submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by pelotron@midwest.social to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

I've been gaming on Kubuntu for over 2 years now but recently have been getting interested in Garuda. I've booted into the live Dragonized Gaming iso and was really impressed with the out of the box gaming-centric setup.

I've also been looking for more reasons to switch away from Ubuntu, and have been hit with the EOL countdown for plasma in 23.04, so the time is right for a distro hop. With the latest Garuda release they added an official Hyprland variant which looks really cool too.

Does anyone use Garuda? What are your impressions/thoughts/experiences? What should I expect from switching to an Arch base? Same questions for Hyprland too.

I have 16 gigs of ram, an Intel i7 something and an nVidia 2080.

Edit: I booted into the Hyprland live iso last night and I must say, Hyprland is cool af. Really a breath of fresh air and very intuitive. I'm going to run with the install this weekend.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 43 points 9 months ago

And he makes himself right at home.

I have two nieces who get bullied at school about different things. One so bad that she is switching to online-only for the next school year.

Anti-bullying my fuckin ass. Schools aren't doing shit other than waving some flags around.

[-] pelotron@midwest.social 59 points 10 months ago

I still wonder why console players allowed their online services to require subscriptions in the first place.

Just to clarify (midwest.social)

Anyone have any tips on good places to view this outside of the metro area? I live in Olathe and have tried the area around Hillsdale Lake before which was alright, but still had quite a bit of glow in the horizon.

Johnson county election today (www.kansascity.com)

Don't forget to vote in these elections today! Local elections are where your votes carry the most power!

Citizen 7875-H04945 (midwest.social)
submitted 11 months ago by pelotron@midwest.social to c/watches@lemmy.ml

Inherited from my Opa whose memorial service I'm attending today. Has kind of an old man vibe to it, but I think it looks really sharp.

It was absolutely filthy when I got it. I spent about two hours de-gunking it, and what I assume is gold plating on the bracelet has almost entirely worn off. But I've enjoyed wearing it the last couple days. ๐Ÿ™‚

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