[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 5 points 18 hours ago

Aldi in the US always gives me the option at checkout to pay later, I've never explored it to find out the fine print

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 5 points 4 days ago

Definitely not my genre, but you could try The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion? It's fairly comedic but I think checks all your boxes pretty well, including the last two (maybe not quite hate but definitely don't view each other as romantic prospects)

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 43 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Tariffs in general aren't inherently bad if they protect domestic interests, especially against a foreign power that is subsidizing production as part of an economic power play. If Trump had limited his tariffs to China and Russia not included all of our allies I would have agreed with him. If we didn't desperately need more EVs and if US automakers weren't such colossal assholes about making good cheap EVs I'd agree with this one

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 20 points 2 weeks ago

Oh ho ho, where have you been that you think they'll hold their own side to this standard?

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 15 points 2 weeks ago

Funny thing is they aren't even GMOs, they're hybrids between tetraploid and diploid watermelon cultivars. You could do it yourself in your backyard if you can find tetraploid seed for sale, or make it yourself with colchicine

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 18 points 2 months ago

https://freesewing.org/ has somewhat limited patterns but they're flexible and a really cool project!

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 13 points 2 months ago

The point is that iPhone users are locked into (or strongly penalized for not using) Apple services like Apple wallet and storage and other apple devices like apple watches or earbuds, rather than competing openly. My partner has an iPhone and the hoops we have to jump through to get some--not all--google photos, Fitbit, and Klipsch headphones features working is mindboggling. Apple watches also straight up wouldn't work without another apple devices to phone home to last I checked. That's the anticompetitive lawsuit

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 14 points 2 months ago

"We need you to stop ~~making a good product~~ forcing your customers to only use your version so your customers can finally move away from it." Fixed it. Non-apple watches, for instance, can't use GPS from an iPhone or cause it to emit sound to local lost phones, despite being previously able to, demonstrating no technical limitations just a walled-garden limitation

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 13 points 6 months ago

US funding for basic research--the type that will lead to the truly paradigm-shifting breakthroughs--has also been in decline for 50+ years as a proportion of GDP. While bureacracy could be an obstacle, the much larger one is insufficient resources to fund a lot of moonshots that may fizzle or may result in 'zero to one's innovation, as the author states

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 14 points 9 months ago

Mirror every object. You don't realize how many things are designed with a right-handed assumption unless you aren't right handed. Also, most people can't read well anymore because it's all backwards

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 16 points 9 months ago

He rarely pays his own lawyers, why the heck would he pay anyone else's?

[-] niucllos@lemm.ee 63 points 10 months ago

If you've ever played around with an old-style lighter (think classic Zippo) you'd get it! They're fairly expensive, and aren't airtight so they need to be refilled every few days/weeks. If you fill them too much they need to be kept upright or they'll spill lighter fluid on you. Super cool and can hold flames for a while but not nearly as conventient as a matchbook for quick fire lighting

submitted 11 months ago by niucllos@lemm.ee to c/bugmenagerie@possumpat.io
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