[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 55 points 2 months ago

This is the death penalty with extra steps.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 51 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

In the future, it could power virtual avatars that render locally and don't require video feeds—or allow anyone with similar tools to take a photo of a person found online and make them appear to say whatever they want.

...or open a dystopian hellscape of disinformation, scams and corporate police state control of information at an unprecedented scale! Three cheers for the reckless pursuit of technology for technologies sake!

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 33 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I don't really trust my car to autobreak. This could be just as dangerous as it is safe. Imagine going down the highway in busy traffic and having your breaks lock up because your car had a Tesla Moment and thought the truck driving in front of you was at a full stop.

Automated vehicles systems in general have proven to be disastrous and poorly designed over the recent years. This is premature.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 32 points 2 months ago

That's why I carry an ethernet cable and a shillelagh.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 74 points 2 months ago

Really demonstrates how being in the GOP will rot your brain and morals pretty quick.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 34 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Eh, I'll take what I can get. The CCP is a far, far worse influence than the US, their global influence should definitely be restricted wherever possible until the regime changes.

Anyone who has problems with US geopolitical behavior should easily be able to recognize the CCP as a path to an even darker fascist future for humanity.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 125 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

She hasn't caught up to the fact that the game is now "try to claw back a semblence of seriousness for the party and hope the public forgets the last eight years of fully mask-off right-wing politics".

That's why Mike Johnson was brought in. He's just as crazy as the rest of the far-right and is committed to their theocratic white nationalist policies, he just doesn't get embroiled in twitter flame wars or say face-palm stupid stuff about jewish space lasers in public.

It's interesting to see the GOP in retreat for once. I guess catching the car on abortion has been a painful lesson.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 112 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

They are really pushing hard to make it seem like protestors are a powder keg. Same old fascist playbook.

They did the same thing with Occupy Wallstreet and BLM; bring in the police to be violent and cause clashes, use the chaotic footage to make protestors look violent.

Same shit China did in Hong Kong as well...

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 42 points 2 months ago

Tell me there's a modern aristocracy without telling me there's a modern aristocracy.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 89 points 2 months ago

There are attacks on info outlets as well, bots are mass reporting Ukranian youtube channels that have been reporting on the war, getting them perma banned despite Youtube basically acknowledging to the owners that it's bot spam.

If Ukraine lost it wouldn't just be a massive blow to Ukraine itself, it would severely undermine the credibility of NATO countries and western allies generally.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 58 points 2 months ago

It kind of illustrates why anarchy is as doomed to fail as libertarianism; note the use of force and the fact that the anarchists friends are not there defending him.

Anarchy cannot defend itself from organized outside threats because it is, by its nature, not organized, particularly in its use of force to confront fascism.

[-] natural_motions@lemmynsfw.com 64 points 2 months ago

Somehow he found a way to insult English and French speakers in one fell swoop

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