[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 55 points 2 weeks ago

They do work, but are basically worse in every way.

Bearings are really impressive pieces of engineering that require really tight tolerances to reduce wear and friction. On a traditional bike you have a small bearing at the center that is a standard mass manufactured commodity part.

On these they’re turning the whole wheel in to a giant speciality bearing. It has to spin faster, has to deal with force being applied to a small section rather than the whole bearing, and has way more surface area where dirt could get in and grind against the surfaces.

So these are more expensive, way heavier, higher friction, less reliable, harder to repair, and faster to wear out.

But they look futuristic don’t they?

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 37 points 3 weeks ago

See, I have no doubt they would if they could, but i doubt such things are actually feasible.

Like right now I just refresh the page to skip ads on my phone.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 70 points 1 month ago

The vast majority of the crypto world failed to understand one key concept, money is not the value for which goods/services are exchanged, it is the value by which they are exchanged. People do not have a use or value for money beyond what it can be exchanged for, if no one is willing to exchange for it, it has no value.

Crypto only had value as a currency if people would accept it for goods or services, and the only thing people ever accepted it as payment for, in any meaningful capacity, were illegal goods and services. The value beyond that was purely based on a speculative ideological assumption that people would abandon the traditional banking system for a new system that they couldn’t buy anything with.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 65 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Almost like the system is compensating for more than just a “minor hiccup” caused by the pandemic, almost like that’s a convenient excuse to cover up a decade of mismanagement of investment.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 36 points 3 months ago

What I find most interesting, is not that twitter is failing in active users faster than the others, but that all the other listed in the article are also all seeing a decline in user ship. Even the new “up and comer” TikTok is losing users.

To some extent I suspect that it’s just a result of people breaking their social medias built during the pandemic. But is there something else? Are they just going to new platforms? Is there a modal shift on how people congregate online driven by the issues with platforms? Or are people just spending less time online with the pandemic mostly over.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 29 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The US didn’t have a base in Israel till 2017, it’s never really been a significant base of operation for US forces. Us forces have more presence in basically every country in the region with the exception of Yemen, Egypt and Iran. Hell, there’s even a base Syria.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 82 points 4 months ago

“ We promise it’s not just jewelry for men, promise, because men don’t wear jewelry. This is just a tool, and maybe a status symbol, but definitely not in the way jewelry can be a status symbol.”

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 34 points 4 months ago

Yah, people don’t seem to get that LLM can not consider the meaning or logic of the answers they give. They’re just assembling bits of language in patterns that are likely to come next based on their training data.

The technology of LLMs is fundamentally incapable of considering choices or doing critical thinking. Maybe new types of models will be able to do that but those models don’t exist yet.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 71 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

What makes a good convincing conspiracy theory is that has elements of truth. If you really get in to the groups of people who actually discuss and propagate this theory, they think this stuff is more coordinated, wide spread, and competent than it actually is.

I would be careful treating “dead internet theory” as plausible until you actually dig in to the stuff proponents of it believe, you’ll quickly realize they go beyond “there are a lot of bots on the internet, shitty boiler plate content, and astroturfing campaigns” to color revolution theory, NWO theory, and other Lyndon LaRouche esque stuff. Like it’s a deep fucking rabbit hole that you would not suspect from the surface level ideas that are often presented when talking about it.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 32 points 5 months ago

One thing I think is severely underutilized is acquisition of limited information as a game mechanic.

Like, having the information available to the player change depending on how they build a character or interact with the world. So like, rather than just having the player know what the health of enemies is, or know exactly where things are with a compass, or being able to pinpoint their location on the map.

I play a lot of strategy games and particularly in those I think having to manage how orders get to units and information on what they see getting from them to me would be really interesting as more of a focus.

Or like in management games the player often has perfect information on the state of the market or organization they’re running, what if like, you had to get that through Jerry from accounting? What if Jerry lied? What if having to figure out Jerry from accounting is under reporting something to skim off the top was a game mechanic?

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 74 points 6 months ago

You are now an honorary American.

[-] megopie@lemmy.blahaj.zone 53 points 8 months ago

Facebook owns what’s app and they can read any message on the service, they’ve also been known to give logs and messages to law enforcement agencies at request without warrants.

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