There is a shortcut action to shut down the phone which you could trigger with an automation, I suppose.
Huh? What context is this list set up in? I don't really see how it relates to the medication issue.
because the earth is big and you don't have a hard drive big enough to store it locally?
They're saying developers dislike having to review other code that's unfamiliar to them, not having their code reviewed.
In solchen Momenten bin ich wieder mal furchtbar dankbar für die DSGVO, die – wenn auch gerne mal absichtlich missverstanden – ein verhältnismäßig sehr solides Grundwerk zum Schutz unserer Daten vor genau solcher unternehmerischer Schikane geschaffen hat.
is that the one that says "fuck the color blind" because if so hey!! that's not nice
No usages
Their privacy policy includes a provision that they can use the cameras and GPS to infer things such as sexual orientation, so yeah.
They've already started:
Ja, ich versuche mich zurzeit auch an jedem kleinsten bisschen Hoffnung festzuhalten. Wenigstens etwas, wo es gerade nicht maximal schlimm läuft...