[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml 5 points 8 hours ago

I for one welcome our new alien overlord

[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml 29 points 8 hours ago

You forgot to account for the unborn babies, it's closer to a trillion

[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml 4 points 21 hours ago

Dating apps have landed me in abusive relationships more often than meeting people organically. Join a community group, meet people, work with them, hike and make art, youll meet people fall in love and get your heart broke, but theres no subscription fee

[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml 1 points 21 hours ago

Those who do not move, do not notice their chains. or something

[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml 21 points 1 day ago

Australian politicians have been arguing about nuclear energy for decades, and with whats going on now, petty distracting squabbling while state governments are gutting public infrastructure

The most frustrating thing is the antinuclear party is obviously fine with nuclear power, and nuclear armaments, just look at the aukus submarines

labors cries about the dangers to our communities and the environment are obviously disingenuous, or they wouldnt be setting a green light for the billionaire robber barons to continue tearing oil and minerals out of the ground (they promise to restore the land for real-sies this time)

Anyway, a nuclear power plant runs a steam turbine and will never be more than what, 30% efficient?

[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml 11 points 2 days ago

Lots of child abuse going on related to O9A, theyre evil fucks

[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml -2 points 5 days ago

Imagine being this upset about comments on a largely anonymous forum being deleted, if you care that much you can look in the modlog

[-] manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 days ago

Best practice is to use saline and a clean cloth to clean spray off with mechanical force

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml

!asklemmy@lemmy.ml - ARE YOU A TANKIE? - informal poll results ~

😱A ridiculous question. “Tankie” isn’t a term anyone self-identifies with, it’s mostly a term used by liberals to hurl at anyone to the left of them or anyone who agrees with western foreign policy. The survey results will be as meaningless as the term “tankie” itself.

Image description: A5 page, with various pie charts and text, indicating the results of an informal poll from lemmy.ml, full image text in spoiler

full image text




WE ASKED !asklemmy@lemmy.ml ARE YOU A TANKIE?

First stack of pie charts shows the yes / no split, highlights that the lemmy.ml yes responses made up less than half of the yes votes, hexbear.net and lemmygrad.ml only made up a small portion, some hexbear-ians even vote no
second and third pie charts show the yes votes, and no votes by instance respectively
third stacked pie chart shows the yes / no split by instance, overlay-ed with the total yes / no votes

only top level comments were counted
tankies are closer than they appear
Deeply unserious

full results / data

COUNTA of yes
@lemmy.ml = 10
@lemmygrad.ml = 5
@lemmy.world = 3
@lemmy.zip = 1
@hexbear.net = 3
@lemmy.sdf.org = 1
@lemmy.one = 1
Grand Total  = 24

COUNTA of no
@lemmy.ml = 2
@lemm.ee = 2
@lemmy.world = 8
@lemmy.blahaj.zone = 1
@reddthat.com = 1
@ttrpg.network = 1
@hexbear.net = 4
@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl = 1
Grand Total = 20

taken from archived post https://archive.md/AAY1L

this was fun, thanks for the polling idea, Kristina (I spent too long on these charts because yours looked so spiffy, I hope you specifically are impressed lol), solidarity cleaning that data up, and general reminder people only half read anything before launching into a diatribe

tl:dr yes, tankies are totally conspiring to make sure you have a bad time on lemmy.ml


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by manuallybreathing@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

edit: this is now closed future comments won't be counted

I keep seeing this instance is overrun with tankies so hey, lets do an informal survey like I've seen on hexbear

respond with YES or NO in the first line of your comment and i'll tally everything in a couple of days, lets say I'll try and collect everything on the sunday the 9th (10+gmt sorry)

not sure thisll work, be nice, have fun

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joined 11 months ago