[-] lung@lemmy.world -1 points 12 hours ago

Well im kinda opposed to the supreme court as a concept, it didn't even exist early on in American history, but it is what it is. The other laws will have to fall in like or Congress will have to act

[-] lung@lemmy.world 27 points 2 days ago
[-] lung@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

My understanding is that the time dilation effect is point of reference based. So to an external viewer, they would see you slow down and then fade away, red shifted, because the light has a harder and harder time escaping the pull of gravity. From your perspective it may be business as normal, not even particularly noticable (maybe)

What actually happens to you is anyone's guess currently. The classic view is that with a big enough black hole, you could safely pass the event horizon and explore a very weird region of space where everything (including light) is flowing in one direction. However, since hawking, physics has wrestled with the black hole information paradox — since black holes emit hawking radiation and shrink, is it that you're duplicated inside and outside? Are the two selves entangled? Do those entanglements rip apart? Or do you get disintegrated and stored on the surface? Is there an energetic barrier around the event horizon? Do you stop being 3D? Does time and space switch roles? Can you exit through a bridge to another part of the universe? Yep, we don't really know

Recommend PBS Spacetime on YT if you want to explore the theories

[-] lung@lemmy.world 68 points 2 weeks ago

Steal an unloved kitten and give her a good home

[-] lung@lemmy.world 95 points 2 months ago

Idk if that's the right takeaway, more like 'oh shit there's probably many of these long con contributors out there, and we just happened to catch this one because it was a little sloppy due to the 0.5s thing'

This shit got merged. Binary blobs and hex digit replacements. Into low level code that many things use. Just imagine how often there's no oversight at all

[-] lung@lemmy.world 73 points 4 months ago

I'm pretty sure that government software always blows because they think software can be written according to a fixed schedule and budget

It's tempting to think it's like building a house, and if you have the blueprints & wood, it'll just be fast and easy. Everything will go on schedule

But no, in software, the "wood" is always shape shifting, the land you're building on is shape shifting, some dude in Romania is tryna break in, and the blueprints forgot that you also need plumbing and electric lines

[-] lung@lemmy.world 74 points 5 months ago

Hahah what a hobby, using image processing and probably AI to check old papers that predated the tools. Kinda like using DNA to solve old crimes

[-] lung@lemmy.world 83 points 5 months ago

Tldr pandemic and not AI

[-] lung@lemmy.world 88 points 5 months ago

Personally I love Lemmy as is, and as long as it doesn't die out, I don't care if it goes mainstream. The mainstream has a lot of apathetic trolls and idiots - Lemmy feels like early reddit did, when it was just nerds, techies, pirates, and the servers were down every day - but Lemmy is better because we rallied around open source this time

[-] lung@lemmy.world 125 points 8 months ago

This is actually wrong. There's a near 100% chance that the decision was made by the board, and also the decision to remove the CEO. So we're talking about the fall guy, but being an insider, the fall guy will get a tidy sum for the dive

Then the CEO can be recycled to some other project, and a new CEO instated at Unity, so they can pivot or double down with no moral dilemma. In reality, the board was there all along and it's all a big PR game

[-] lung@lemmy.world 71 points 9 months ago

Yeah man I agree ketamine makes for boring orgies. Idk why these people insist on it. I'll be like "okay let's start washing off all the layers of sunscreen and dust" and the middle aged tech HR with two kids will be like "hold on I have to load my special ketamine bullet (that I purchased in Goa) with my veterinary K that I got from mexico" before doing half a line of coke to balance it out. Calvin Klein they call it

"No worries if I k-hole" she said with a wink before passing the fuck out. Then the main orgy coordinator couldn't get hard so he makes his wife wear a strap on. Eventually 18 different cops show up because one guy was smoking pot in the back of the circus tent

submitted 1 year ago by lung@lemmy.world to c/neovim@programming.dev

Zenith said:

URL: https://github.com/Zeioth/compiler.nvim

This compiler detects the filetype you are using. From there it detects the entry point of your program and compiles it with the correct compiler so you don't need to setup anything.

Currently it is on beta state and only works with c. More languages available in the coming days.

I rather releasing it now in case someone wants to participate and leave comments before I solidify the architecture.

I coded this for NormalNvim so take a look there if you want too.


submitted 1 year ago by lung@lemmy.world to c/neovim@programming.dev
submitted 1 year ago by lung@lemmy.world to c/joplinapp@sopuli.xyz

Hey guys I'm one of the most active mods of the Joplin reddit. I'd like to be modded here too and help build the community / roll people over

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lung@lemmy.world to c/neovim@programming.dev

Hey guys, I'm currently one of the active members the neovim reddit (hugelung), and I'm in full support of migrating to lemmy. I was hoping to be modded here, and helping migrate content / roll people over

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lung@lemmy.world to c/neovim@sopuli.xyz

Hey guys, I'm currently one of the active members the neovim reddit (hugelung), and I'm in full support of migrating to lemmy. I was hoping to be modded here, and helping migrate content / roll people over

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joined 1 year ago