I don't think it's lane surfing if you're not changing lanes. Anyway, this comment section has made me realize that it always just depends. Drive aware, keep safe distance, don't unnecessarily change lanes, let people pass (on the left) if they're going faster than you, etc.

The best advice I ever got about driving was "be predictable." I think if anyone really takes that to heart empathetically then it would be safer.

I find this scenario extremely rare as in most cases I'm envisioning, there is a middle turn lane separating the two opposite lanes. Either from a light or just as a buffer between the flows of traffic.

This is all to say, there aren't any hard and fast rules and there are too many scenarios to cover with a blanket statement like "The left lane is for passing. If you're not passing somebody, move over to the right lane. It's not that hard people" (comment above).

victorz said it more succinctly below.

See this is a sensible response to people getting unreasonably PO'd about this. You drive in "the left" (whatever that means to your relative position) until someone faster comes along and they can't move more left than you.

I get upset when some fuckwit is going 15+ over the flow of traffic and then that fuckwit gets pissed when he runs up on someone's ass expecting them to be aware of every dangerous fuckwit out there.

I know cardboard and especially aluminum is much easier to recycle, so doesn't just have to be plastic.

Yeah, that's a good point. I was trying to be too agreeable with the last guy but I think understanding the psychology of everyone that votes for trump, is enthusiastic about Biden, is on the fence for either of them is important. So we can potentially counteract that

He's my hero! I hope he's still getting something out of life as he's in Brazil with his wife. A true heartache knowing that his time here is coming to an end, because for as long as he could, he was still commenting on international affairs. A warrior for the truth, and I'm going to miss his commentary.

Okay, I will later when I have time. Probably days from now if not more than a week. One short thing I would argue is many things are generally worse with every passing year because (1) there has been a rightward trend in the Overton window, (2) the conservatives have been on a long, calculated campaign to gain political supremacy by diminishing voting rights, hacking away at federal power, and increasing the role of capital in political decision-making, primarily through the capture of the Judiciary (and its ideology).

Biden sucks and is pathetic in his response to RvW being overturned, for example. But it doesn't matter if you had Chomsky himself as president, nothing could have been done to change that decision.

I just don't think the solution is to then shift the Overton window even more right than where it is by voting for Trump, potentially making a lot of these issues (particularly in regards to voting rights), harder to shift left.

Yeah and I think we're both falling on the other side of these material conditions. I believe the material conditions of putting Trump in power is worse than having Biden.

This is a similar argument for accelerationism in Marxism. That we should make the world as capitalist as possible because the system will fail quicker and get replaced by something more just.

It's hard for me to believe that this would actually work in either case. The destruction in the meantime would be too great and it may reach a point where we can't climb back. In the case of Trump, he wants to be a dictator, and he may push voting rights so far in one direction that the people won't have a say at all.

[-] lets_get_off_lemmy@reddthat.com 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'm not the person you're responding to, but I would never advocate for Biden, but I would also never ~~support~~ advocate for Trump. He's clearly the worse option for a myriad of other reasons.

I really do understand why a Palestinian American would not vote for Biden right now though and would never ask them to.

That's just false. Two justices were appointed by Trump, one of which replaced RBG and she died. The other would arguably still be Kennedy because he wouldn't have retired under Clinton, and he was probably less reactionary than Kavanaugh (time will tell). Also, Trump appointed a massive amount of lower court judges and that greatly affects what cases even make it up to the Supreme Court. A 5-4 majority by conservatives is wildly different than a 6-3 majority with massive lower court support.

I don't know how you can say "Clinton wouldn't have been able to put any other judges in anyway" when we know that she would have replaced RBG.

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