I'm not surprised. Alito is straight up huffing Newsmax like it's paint but trying to hide it, Clarence Thomas is outwardly corrupt and unabashedly fascist, and the other conservatives are, weirdly, not as extreme and still attempt to maintain this air of professionalism and integrity in their profession. Don't get me wrong, they don't actually and in them we have a religious nut, an idiot frat boy, an egoist, and at the head, a conniving political operator. All of which are driving us closer to fascism in their own style.

But I get the feeling like John Roberts is embarrassed by Clarence Thomas and his clinically insane QAnon conspiracy wife or Alito and his "election was stolen" flag antics. So they're going to see things differently.

Same. I've found I'm most productive from like 3-7 pm, which sucks. I'd like to be productive in the morning or in the early afternoon instead of mostly past regular work hours.

Huh, I've never thought of this before... I like your example of chit-chat. Because for some instances, you could say that one engages in it to manipulate the other person into relieving their own anxiety from being silent around others. Or forcing the other person to give up their personal interests, or, more cynically, making the other person think you are interested.

I've never thought of communication like this before but now I'm going to manipulate everyone in real life into thinking I'm a know it all by telling them this lol

Nope, doesn't matter why, I'm just flabbergasted that people would still be like "hmmm I dunno, maybe this Trump guy is alright" after everything else. And I'm trying to imagine the psychology of a person that's on the fence about him for this long.

It's easier for me to understand the rabid fans and fascists than it is for me to understand those that are up in the air until now, so I was just throwing that out there.

Is this not deployed already? If it isn't, what the heck are we doing?

I agree with him. You have to take measures to protect the populace, like with traffic laws. If people can't abide by those rules and the science is sound (which it is in this case and in the case of traffic laws), then measures have to be taken to protect the community from those that refuse to abide by the verifiably safer option without due cause.

What those measures are can be deliberated amongst the community. Could be fines, could be jail time. I don't know what would compel someone to get a vaccine, but that could be determined over time.

[-] lets_get_off_lemmy@reddthat.com 11 points 3 weeks ago

I responded to your other comment, but I like this question too. I haven't been addicted to a substance, but I can firmly say for other things that the answer is "No". I'm not blacked out, I'm completely present when I'm making this choice, but sometimes there's a constant justification of "ok I'll do it this last time and tomorrow is when I'll resist it." And you keep doing that. And that voice gets weaker over time to where you just start accepting that this is what you do now. And that often comes with self-loathing and frustration.

Well, that's the difference. At different points in my life I've had varying levels of self-control. You have a higher bar than I do right now for what requires a self-control check.

My username is what it is for a reason. I don't think being on a site like this improves my health or mentality in any way, yet here I am. I still go on Reddit on a desktop when I'm working almost out of habit, even though I'm kicking myself mentally the whole time I'm scrolling. I wake up, say "30 more minutes" to myself knowing full well that will make me start work later, less prepared, hungry, and unshowered and I'll have to work later into the night (when I work from home). I watch YouTube until 1 am or later most nights because I don't want to sleep even though I'm tired and I know it will make my day miserable tomorrow. Dishes are piling up because I say I'll get to it later.

People have different thresholds for this and at other times in my life I could just shut off many of these urges. Right now, because of my mental health, that ability for self control is near zero. Just think of that push-back you get when you say to yourself you're going to go for a run and imagine that push-back to be stronger and applied to literally anything that requires effort or mental presence.

The people of Wyoming don't have the same representation as the people of California. They have way more relative representation. That's saying that rural votes mean more than urban. A Wyoming resident has 3.6 times more voting power than one in California.

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