
joined 6 days ago
[–] 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

You're very welcome! Word of warning, though, the rest of their stuff varies greatly. They do have a couple of songs I like a lot though!

In addition, if you're looing for something similar to this song in particular, I recommend checking out Subcarpați - Pe Deal, În Văi, for instance. They follow that dark, heavy beat and the trippy progressions closer than most of everything else produced by Șuie. They also base a lot of their lyrics, structures and sampling on folkloric music from around our parts, can find something from each region!

[–] 1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) (2 children)

This one's back from 2003, Șuie Paparude were the most innovative Electronica act in Romania at the time (and for many years after, tbh!)

Edit: to be perfectly frank, this one doesn't really fall under Rap in terms of what else is available around here, Șuie Paparude came as a response to the MC'd Jungle which was really popular back in the '00s (D'n'B was pretty big around here as well), which is why they fell into my lap as well. I don't really have any pertinent Rap examples to offer, as I don't mich consume the local variety.

To add a bit of rambling (which you can safely skip for the next paragraph), this was an interesting period in Romanian music, as our main influences were from the UK and from Europe/Russia rather than America, and it could be felt in pretty much everything. We had shades of Spice Girls, Depeche Mode's influence was felt throughout basically any "serious" internal turmoil song, there was even a lot of UB40 in our pop. Our Electronica was massively influenced by the British D'n'B and the Techno scenes.

As for the message, it's basically a highly articulated jumble of metaphors and Cool™ technobabble expressing a general sense of "lose yourself with us, ours is next-level shit."

I've attempted a very, very rough translation below - started with an automated translation which I've edited for accuracy and tried to account for language-specific idioms, so it's close-ish, sorta':

"Level I is passed from the start The starting block's only for those who dedicate themselves to a new wave Digital, transient-ambient, vibrato-fatal For those who do not have mental agreement With two-zero-zero-three subliminal Come here so I can teach you not to forget To differentiate between sitting in and participating To what, to what is heard, to Paparude, to Șuie His is the sound that forms the soul from white to black From white to integral, integral or better said Ready for a dream a bit too real, not at all subliminal Nothing is accidental, it's a digital exercise Eloquent, insane, super-elastic Straight from the world of music drawn on plastic. Straight from the world of music written on plastic Junkyard and Șuie intervene technico-tactically You have 10 seconds to start moving If you don't do that, it’ll suck for us. Straight from the world of music written on plastic Junkyard and Șuie intervene technico-tactically You have 10 seconds to start moving If you don't do it today, it’ll suck tomorrow."

For further context, Junkyard's the dude providing the vocals, and Șuie's the dude who does the track.


The best high-intensity chase-and-combat song which has never been used in a chase-and-combat scene (afaik).

Heh, sounds like what one of my exes used to do when she wanted some alone time, she'd throw me an informational rabbit hole and let me dive right in it for a couple of hours=)))

It has such potential! The mechanics they added are already everything one needs to create some awesome operations! Imho, I'd also polish the mechanics up a bit, like remove the rolling rubber bands and add more mass to the Railjack itself (this last one was the first thing a friend remarked when playing at release, and I agree).

Either way, every single thread could do with more fleshing out, it'd make the world feel less like a super-wide puddle and more like a cohesive, evolving thing.

The worst thing GTAO did (other than the griefing and Shark Cards) was not evolving the world with time. Staring at those construction yards which have not changed in over a decade pulls me out of the world entirely.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

i can understand that, yeah. Honestly, I think it's a neat addition which serves as something else to do, speaking a someone who has nearly 3k hours in the game. It's enough on its own for the first 1.5k hours, but then the grind slowly started getting to me, at least. Adding more depth to the character interactions can always only ever be a good thing.

I do agree with you that the trend chasing tendency is pretty dangerous, and I get that distinct feeling they still rushed it a bit [edges sanded off too abruptly, some points in the flow feel jagged, people hate your guts if you tell them you won't leave them (in a positive way), etc.], and my main fear is it ending up like pretty much every other branch, kinda' like toys forgotten in the sandbox.

Personally, I would've thought of a way to deepen the mechanics, meaning build upon what's already there instead of further widening the spreadsheet of buffs and unrelated activities. And I will never shut up about how the Railjack is just begging to be used more...


Not the official vid, seems to be absent from YT.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Yes, it's a surprisingly deep rabbit hole.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Weirdly enough, I let him do his thing and it eventually broke down. Which seems organic, he got to trust me and no longer feels the need to secure cooperation through debt.

Unlike Lettie, who seems to be thrown even farther into avoidance the closer you get to her. Which, again, makes sense! But nah. No more, thanks... She has become yet another reason why one should never dip their pen in company ink.

You're not wrong, it really did feel like I was gaming the system with her. There are moments when you seem to break through and have a "normal" conversation (i.e. her not slamming the door in your face after your third sincere word), but this avoidant dance is making me really tired.

I seem to have reached the same point, we're Best Friends (down from Loved) and she's not messaging me anymore. Fun. I've been through this IRL more than I'd care to remember.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

Oh, yeah, it's a whole thing! The writing's very good, but the time limits and overall progression dynamics are a bit... frustrating at times. Moreso because the characters are well written!

Like, you get one Chat per day (consisting of anywhere from 2-3 lines, to a hefty, in-depth discussion on a subject) and you can also screw it up pretty badly in some very abstract ways (see my example above and expanded in my other comment). And it being Warframe, the mechanics are blackbox, so you're stuck wondering if you have to brainwash the characters into resetting your status with them, or hang in there hoping there are some twists and turns in character dynamics which will allow you to progress and develop your interactions with them.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Honestly, the contrast stands elsewhere for me, in that with a real person, I at least know there's still a chance to talk things out if I play my cards right. In this case, though, I have no idea whether or not this is one of those "this will branch out into a related convo which will either solidify or completely cancel," which would motivate me to keep trying to navigate this situation and would pull me into the game even more, or if it's "you triggered the Ick flag and now you're out unless you mind wipe them," which just sounds sociopathic in and of itself, so no. Just no. As a person who's really into the not being able to retread choices aspect, means that something may have been blocked off for me for a really shitty and unjust reason (yes, I still believe it's an unjustified reaction based on the conversation, although a realistic one - realism does not imply healthiness).

And all I know now is that I triggered her NoDate flag, and I barely even know what that means other than she literally hates my guts for saying I'm never leaving. Not even kidding, her reaction to my asking to date her again would suggest I insulted half of her family tree...

Thanks for the support, kinda' regret getting into the dating sim part. They wrote the characters well enough for their presence or absence to matter, and it feels a lot like a real break-up would, although the impact is far smaller. It still fucking sucks to see an empty apartment and just go through with the grind after that.

Nah, the drug abuse is just another fuck-up in a long string of fuck-ups. The dude's always been a weirdo, he just didn't have the balls to go full Monty until the entire world started fluffing him up as the IRL Tony Stark. He feels invincible and it's pretty much our fault. I know I had some hope in what he was doing (even if just for a lack of better options), do I feel stupid now...

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

This, so far, is holding true, and I even started accounting for it after a point, steering away from the correlations I've so far noticed, but my sample size is so far from being in any way scientifically relevant, that I still have that lingering doubt that maybe I'm just seeing a mean, not the full spectrum.

Hell, good point with being specifically targetted as well, the worst one actually verbalised that she appreciated the fact that I naturally create a safe space for my loved ones so "she could behave like a 3-year-old." Maybe they see that I try to be as understanding and accepting as I possibly can and thus select me as a target, or something... I don't want to sound like I've slipped into persecution mania, I just know that some people are creepy that way, and it is what it is... Actually not all that different an impulse than the usual mate selection process, it's just that the subject matter is taboo and generally frowned upon, as it comes from a direction of profiting, not collaborating.

I think I'm I finally understand Snipes's ad-lib from Blade, this really does feel like trying to ice skate uphill.


So, got in yesterday to check out the new update, prepped everything for the new missions, then headed onto KIM before starting to play, to get the chats out of the way.

I've been dating Lettie since first possible, kept the relationships through the resets. She had an unread message, opened it, asked me what would take me away from her. I went for the full-on romantic option, she instantly dumps me, and now acts insulted if I ask her to date me again.

Truth is, I can't complain about this, it's believable. I've been subjected to this kind of vehement and impulsive behaviour many times before, and it doesn't suck any less this time, so it has to be realistic. But, man, did it put me off playing this game, to be very honest. Just made me want to get away from the mess.


First off, didn't know if I should post this here, or over on the mental health board. Being focused on the interpersonal, though, I'll slap it here. Please lemme know if I should take it outside.

Second, and as a preface (maybe even the main hint I should've taken, but we'll see later on), I'm looking for a nuanced answer. I have been told that "I should go vegan if I'm allergic to veal" a lot of times before, but to my mind it's way too vehement a change for something which, as dictated by my gut, holds more nuance than that. I know it's not the standard way of doing things, but it's how I want to try to do them for now, at least.

Thirdly, I say everything from my perspective, I state solely my opinion, and draw conclusions exclusively based on my limited set of experiences, so please don't take anything I say as universally applicable or as supreme truth, because I don't, either.

So, ok, onward to the thick of it. It's about my pattern in attraction and in choosing potential partners. So far, I've primarily ended up in pretty toxic relationships, even when consciously and actively seeking something healthier as guided by my therapists. It's usually been the anxious <> avoidant dance with varying comorbid ancillaries such as reciprocally triggering each others' trauma responses, codependent <> BPD, etc., etc.

Now, my problem with all of this is that while I can recognise the mismatches and pain points when I see them - I've, unfortunately, become familiar with the dynamics of this situation, as well as the plethora of tiny little variations brought about by the different typologies of trauma clusters, I seem to be attracted primarily to characteristics which, so far, seem to be a package deal with the aforementioned unpleasantness. Even called out several incoming landmines to my therapists based on instinct in some previous relationships, which meant I started to manage avoiding the shitstorm which inevitably occurs at one point as this type of dynamic unfolds.

To note that I keep an eye out for red flags, as realistically and as attentively as possible, because I have physical abuse on my Bingo card and really don't want to have to go through hiding sharp things in my house so that my partner won't have easy access to any again. I really want something safe for myself, if anything at all, and am genuinely trying. But this shit pops up even months later, with no outward signs beforehand, and I have no idea how to account for things I can't see.

This, then, is my question: am I intrinsically attracted to that which harms me like a magnet, unconsciously, do I have fuck-me-up-dar? Or is there a possibility of having the cake and eating it, too, like, meet someone who is thoroughly fucked up (as am I), but who is keeping it in check? Because, yes, I am attracted to the existential grit brought about by hardships. I like someone with dirty hands, someone who has good reasons to not be optimistic or generally cheerful, someone who has seen the things beneath the flesh and is now knee-deep in the abyss. Being miserable together is beautiful and nothing can dissuade me of it. Can the two exist separately?

Because I tried going for the "safer" people and, without the slightest intent of condescension, it always ended up feeling very platonic on my end. It felt like interacting with an immense innocence and I couldn’t allow myself to unfold, as it would’ve been like exposing dandelions to high levels of radiation to my mind. I couldn’t reach romance, as my romance is inextricably and irredeemably influenced by who I am. My love, though sincere, is tarnished and more than a bit charred. And I don’t want to be a loved one’s harsh reality, that is one role which I wholeheartedly avoid playing. Which is why I seek someone likewise tarnished and more than a bit charred. I even tried “same, but different,” in which personality varied greatly from my base while still presenting some behavioural common ground, and I ended up receiving the aforementioned physical abuse…

I also welcome (and thank you for) any other insights you may have pertaining to this situation, even if not directly related to my question!


Spoiler: they're very old.


Play the SysShock remake if you haven't!

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