[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 0 points 3 days ago

Think about it, do you really want to have X11 going forward the next decades?

If the alternative is a new system that literally does nothing? Sure!

Want to present a menu for windows? Wayland: "lol, do it yourself".

Want to position a window? Wayland: "lol, do it yourself".

Want to remember that a window has a position? Wayland: "lol, do it yourself".

Want to add a global keyboard shortcut? Wayland: "AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

X11 may be old and whatever you want, but it works and it's battle-tested. Wayland can't even launch a full desktop session in my machine, which is even less than the failure Pulseaudio was back in its day and that's saying something. And even if it did somehow launch, I probably would not be able to use anything serious like a media player or multiple workspaces on it.

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 3 days ago

February this year, and the iGPU of my machine (Intel 915 driver).

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I mean yes, how exactly would you want the web to work?

Text and images and hyperlinks; maybe audio and video if you're lucky and you can prove you can be trusted. No such thing as scripting, or if it's allowed, only in a limited manner with no such thing as "eval" and obfuscation and no ability to add or delete nodes from the DOM (or if it's allowed, those nodes must reflect under View Source / CTRL+U). No such things as loading a javascript audioplayer that tries to mix 123456 weird sources, just link me the .m3u direct to the audio stream's .mp3 file, or even better an .opus.

Definitively no DRM.

If any such thing as GPU access is provided it should be to deposit data, not to run code.

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 4 days ago

It's not dead there either, although I'd make the argument that X11 as a project is "mature" or "finalized", it doesn't really need hyperactive development like the tiktok children are used to.

(There are very good arguments that a new software stack was needed, but I'd expect the result to at least do something; ATM Wayland is little more than literally a "everyone else do my work for me" project)

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 3 points 4 days ago

I ask for some method that prevents the file to even be copied through a disk clone

Oh that's quite simple! Just don't have the files on the first disk in the first place. Make them a remote mount from a server, for example via sshfs, webdav, etc. Heck, even ftp if it comes down to it. That way, even though you can clone the disks, you can not get to the files if you don't also have the full authentication requirements for the remote server (such as a password).

At a conceptual level, you can't do anything via root to prevent someone who clones the disk from... well, cloning the disk. Having physical access to a disk is a much higher level of access than even root, so if what you are looking for is for your content to not be cloned, you need to fortify physical access to the device.

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 4 days ago

lol, Wayland can't even start a desktop session on my machine, whereas X11 has worked without issues since 2009 (the last time I ever had to edit xorg.conf).

Sure sounds like X11 is the one who's "dead" around here!

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 10 points 4 days ago

Not to mention everything community about cats!

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 4 days ago

To be fair, the fact that browsers are allowed to do so much that this warning has to be shown is more an indictment on the current state of browsers (which at this point are almost like installing VMWare and a virtual machine on your computer!) than on something something Firefox or something something Flatpak.

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 13 points 4 days ago

Yeah I just checked Atkinson Hyperlegible and, at least the version I can access (the one on Github) lacks entire Latin and compatible character ranges, as well as having a substantially limited math symbols set (only two greek letters show, for example).

The weird thing is, if I understand how fonts correctly, that shouldn't have been an issue. The font doesn't register those missing characters, so your browser should have known to fallback to a default typeface for the missing characters. It'd be weird if you have none of the many compatible fonts (not even, say, Times New Roman).

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 7 points 4 days ago

Leading with the hard questions, I see!

(I honestly wouldn't know how to answer the question. I guess in order to pirate it, you'd have to fetch a copy from someone who broke the license terms and is thus not authorized to distribute it, but that kinda turns into a Catch-22)

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 14 points 4 days ago

It's likely that system only has the base Latin-1 font set for some weird reason? Or a misconfigured fontserver (or equivalent in Windows). My understanding is that the text "sail the high seas" uses glyphs in both the Latin D group and the phonetic extensions groups (feel free to correct me!), so pretty much any Unicode-aware font since 2010, FOSS or otherwise, would render this correctly.

I personally recommend the Liberation font set, although it's free software so you can't really pirate it.

[-] lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 4 days ago

if you want voice well, then idk what to say


submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by lambalicious@lemmy.sdf.org to c/programmer_humor@programming.dev

Today in our newest take on "older technology is better": why NAT rules!


Hey everyone I was wondering how do you spice up your cursors, icons, themes, etc., In particular for desktop environments such as XFCE, Mate. Are there any good repositories to use?

I've taken a look at a number of apparently cloned sites like "xfce-look.org", "kde-look.org", "gnome-look.org", but while they seem to show a wide offering of themes, it seems downloading from them is blocked via uBO since it reports a "fp2" fingerprinting script without which apparently downloads are not enabled. Are those sites trustworthy? They seem to be associated to a "OpenDesktop" initiative of which the only reputation I can find is that they were added to EasyList Privacy blocklist.

If there are other alternative hubs or repos from which to theme a distro (as agnostically as posisble) that'd be welcome info.

Cheers. Thanks. Et cetera.

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