[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 3 points 7 hours ago

Turkish military uses Pardus, a Turkish Linux distro, but I'm not sure to what extent.

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 2 points 8 hours ago

this is beautiful

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 4 points 3 days ago

very nice analogy. I'm stealing it.

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 28 points 1 week ago

Any metric will become a target and then people will maximize that instead of whatever they were supposed to be doing. Goodhart's law

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 41 points 2 months ago

But why? It is bad for babies OK, but what is the upside for Nestlé? Is it addiction?

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 41 points 3 months ago

If you start seeing canaries everywhere in your coal mine, chances are you have a lethal gas leak. wait what?

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 61 points 3 months ago

There are lots of ways computers are used for making art. Not just video-games. For example, projection mapping, algorithmic music composition, live coding, etc.

You can look into openFrameworks for examples of C++ in arts.

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 69 points 4 months ago

Here where I live using AI detection tools is not allowed because they are not 100% correct, which means they might flag an innocent student.

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 32 points 5 months ago

If you do this, you'll start writing small scripts to help you with repeating tasks, to simplify somethings, then you'll start looking for help trying to improve those scripts, then you'll find better written and tested ones and start replacing yours with those, one by one. Then you'll probably find pass or other terminal password manager. It can be a fun learning experience but sooner or later you'll end up using a password manager.

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 57 points 7 months ago

Security expert reveals surprising way to induce headaches

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 32 points 8 months ago

There are lots of objective measures. Here is one for you.

[-] kureta@lemmy.ml 53 points 9 months ago

and I say to them "eat shit and die"

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