[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 334 points 3 months ago

The biggest problem with Discord is that its an information black hole. Its not properly searchable and not indexed by search engines.

Discord is fine for casual chat, but horrible when used for forum-type discussions and even worse when used for documentation.

You see the same problems being discussed and solved again and again, but you cant just "link" someone the solution like you could with a forum thread cause its spread out over 3-10 chat messages that are interleaved in-between other topics being discussed in the same room

Anything of long-term value for the project (forum-type discussions, documentation etc) should not recide in Discord

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 36 points 6 months ago

Sounds like the FDA should be involved here somehow..

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 18 points 7 months ago

That's very strange, which distro and GPU was this? So I don't recommend that to anyone?

I'm assuming the GPU in question was Nvidia, since AMD and Intel make their driver opensource and baked in to the kernel. Sadly nVidias latest kernel (535) has been troublesome, so I'm still on the previous 525. nVidia is about to release 545, which looks to be very promising.

Luckily on Ubuntu changing driver is as easy as opening the Additional Drivers application, selecting the driver version, hit apply and reboot. PopOS, Bazzite, and a few others comes with Nvidia drivers preinstalled.

Best of luck if you try again in the future

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 25 points 7 months ago

Teslas have internal driver monitoring cameras? :O

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 32 points 8 months ago

It might be relatively new, but I'd say Subnautica.

It was such a breath of fresh air when it came out, and instilled both such a sense of wonder at all the vibrant lifeforms of 4546B and also instilling such dread upon encountering reapers or diving deeper than ever before. I still remember the mixed sense of wonder and unease upon discovering the Jellyshroom caves for the first time

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 28 points 9 months ago

Protip: KDE's Dolphin is available for Windows.

The Windows integration isn't perfect, but it's very useful nonetheless. Multiple tabs and the Ctrl+I filter alone makes it worthwhile.

On a related note: KDE's Kate text editor is also available on Windows and it works GREAT! So great that KDE eV has published it on the Windows store, making it easy to install

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 20 points 9 months ago

No, Safaris engine is called WebKit. It's different, but they're related:

Once upon a time there was KHTML. Apple forked it to make WebKit. At some point Google forked WebKit to make Chromium. So now WebKit and Chromium development has diverged from each other over the years.

Anyway, use Firefox :)

Firefox is made by a non-profit for the purpose of making a web browser, it's not made by a giant corporation for the purpose of pushing ads.

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 17 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Depends on what exactly was covered in the patent. The article only says

invented technology in 2010 to "move" videos from a small device like a smartphone to a larger device like a television.

Which is vague and an obvious bogus patent. Prior art exists in both the digital and analogue space

submitted 11 months ago by klangcola@reddthat.com to c/drg@lemmy.world

The joys of discovering DRG for the first time and gleefully learning all the mechanics. Extra props for the careful and methodical test to verify if the game has Friendly Fire

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 22 points 11 months ago

Agreed, that sounds perfect for right now.

A certain community I'm subscribed to is very active right now, to the point of almost drowning out all other committees in my feed. A "temporary hide" would be very welcome

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 19 points 11 months ago

I'm doing my part!

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 17 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You can follow them from your already existing Mastodon (and maybe kbin?) account.

From my account on mastodon.online I just followed https://social.overheid.nl/@beheerder as a test, and I've already been following https://social.network.europa.eu/@EU_Commission

For some reason my server couldn't find users from the social.bund.de when I pasted the follow-link (like https://social.bund.de/@Zoll )

By the way Mastodon has a very nice interface to subscribe to other instances. Like now when using when following the link in OPs post and opening a web browser, then clicking on a user and clicking follow, it gives the option to sign in to subscribe OR copy a link to subscribe from another instance . Then I just paste that link in the search field in my Mastodon app (logged in to mastodon.online). Hopefully Lemmy will implement that "button to copy link to subscribe from other instance" soon

[-] klangcola@reddthat.com 20 points 11 months ago

Turns out the real protest was the Fedifriends we made along the way

submitted 1 year ago by klangcola@reddthat.com to c/kde@lemmy.ml

Some instances disable downvoting. Is this intended to be for communities on that instance or users on that instance, or both?

I noticed while reading Memes@lemmy.ml ( https://reddthat.com/post/2053 ) that some commenters were talking about being downvoted, but I have no downvote button. Because downvoting is disabled on my instance?

How does it work the opposite way? Are users from lemmy.ml allowed to downvote on posts for example beehaw (who also has disabled downvoting)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by klangcola@reddthat.com to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

Many instances say to keep language settings as "undetermined" otherwise you won't see most posts Example: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/59161 Example: https://reddthat.com/settings

Yet when I try to post a comment it will fail with language_not_allowed because initially there is no language selected. So I need to click on the "Select language" drop-down and choose English (the only option)

Actually in the Lemmy web interface (at least on my instance reddthat.com) the Post button will spin endlessly with no indication of what's wrong. Using the Jerboa Android app there's is the very brief error message language_not_allowed, and the comment disappears so I have to type it out again! On the Jerboa app there's also no option to select the language for the comment, so I can't use it to comment at all.

I experienced this language_not_allowed error while commentating on gaming@beehaw.org and lemmy_support@lemmy.ml , both English language communities

So how is this language setting supposed to work?

Is the language selected for posting comments the same setting as the profile setting, which the links recommend to keep as "undetermined" to be able to see (English language) posts?

Have i encountered a bug? Specific to my instance or Lemmy in general?

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