[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 2 points 6 hours ago

I haven't used it on a project for money, but I have some tests in shunit2 and that alone encourages me to extract code to functions.

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 110 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

If you are dissatisfied with the free thing I gave you, then I am happy to send you a refund of your purchase price. 🤷‍♂️

That's my preferred strategy.

UPDATE: Before any angry cards and letters, let me clarify. When I reply this way, I learn a lot about the person I'm talking to, including whether they are prepared to have a reasonable conversation about this complex matter. The response I'm hoping for is "Well played.", because that tells me that they recognize how ridiculous we are both being. I can work with them.

If they are merely having a tough time and needed to vent, then they'll notice that and we can move forward.

If they are truly that entitled, then I don't mind what happens next, because they would probably never have accepted any help I could offer them, anyway.

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 35 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I don't have any useful advice on your specific question. I'm replying to say only two things.

You're probably going to struggle with this and you might feel like you're doing it wrong because you can't figure it out easily enough. Let it feel weird. Let it take as long as it takes. Let it be a struggle. Don't make it worse by telling yourself a story like there's something wrong with you because you're struggling to figure it out.

And hug.


[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 30 points 5 months ago

People will probably keep asking until they learn that you don't want to answer. This is just how most people work and I understand your frustration at being an outlier in this way.

You can't control them feeling offended. You are behaving strangely to them and they're struggling to make sense of you. The most reasonable explanation to them is that you dislike them, which they'll construe as rude.

If you are direct with them, they might at least be able to make sense of you. "When I'm at work, I only want to work, then get out of here as soon as I can. That's why I don't socialize here. It's nothing personal."

Either they believe you or they don't. You can't make them believe you.

One last thing: just like you wish they'd stop making wrong assumptions about your motivations, you might consider challenging the assumptions you're making about them.

Good luck.

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 39 points 8 months ago

"Wow, I would never have the courage to do that."

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 30 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Koyaanisqatsi or Baraka, since I'm guessing they won't understand English nor indeed any human language.

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 130 points 10 months ago

There is no ideal place to work where they "do it right", whatever kind of "right" you care about right now. When you change jobs, you merely exchange one set of problems for another.

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 36 points 10 months ago

I'm going to guess that it doesn't occur to him that when someone demands your attention like that, you imagine the worst. It might help him to know that.

I'm like you in that regard. I got used to asking back "Is there a problem?" That seemed to help me feel less stress sooner.

Maybe the combination of these two things would help.

Good luck.

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 84 points 11 months ago

Offering a concise answer to questions, without softening language.

[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 31 points 11 months ago

You're not responsible for the bad decisions made by the people who have positional authority over you. Do your best. Warn them about the risks. Let yourself feel disappointed by their decisions, but don't ever accept responsibility for them. If you did your best to warn them, then you took your responsibility seriously. That's enough.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by jbrains@sh.itjust.works to c/pop_os@lemmy.world

I tried to upgrade my recovery partition today and it failed with "No such device"/OS error 19.

I found this discussion on Reddit in which @mmstick suggested restarting, but with no explanation as to why that was needed or would work. It worked for me.


I'd like to know why it worked and why it was needed, mostly for two reasons: to generally understand the situation better and to imagine what I might have been able to do that didn't require restarting.


[-] jbrains@sh.itjust.works 31 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Laser thermometer. I learned a lot about better temperatures at which to cook things and now get more repeatable results when cooking.

Kitchen scale. Recipes are easier to prepare when weighing ingredients as opposed to using measuring spoons and cups.

Both make food a better experience, which leads to more satisfactory meals and eating less overall.

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