Classic George w bush moment
Please read up on how Portugal solved their drug problem.
But do they have mint chocolate chip and can I get it in a sugar cone with rainbow sprinkles please
No, they just died
Without the context it doesn’t come off as insulting.
It would be cool if this map went way before 1960. Where I live there’s a ton of 1700s, 1800s and early 1900s housing.
Well I definitely don’t have that lol
It’s not hilarious, it’s sad :(
I’ve never been to Detroit but I’m from NY and lived in a “scary” part of NYC that my pearl clutching wealthier suburban family did not approve of…
So long as you mind your business, don’t dress flashy, and pay attention to your surroundings (ie, don’t walk around with your head glued to your phone and headphones blaring) you should be fine, like any other city in this world.
As a woman when I lived in NYC the one unsettling thing is catcalling, idk if that’s a thing in Australia but I imagine (some) men are the same everywhere in the world. Best to ignore it and move on.
Most people are just trying to go about their day and like you don’t want any problems. The reputation of American cities being violent hell zones is almost entirely fabricated and the violence that does exist are mostly between people who already know each other / gang shit.
The shit suburbanites say about urban areas is mostly the product of white flight and redlining, look up those two phrases to read up on the history of racism in housing. “Dangerous cities” is often just a dog whistle for “minorities live there”.
Edit: also, especially coming from Australia during your (hot af) summer, do prepare for extreme cold. That’s the biggest risk to you. The cold is not an exaggeration. If you’re unfamiliar with dressing for extreme cold I can give you some tips…
No it doesn’t. I had a TBI and went further left.
Brain damage doesn’t cause conservatism. I had a TBI as a teenager and went far left. My experiences in trying to get treatment completely radicalized me.