With Democrats like these, who needs Republicans?
United States | News & Politics
And this is why this country has gone to hell. Sorry, "heck."
We're going to get every fucking Dem on MAGA's side because "baww, re-elections!" Fuck this shit. Get a fucking army, march into the White House and remove that fucking convicted felon from it who never should have been eligible for running for president in the first place, get Harris in there to fix his bullshit, and get this country back on track.
If that doesn't happen, there's going to be a mass exodus from this country because we're absolutely goddamned fucked. Oh, sorry, "absolutely gat-durned clucked." I forgot swearing was illegal now.
Hahaha oh my god march on Washington to install fucking Harris. LMAO
You need a new party that is everything the republicans accuse the democrats of being.
We have a couple. The Democrats keep suing them off of the ballots.
Willing to help kill trans kids, but cursing is too far!
It's obviously not popularity that she is worried about be cause support for universal healthcare is bi-partisian and consistently polls extremely well, but you bet your ass this representative would find some reason to oppose it if it was ever in danger of passing.
"You can go right to heck. I don’t think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me"
And I don't think I will vote for a representative who feels representing my interests is a burden.
Can you link the recording?
Because this information is very buried, for any curious:
She is serving specifically in the Georgia state senate.
Not surprised, democrats never actually did all that much to protect transgender people anyway. Support from democrats has always been paper thin at best (and I am being very generous here).
Democrats hated "the gays" too until like 15 years ago.
It's the same as rainbow corporatism. It's all a facade used for political expediency. It's never actually about human rights. Both parties deserve the fates they get. Unfortunately they'll do everything they can to take us down with them.
A lot of those Dems who hated gays 15 years ago are still in power, btw. They never got primary challengers and just remained in power for decades.
Empty Husk party.
Right to heck
What a fucking loser if she can’t even say hell she never supported trans rights in the first place
I'm a Republican Voter who would NEVER vote Democrat because I'm a Republican but I APPRECIATE them Trying to cater to ME instead of their ACTUAL voters!
swap "republican" for "bolsonarist" and "democrat" for "pt-ist" and you've got brazilian politics in a nutshell.
You can do this on every liberal democracy.
What a coward