[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 21 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

God, Biden was just pathetic and old in this debate and got steamrolled by a coked up, orange fat ass old man.

[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 10 points 20 hours ago

They're banking on, and rightfully so, all of these shitty conservative judges that McConnell put in place to rule in their favor.

submitted 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) by inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world to c/politics@lemmy.world

Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in the latest conservative push testing the boundaries between religious instruction and public education.

The superintendent, Ryan Walters, who is a Republican, described the Bible as an “indispensable historical and cultural touchstone” and said it must be taught in certain grade levels.

The move comes a week after Louisiana became the first state to mandate that public schools display the Ten Commandments in every classroom, which was quickly challenged in court. The Oklahoma directive could also be challenged and is likely to provoke the latest tangle over the role of religion in public schools, an issue that has increasingly taken on national prominence.

[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 32 points 2 days ago

Went on a trip recently and we always stop by a McDonald's for breakfast and holy crap, a freaking hash brown was almost three bucks.

I get having to pay workers more but that's just some bullshit price gouging there because there's no way in hell what workers are still there are getting paid that much better in order to justify a the dollar hash brown.

[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

Well isn't that just a completely stupid hot take.

No argument about that, money is the bane of politics and will remain that way until we collectively get rid of this bribery and corruption.

[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 24 points 2 days ago

Ah Republicans when faced with the fact that they're shitty husbands and get divorced at higher rates than in the past, instead of looking inwards and trying to figure out why less people want to fuck and stay married to their shitty views, simply want to outlaw women and men to extricate themselves out of their shitty conservative marriage and force them to remain unhappy.

Spot on Republican family values.

[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 18 points 2 days ago

Yeah, it's not like the public pays particularly well unlike bribery, I mean lobbying groups.

Yeah, probably, and unfortunately probably from my generation no less. Still, even with my generation they're significantly less neo-liberal than these old ass blue dogs and then not having such an outsized influence would still be greatly welcomed by me.

I'm sorry, Hillary Clinton and Josh Gottheimer says what? Fucking moron.

Can't wait until old conservative Democrats go the way of the dodo and I can actually feel good about voting for Democrats again.

Once again Democrats back and push for a conservative in the primary. Really fucking sad and why I'll never donate to the party ever again.

[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 34 points 4 days ago

Asshole who raised an asshole complains about asshole behavior from said asshole.

Damn who could have seen that coming....


Really good little horror game and great little developer.

GOG summer sale (www.gog.com)

So not only canceling the game but blindsiding their developers with layoffs too.


Kind of sad but at the same time I don't think I would trust Bethesda of today especially to properly remake it anyways.


Yay, more steam scam games...


Well okay then.

[-] inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world 516 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong.

The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It's going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.

Are you kidding me? You did the test wrong on a safety critical feature? No you dumbass engineer, you designed it wrong. Why in the holy fuck would you make a safety critical algorithm keep applying more pressure on subsequent attempts??? That's literally the opposite of what you do for safety.

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