[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago

'You can basically call me a printer god now'

Loving this.

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 12 points 3 months ago

Tucker and dale vs evil

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 15 points 3 months ago

But it's not about hopelessness. It's about coming to terms with having lived a full life and being fully ready for a dignified end of it. My girlfriend works in a Dutch nursing home and has had the privilege of assisting a couple of euthanasia tracts for the elderly, and she says it's one of the most magnificent things she was able to do for someone, emotionally speaking. People are very clear about the reasons (which have to be not only discussed, but thoroughly vetted by 2 doctors) and do not make this decision lightly. These is a very high level of clear communication between the family, doctors and patients about all relevant aspects for everyone involved.

I think when you and I reach that age, we will have very different thoughts on life and death.

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

Time series forecasting is a pretty well-established statistical method though.

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 22 points 3 months ago

More!! Make one about the atoms of which her body consists of and the electrons being flown around it in airplanes!

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

It is pretty cool, but it's a bit misleading.. They didn't 'see' dark matter, because it doesn't interact with light or any particles. But they detected weak gravitational lensing caused by the dark matter (or any alternative source of the gravity we've coined dark matter), so this is not really conclusive physical evidence of dark matter.

But I'm no expert, please let people with astrophysics background correct me if I'm wrong.


Hi everyone,

Me and my SO are flying on Monday to your beautiful country to drive around in a campervan for 3 months. We booked 3 great walks, and are super excited to check out your nature, culture, wines and dines.

I am a little bit anxious to buying a campervan though. Like, what if takes weeks to find a good one? What if we find a good one after some days which breaks down a few days afterwards? You know, standard stuff.

If any of you have any tips for buying a used 2-birth campervan around Auckland, I'd love you forever. Is it better to go to a dealer, or get one from Trademe or Facebook? Should we wait a few days to get the AA pre-purchase check? Which dealers are good or infamously bad?


[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 24 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Is c level a motorcycle or an e-bike? I've never seen an icon for an e-bike before, and if it is, I am loving the conciseness of the design. If not, there's no way a motorcycle is better than a line bus right?

Just a bonus note from a Dutch guy, the text just below say lekker blijven likken, or: 'just keep on licking'.

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 24 points 8 months ago

I think the movie was great actually. Acting was proper, music was really catchy all the way, jokes were super on point and well timed, and the set design was amazing. Not the best movie ever of course, but definitely one that was added on my re-watch list directly after viewing. Loved the story and societal message as well

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

This image is not safe for people suffering from trypophobia

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

Hey dol merry dol, ring a ding a dillo

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

And another side note, this is nothing new. Researchers have been doing this for ten years in this and other area's, for instance to design new antibiotics against resistant strains. AI has just been slapped on here to make it sound cutting edge, which it isn't.

[-] i_am_a_cardboard_box@lemmy.world 30 points 9 months ago

Dolphins would have a pufferfish take the coke, then eat the pufferfish. It's very efficient.

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