submitted 3 months ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/running@lemmy.world

In 2021, La Palma's volcanos erupted, issuing tonnes of molten rock and a reminder of the perilious nature of the island's premier running race.

[-] homoludens@feddit.de 64 points 3 months ago

Interessant, wie du von der Entscheidung zwischen ‘etwas sagen’ und (offensichtlich) ‘nichts sagen’ erzählst, und wie du das Eine davon gleich mit einer Prügelei gleichsetzt…

Ähm, die Typen haben sogar damit angegeben, dass sie gewalttätig sind - da ist es jetzt durchaus naheliegend, dass sie wieder Gewalt ausüben könnten, wenn ihnen widersprochen wird. Was ist daran "interessant"?

[-] homoludens@feddit.de 67 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Battle for Wesnoth - a turn based tactics game in a fantasy setting. It's also available on Steam and itch.io. Coincidentally, version 1.18.0 was released yesterday.

submitted 7 months ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/fahrrad@feddit.de
[-] homoludens@feddit.de 60 points 7 months ago

„Die Lage ist zu ernst für parteipolitische Spielchen“, mahnte Güler, die auch Mitglied im CDU-Bundesvorstand ist.

Welche Partei hatte noch gleich die Teilnahme an der Demo z.B. in Koblenz verweigert, weil da die Partei Die Linke mit aufgerufen hat?

Ähnliche Bedenken hat auch der CSU-Europaabgeordnete Markus Ferber. [...] Da nutze weder „ein Ampel-Bashing noch ein Unions-Bashing“.

Das Bashing anderer Parteien liegt der CSU natürlich völlig fern.

Dies Bündnis brauche allerdings auch eine Vision, „wofür man ist, nicht nur wogegen“. Unmissverständlich müsse sich die Bewegung gegen Islamismus, Antisemitismus und Muslimfeindlichkeit stellen, forderte sie.

Ist die Seite so eine Art Postillon?

submitted 7 months ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/running@lemmy.world
[-] homoludens@feddit.de 151 points 9 months ago

Charges Against Texas 11-Year-Old

Um, what?

Put in Solitary Confinement

Um, WHAT?!

irked Palm Grove Elementary principal Myrta Garza so much with his requests, as well as questions about school dress code, that she called Brownsville Independent School District police.


Cameron County prosecutors argued for charges of "terroristic threat."

How can this keep getting worse and more ridiculous at the same time? WHAT DO I DO WHEN ALLCAPS AREN'T ENOUGH?

ignoring Texas laws which require parental involvement before such interventions

Okay, I give up. Is rule of law no longer a thing? Like people aren't even pretending anymore?

1.1 History (lemmy.world)
[-] homoludens@feddit.de 59 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I disagree, hard.

I disagree with the general conclusion - I think it's very easy to understand*: each repo has a graph of commits. Each commit includes the diff and metadata (like parent commits). There is a difference between you repo seeing the state of another repo (fetch) and copying commits from another repo into your repo (merge; pull is just a combination of fetch and pull). Tags are pointers to specific commits, branches are pointers to specific commits that get updated when you add a child commit to this commit. That's a rather small set of very clear concepts for such a complex problem.

I also disagree with a lot of the reasoning. Like "If a commit has the same content but a different parent, it’s NOT the same commit" is not an "alien concept". When I apply the same change to different parents, I end up with different versions. Which would be kinda bad for a Version Control System.

"This in turn means that you need to be comfortable and fluent in a branching many-worlds cosmology" - yes, if you need to handle different versions, you need to switch between them. That's the complexity of what you're doing, not the tool. And I like that Git is not trying to hide things that I need to know to understand what's happening.

"distinguish between changes and snapshots that have the same intent and content but which are completely non-interchangeable and imply entirely different flows of historical events" How do you even end up in a situation like that? Anyway, sounds like you should be able to merge them without conflicts, if they are in fact completely interchangeable?

"The natural mental model is that names denote global identity." Why should another repo care, which names I use? How would you even synchronize naming across different repos without adding complexity, e.g. if two devs created a branch "experimental" or "playground". Why on earth should they be treated as the same branch?

"Git uses the cached remote content, but that’s likely out of date" I actually agree that this can lead to some errors and confusion. But automation exists - you can just fetch every x minutes.

"Branches aren't quite branches, they're more like little bookmark go-karts." A dev describing what basically is just a pointer in this way leads to the suspicion that it might not be Git's mental model that is alien.

"My favorite version of this is when the novice has followed someone's dodgy advice to set pull.rebase = true" Maybe don't do stupid stuff you don't understand? We know what fetch is, we know what merge is. Pull is basically fetch & merge.

""Pull" presents the illusion that you can just ask Git to make everything okay for you" Just... what? The rest of the sentence doesn't really fix this error in expectations.

  • except the CLI of course, but I can use GUI-tools for most tasks
submitted 11 months ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 11 months ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/world@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/mediatheque@feddit.de
[-] homoludens@feddit.de 162 points 1 year ago

I love how it recommends paying Netflix, Disney etc. but does not mention libraries at all.

[-] homoludens@feddit.de 71 points 1 year ago

Das ist ja komisch. Es wurde uns doch versichert, dass es nur um die Bekämpfung von sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern geht - wie kann das denn... Ach was soll's, ich hab nicht mal mehr Lust, zynische Kommentare zu verfassen. Wie kann man nur so dermaßen faktenfrei und alle Expert:innen ignorierend Politik machen? Wieso lassen wir uns das gefallen?

submitted 1 year ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by homoludens@feddit.de to c/programming@beehaw.org

Can anyone recommend a good introduction/book to TypeScript for people who already know some programming (e.g. Java, Python) but have no experience with JavaScript?

The only texts I've found so far assume prior JS knowledge (like The TypeScript Handbook https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/intro.html) or seem rather unstructured to me (e.g. dropping a lot of different ways and shortcuts to do things without explaining concepts or making no clear distinction between basics/best practices and advanced use cases/edge cases).

Ideally it would explain core concepts (like functions, types, classes, ...) first, with their most common use cases. Later chapter would do deep dives into different topics.

Edit: when I'm talking about TypeScript I'm talking about the whole language, not just the "modifications" it makes to JavaScript.

submitted 1 year ago by homoludens@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Die Doku beschreibt die Geschichte des Konflikts seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bis kurz vor jetzt. Ich finde sie sehr empfehlenswert, weil ich durch sie erstmals verstanden habe, worum es in dem Konflikt um Bergkarabach geht.

Es gibt noch zwei weitere Dokus zu "Pulverfasse Kaukasus" (Tschetschenien und Georgien).

[-] homoludens@feddit.de 97 points 1 year ago

"Wer was ändern will, ist Nazi." Brilliante Analyse, man merkt der Mann macht das beruflich.

[-] homoludens@feddit.de 55 points 1 year ago

Ich finde, wir sollten da technologieoffen bleiben. Für die Blockchain sehe ich in dem Bereich große Chancen und es würde auch den Digitalisierungsstandort Deutschland voranbringen - bisher bieten andere Länder noch keine eFuels mit integrierter Blockchain an, wir könnten also endlich mal Vorreiter sein!


cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/3384157

75 Jahre nach dem Ende des Hauptverfahrens des Nürnberger Prozesses wirft die Dokumentation einen Blick auf ein weiteres Verfahren, das Geschichte schrieb.

Videolänge: 43 min

[-] homoludens@feddit.de 76 points 1 year ago

Well, who would have thought that there would be cameras present?

[-] homoludens@feddit.de 94 points 1 year ago

The ship is expected to keep burning for weeks.

Actually, it might also sink and release up to 2,000 tons of heavy fuel oil (plus molten plastic, metals etc.) to the Wadden Sea which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List as an important biosphere reserve.

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