[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 56 points 2 months ago

Great article and explanation on why Proton and its components are such a game changer. Thanks for sharing!

Ironically, Nier Automata is only listed as “playable” on Steam Deck.

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 44 points 3 months ago

I just hated that Windows had become a privacy cesspit and I wasn’t afraid of breaking things in Linux. Also, I accept that sometimes you just have to format and reinstall your sins of stupidity away.

  • middle aged cishetguy

PS - You Lemmy bastards did get me into Star Trek though. Maybe it has begun…

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 93 points 4 months ago

The point isn’t to cover it up (well). It’s a warning to others who might question those in power.

What this particular Vlad did to earn a defenestration - I have no idea. But no one else will try it anytime soon if they’re also susceptible to gravity-accelerated blunt force trauma.

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 26 points 5 months ago

Fucked around and found out.

Can’t wait for his criminal convictions.

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 32 points 5 months ago

What a spineless traitor to humanity.

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 260 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Plot twist: She’s mining shitcoin with the courthouse electricity. She’s smart enough to know that’s the only paycheck she’s getting.

Judge: “Counsel, why is your laptop running so loudly?”

Lawyer: “It’s…uh…fuming at the witch hunt that my client has endured.”

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 45 points 7 months ago

The man was taken into custody for openly carrying a firearm in the Capitol, which is against the law, Warrick said. Weapons can be brought into the Capitol if they are concealed and the person has a valid permit. The man arrested did not have a concealed carry permit, Warrick said.

The crime wasn’t being a raving lunatic with a gun - it was the lack of paperwork and a shirt to conceal it!

This is why we need new legislative maps in Wisconsin.

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 76 points 7 months ago

Matt wants to get back to his true passion project of owning teenage girls.

Also, is it just me or does he bear an uncanny resemblance to Richard Nixon in the picture?

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 35 points 7 months ago

I settled on Memmy early on as the least buggy app, but I like Voyager quite a bit as well. I might switch if they let me change the color of upvote/downvote arrows to what my brain expects.

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 93 points 7 months ago

My brother in doppelnamer!!

I share a name with a fairly famous actor with a very uncommon name. After the “wait, is your name really XYZ?” comment I just say “yep, no relation.” with a laugh. I get it about once a week. It used to irritate me but it’s a good icebreaker, and they never forget my name.

I am just grateful he keeps himself out of trouble. Michael Bolton is rough, but no one wants to be the other Jeffrey Epstein.

[-] hoanbridgetroll@midwest.social 213 points 8 months ago

Joke’s on them - I’m into legislators being comfortable with sexuality.

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