[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 1 hour ago

Everyone rejoiced when Bin Laden was killed also. I'm sure lots of people did when Hitler died too.

Sometimes people celebrate the death of horrific and oppressive people. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 2 points 2 hours ago

It does. I run it on ChimeraOS (Arch).

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 2 hours ago

All I really know is shoot bug

Honestly it is a fairly complex game. I've got 60 hours in it and still don't know what's going on most of the time.

I think you're expected to spend your days browsing YouTube videos or following the devs on Twitter to even understand what's happening (like way too many modern games) but I have zero interest in that.

There's even a tutorial but it really doesn't go beyond extremely basic mechanics of the game.

"Shoot bugs" is fun for a while but eventually you want to upgrade and progress but trying to figure out how to do that is needlessly complicated.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 2 hours ago

The difference is that you are expected to pay. Louis and FUTO are very explicit about this.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 0 points 2 hours ago

GrayJay is not free. It is just a paid app that you can use without paying.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 2 points 2 hours ago

LibreTube is my favorite. GrayJay is also pretty cool for cross-platform video aggregation.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 12 hours ago

It's okay to be skeptical without choosing to mislead people about what's actually happening. I'm skeptical too. They advertised everywhere that they would ship their first car at the end of 2022. And then just...never mentioned it again. And now they're supposed to launch in 2025.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 12 hours ago

Man they're really getting after it for Android 15...

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 13 hours ago

I never see posts from Mastodon on Lemmy.

You can always tell because they do that annoying thing where they tag 13 fucking people completely unnecessarily.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 16 hours ago

I mean Mastodon is Lemmy 🤷

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 7 points 16 hours ago

Hidden from what? Or whom?

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 1 points 16 hours ago

Your methodology of nitpicking all of comments that don't mesh with your extremely narrow vision of an optimal future is a GREAT way to advocate and make people want to conform to your ideas.

Your methodology of making shit up that never happened is a GREAT way to win an argument.

Immich x FUTO Q&A (www.youtube.com)

Short version of this interview is that nothing is changing, other than they're going to be asking a flat fee "$5-20" for the app, rather than relying on donations. All donation platforms have been closed. However, if you choose not to, as Louis says "that's between you and your God".

Project will remain AGPL and thus can be forked at any time. FUTO maintains the trademark of Immich name and logos.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by helenslunch@feddit.nl to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

we collect the information that you provide by entering it into certain Service features. For example, when you want to post in a forum, you provide us the content for the post (which could contain PI which we collect and then display for you on the forum). Likewise, when you use other features such as voice or text messaging, blogs, surveys, user-generated content, activity streams, or social media, we may first collect the information you enter into the feature.

We may also automatically or passively collect information about your use of our Services, see the sub-sections below for a list of categories by sources of such information.

Each time you use a PlayStation console or a PlayStation app on a PlayStation console or other devices (such as a mobile phone or PC), we may automatically collect information about your use of that device and app. If you sign into an Account, we may combine it with other information we have for that Account.

The information that we collect from devices may include: Device identifiers such as your PlayStation console ID, mobile device IDs, cookie IDs, or serial numbers, Network identifiers such as your IP address and MAC address

We may receive information, including the following, from third party sources and combine it with information we already directly collect from you. We will handle the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Game, social media, or other information, from those third parties or services you link your Account with

Marketing and Advertising: We may target and personalize our marketing communications, purchase recommendations and advertisements that we display on our and third-party websites and services based on the information we have collected about you.

The list just goes on here, but to boil it down: Sony wants dat sweet sweet data.

submitted 2 weeks ago by helenslunch@feddit.nl to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I use Proton. But I continue to run into more and more websites and services that detect my VPN and refuse my connection, or just run literally 40 captchas in a row until I just give up.

I use Proton because it has a "suite" of products under a single subscription, but that benefit is losing it's allure as some of their products are pretty shitty from a user experience perspective, their customer support is atrocious, and they don't seem to pay any attention to what their users actually want.

Does anyone track known VPN servers? Is there a specific provider that causes less problems? Does anyone test different VPNs for detection?

Thinking about cancelling my subscription and moving to Mullvad.

submitted 1 month ago by helenslunch@feddit.nl to c/android

Pixel 9: with a 6.03-inch screen and a double rear camera. This is the heir to Pixel 8.

Pixel 9 Pro: with a 6.1-inch screen and a triple rear camera. This is a new model.

Pixel 9 Pro XL: with a 6.7-inch screen and a triple rear camera. This is the heir to the Pixel 8 Pro.

If we get Pixel desktop I will def have to be upgrading to 9 Pro come Black Friday...


Trying to squeeze some more storage in my MiniPC. I have questions about these. These use hardward RAID with selectable modes (Individual/JBOD/RAID1/RAID2).

  1. If I use RAID 1 and one of the drives fails, will I know?

  2. If a drive fails, and a slap in a new one, will it internally begin repairing RAID 1 again?

  3. Can I use these as "individual" or JBOD and have 2 separate drives through the same connector, and use something like TrueNAS to software-RAID them?


Playing Helldivers 2. My brother on the desktop on the living room TV. Me on the SteamDeck on the couch next to him. Playing co-op together.


Not sure why this doesn't exist. I don't need 12TB of storage. When I had a Google account I never even crossed 15GB. 1TB should be plenty for myself and my family. I want to use NVMe since it is quieter and smaller. 2230 drives would be ideal. But I want 1 boot drive and 2 x storage drives in RAID. I guess I could potentially just have 2xNVMe and have the boot partition in RAID also? Bonus points if I can use it as a wireless router also.

submitted 1 month ago by helenslunch@feddit.nl to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by helenslunch@feddit.nl to c/gaming@beehaw.org
submitted 2 months ago by helenslunch@feddit.nl to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I really enjoy Linux but I find myself having to keep Windows partitions around for software that specifically requires Windows.

Proton makes everything easier by automatically running game files through a translation layer, and it "just works" quite well most of the time.

Also VanillaOS can apparently auto-spin a container when you try to open a .deb or AUR package (this is my rudimentary understanding).

Setting up WINE/Bottles, etc. is above my pay grade.

Is it not possible to create an OS that just does the same thing as Steam but for the entire OS?


Hi friends, I managed to get a few services running (Mobilizon, Mastodon, PeerTube etc.), and I'm just now realizing that by default none of these federated networks are subscribed to anything?

I'm going to be the only one using these services so I don't care about moderation or defederation. Is there no "subscribe all" button?

And if not, are there comprehensive lists somewhere I can download and import?

Thanks in advance.

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joined 7 months ago