[-] harry315@feddit.de 1 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

/c/okmatewanker@feddit.uk is won't amused by this post

[-] harry315@feddit.de 37 points 3 days ago

Nice, the cheapest model with a 13th gen Intel starts at 779 USD, and the AMD variant starts at 799 USD. Still expensive, but a lot more affordable than the last time I had a look.

Onosecond (imgflip.com)
[-] harry315@feddit.de 2 points 4 days ago

I ordered a double double en passant, and they gave me a double double double doube en passant

M O V E - Y O U R - (i.imgflip.com)
[-] harry315@feddit.de 204 points 3 weeks ago

Remember people: The cloud is just someone else's computer.


Interestingly enough, I found it to be surprisingly complicated to implement a time interval picker with Apple's at the time provided UI elements. Originally, I planned on modifying their Datepicker (the one with the satisfying drums), but it wouldn't work. So I made this, which is good enough (fast, intuitive, precise) for a personal project.

I classify it as bad UI, though, because there's a whole bunch of better approaches to this problem.

[-] harry315@feddit.de 120 points 6 months ago

wait, what? I've had a GIMP 2.x for at least 15 years now. they can't just... increase the number?? it's part of the program's name now

[-] harry315@feddit.de 65 points 6 months ago

currently, storage space is significantly cheaper than all the cpu power needed to generate the images from a text description. also, what if you actually wanted to view the backgroud of the object? and where's the advantage besides an at best 40 % increased storage space edficiency? after all, people are taking pictures to actually capture the moment. else they would do voice memos all the time.

[-] harry315@feddit.de 142 points 7 months ago

there's a typo in your meme, op. The URL is supposed to look something like that

[-] harry315@feddit.de 75 points 7 months ago

AFAIK if you buy any computer from within the last 20 years, there's a good chance you can get a 6.X Kernel running on it. 32-bit support is fading out, though. If you buy a 64-bit computer, you'll be able (with sufficient RAM and hard disk space) to install any modern distro on it.

submitted 7 months ago by harry315@feddit.de to c/android@lemmy.world

Hi everyone. I'm close to buying a Unihertz Jelly Star (this nugget here). One of the last things keeping me away from ordering is my concern with typing quality. ("Say what, on a three inch screen??")

Normal qwery-keyboards won't cut it, and thus I'm looking for recommendations on software keyboards for either tiny screens or super fat fingers. As I don't love auto correct, are there any T9-like keyboards for Android (9 keys is quite few, but how about like half of the keys of a full size keyboard)? Also, is there a way to install WearOS (or whatever Google calls it this week) keyboards on a normal Android phone?

If you've got either very fat fingers or a tiny screen, hit me with the keyboard apps you're using. Thanks a lot!

[-] harry315@feddit.de 75 points 8 months ago

What I find most interesting, though, is that there were only 250 Million daily active users in the first place. Musk paid like 176 bucks per user. There's no way he could've milked that much revenue out of the users in any reasonable time frame.

Sure, there's weekly and monthly active users, but how many ads can you possibly show someone who spends 5 minutes per week on formerly-known-as-Twitter?

submitted 9 months ago by harry315@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Ich möchte gern an dieser Stelle eine kleine Lanze für Schichtkäse brechen.

Ich habe vor ein paar Monaten dieses Zeug kennen und lieben gelernt. Irgendwie scheint nur noch die Generation Oma Schichtkäse zu kennen, meiner Meinung nach ist er ein viel zu spannendes Produkt um auszusterben.

Böse Zungen mögen behaupten, dass Schichtkäse einfach nur ein bröckeliger Quark ist. Im Prinzip scheint er auch genau das zu sein, ein ungerührter, geschnittener, direkt aus der Molke abgeschöpfter Quark.

Irgendwie hat es mir aber genau diese stichfeste, leich bröckelige Konsistenz angetan. Ich habe das Gefühl, er schmeckt auch etwas anders. Normaler Quark brennt bei mir im Rachen immer ein wenig, Schichtkäse hingegen hat eine eher helle Säure. Sie ist nur kurz da, und dann relativ zügig verschwunden, ähnlich wie die Schärfe bei Chilli versus Wasabi.

Echten Schichtkäse mit den historischen drei Schichten habe ich leider bisher noch nicht gefunden, wenn einer von euch einen Hersteller kennt, würde ich mich riesig über einen Tipp freuen.

Leider ist Schichtkäse im Vergleich zu Discounter-Quark sauteuer. Je nach Marke/Hersteller/Handel kostet ein Paket irgendwas zwischen zwei und drei Euro, während ein Paket Quark für unter einem Euro über die Theke geht. Ich vermute fürchte, das ist nun einmal der Preis von Delikatessen (vergleiche Büffelmozzarella aus Kampanien).

Ja, etwas seltsames Thema, ich weiß. Aber wie gesagt, ich möchte nicht, dass Schichtkäse mit unseren (Groß-)Eltern zusammen ausstirbt. Habt ihr ähnliche seltsame, interessante Nischenprodukte, die heutzutage kein Mensch mehr kennt, die aber viel bekannter sein sollten?

[-] harry315@feddit.de 126 points 9 months ago

Alright, trying an ELI5 here.

Big internet platforms like YouTube, Instagram etc. will get new rules in the EU

  • Less relevant/targeted ads for minors
  • Ads are not allowed to target you based on your gender, ethnicity etc.
  • More transparency and more control over which content will get shown to you
  • Big internet companies can get sued for the content users upload
  • They will implement reporting and delting tools to not get sued
  • Maybe we'll see some upload filters
  • Instagram will give you a chronological feed
  • TikTok will give you some trending stuff within your region
  • EU only
[-] harry315@feddit.de 214 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Python calculations run in the Microsoft Cloud

some functionality will be restricted without a paid license [in addition to a Microsoft365 subscription]

saved you from premature excitement

[-] harry315@feddit.de 118 points 9 months ago

If teens can hack your stuff, you should be really thankful to find out they did, because our stuff is insecure as fuck then.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by harry315@feddit.de to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Just wanted to share this with you. Of course the interface is designed for touch first, but I honestly expected the site to explode into a huge mess when loaded on anything other than common mobile device screens.

But here we are. Maybe ~~wefwef~~Voyager is the most usable Lemmy web interface currently available – on desktop and on mobile!

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