[-] hamid@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

No. What kind of question is this?! Never!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15069552

Join the Discord and come chat with us about what we are cooking!

We moved from lemmy.world to our own instance search and join !homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org

Also check out !recipes@vegantheoryclub.org for more traditional link aggregator type recipe links and blogs. Since this is very new if you can't see it on your instance please search for it and subscribe to cache it!

Cover pic is battletoads Big couscous, tofu, vegetables

a literal train made Pissaladière

train also made cannaloni

Rileyann made chickpeas and tomato sauce

meeseh made random soup

luther made curry which was served over rice

kwf made tacos

juggalo made beans and potatoes

kwf made vegetables and sauce

gomb made scramble and maafe

curtis made some afternoon oats

db made some lentils and tortills

How I live (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago by hamid@lemmy.world to c/weedtime@lemmy.world
Self improvement (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 weeks ago by hamid@lemmy.world to c/weedtime@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14719525

If you haven't seen us around in a while please subscribe to !homecooks!homecooks@vegantheoryclub.org we have our own (possibly the first?) vegan focused Lemmy instance.

Join the discord to see what the Vegan Come Cooks are up to!

Meesh made Seitan bourguignon

db made some tofu broccoli

getty coming in with lentil soup and kale

getty again with the peanut noodles, I made this one too

rileyann made delicious slop

Bulbasaur made rainbow noods

fala declared it is asparagus time, with tates and hummus

Bulba made kimbop, 👑

arcane potato made some really good brown rice and lentils at work

I made pancakes with chocolate bean sauce

alphor made koshari, the ultimate food

submitted 1 month ago by hamid@lemmy.world to c/weedtime@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by hamid@lemmy.world to c/weedtime@lemmy.world
Lawrence of Arabia 1962 (www.youtube.com)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (ww16.0123movie.net)
Shrek | 123movies.com (ww16.0123movie.net)
[-] hamid@lemmy.world 32 points 1 month ago

Because 10 months ago I chose to host c/veganhomecooks here. I do now use my own instance that I run out of Azure and plan to figure out a way to move my comm there but that is not easy to two click and move, I would lose all the subscribers and posts and it would not be cached on any other federated server. It is currently the largest and most active vegan focused community on the fediverse and do not want to leave it behind.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 63 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I want to start by saying I am extremely thankful for Ruud and the team and think that you did an amazing job with lemmy.world and I wish you success in the future.

That said, I am a monthly 30 dollar donator to Lemmy and I am not interested in Sublinks. I read through the threads and my take is that I think the motivation for the development of it goes against my personal politics and mischaracterizes nutomic and dessalines. While I appreciate the nature of open source to open up avenues for people to act as they think is best, I do not want to leave the Lemmy.

Ahead of a migration to Sublinks I hope there comes a cleaner way to move communities off lemmy.world. If I had known how the Fediverse worked 11 months ago I would have self hosted an instance and shared my communities that way as to not be defederated from people I want to be federated with. Additionally I think that having a single huge lemmy instance is not great for the architecture of the fediverse as a whole and even if there were no changes planned or being considered. I think that many instances hosting communities is preferable to having large ones like lemmy.ml and lemmy.world.

Again I totally get that this is provided free and as is and as such you are free to make the decision you think is best. Even though I am a difficult person, I very much appreciate you, your team and what you are trying to accomplish. Thank you.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 51 points 1 month ago

"defies logic" no it doesn't it is a wall street con job per usual for those fucking ghouls lol.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 36 points 2 months ago

This was extremely ambitious. I am not a C# developer but I was able to get a LLM to build a really simple app for me to take in input and fill out a table in an azure storage account and then use an azure function to update a document with the information to add to a firewall threat feed for a demo. It took me 3 hours where learning and doing the old fashioned way would have taken me a few days. Cool stuff but not magic, it was like working with a really smart idiot.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 37 points 2 months ago

The one thing that communists and conservatives have in common is that everyone they don't like is a liberal

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 35 points 4 months ago

Literally nothing has ever been won from kings and oligarchs by asking nicely you naive child.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago

If you rely on your paycheck, you are working class.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 31 points 9 months ago

To me there is no vs. My web browser has tabs and I can have multiple ones open at a time. It is cool to have more things, I don't need to commit to anything like an app or website.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 65 points 9 months ago

Schools don't exist solely to prepare you for soul crushing work. It is supposed to actually educate you.

[-] hamid@lemmy.world 55 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Not really, @sunaurus@lemm.ee the lemm.ee admin is an Estonian citizen and entitled to use the domain https://lemm.ee/comment/1374825

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joined 11 months ago