[-] graymess@lemmy.world 1 points 15 hours ago

Ooh, I want an 8bitdo Steam controller.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Notice how each of those countries you said Zionists chose instead of Palestine were already, you know, countries. Where people live. Zionism is a settler colonial movement that displaces people wherever you decide it should be. Colonizers do not deserve sympathy or support. I agree that the actions of Israel should not be associated with the Jewish people, but they most certainly are the actions of Zionists, of colonizers. No one gets to Minecraft a homeland out of thin air. You don't just pop up an ethno-state on any habitable location on earth without removing those who already live there.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 14 points 4 days ago

Average IOF soldier.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 23 points 5 days ago

The obvious answer would be Black & White and its sequel, which for many is the definitive god game. You're an untouchable god interacting with your world and physically manipulating it with your hand, but you also have a giant animal familiar that you raise to also interact with the people. You create miracles and either help or terrorize the population into following you. Not much combat if that's what you're looking for, but it's a unique game that unfortunately has not seen a worthy successor in 20+ years.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 73 points 2 weeks ago

Cool. I might watch it now lol. Getting confirmation by a showrunner that a series will get to complete the overarching story they had planned is like a huge green light for me to check out a show I missed the train on earlier.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 49 points 3 weeks ago

How long until the majority of the Internet is inaccessible to non-Chromium browsers because the pages "don't support them"?

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 37 points 1 month ago

Considering every Fallout game from the last two decades made top 20, I'd say yeah it's probably the show lol.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 28 points 2 months ago

I agree with the titties.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

It's not really worthy of Patient Gamers because I bought it shortly after launch (in an actual box at Best Buy), but the Orange Box was one of the most absurdly good deals I've ever seen. I can't even calculate how many hours I've gotten out of it because it ended up on an old Steam account, but TF2 alone is easily my most played game ever.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 46 points 3 months ago

Lots of optimism for Yuzu living on in some fork of the code, but I don't expect it will be that simple. Qualified new devs will not be likely to invest anywhere near the time and energy the original devs have. If they're smart, they'll avoid taking direct donations, which means the project will at best be a side hobby. Switch emulation will become a lot harder to document if development fragments into smaller forks. Not sure if a game is compatible or what settings to use? Maybe you'll find some recommended settings for Yuzu Fork A, but not Fork G you set up because it has better compatibility with another game you were interested in. Information is going to be confusing, inaccurate, and inconsistent as the scene goes underground. Links and other sources won't be as trustworthy or safe. What was once a fun and easy way to play games will become a risk and a chore. I'm glad there are immediate efforts to get the project back online, but I can't see this settlement as anything less than a massive blow to emulation and game preservation as a whole. Decades of legal precedent that developers have relied on to safely do their work is being thrown out. Things are objectively worse now than they were before. We are already exiting the golden age of emulation.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 37 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

You have plenty of answers already, but one thing I want to point out that might not have been mentioned yet: The DS line of handhelds are unique hardware; the Switch is not.

By that I mean there is a vast library of games developed over ~15 years that were designed for the dual screen layout. Don't listen to what anyone tells you about emulation; those games are much, much better when played on actual Nintendo hardware, not because they run poorly on emulators, but because your phone, monitors, Steam Deck, and TV are one horizontal screen. Every alternative layout I've seen for emulating DS games is an awkward compromise to fit two screens on one. It sucks, it doesn't look good, and you'll have to change the layout on a per game basis because one size absolutely does not fit all.

Now look at the Switch. It's a standard 16:9 720p touch screen. Everything that can and will ever be built powerful enough to emulate a Switch will display those games in the way they were intended to be presented. When Switch emulation is perfect (and it's most of the way there) there is no compromise. You can already play Switch games on other handheld devices at higher resolutions and frame rates than the Switch itself can handle and it's an objectively better experience.

I only offer this perspective because you're talking about a very long term view of device ownership. We are now well past the period of game development on two screens as it existed on the DS line of handhelds. I highly doubt that phase of game design is ever coming back. And like it or not, many of those games are best experienced on the original hardware they were designed for and that will probably still be the case 20 years from now. On the other hand, we already have a plethora of alternative hardware options for games made for the Nintendo Switch and those numbers will grow considerably between now and 2044.

[-] graymess@lemmy.world 35 points 6 months ago

You're in luck! There are millions of people playing games on Twitch. Who knew?

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