submitted 7 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/politics@lemmy.world

Tech heavyweights who helped ignite Trump’s candidacy have told close associates they feel alienated from the GOP and are casting about for a candidate who more closely aligns with their extreme pro-business agenda.

Non-paywall: https://archive.ph/LLAMY

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 34 points 7 months ago

The really weird part was this:

The amendment's language is dangerously vague and unconstrained, and can be weaponized to attack parental rights or defend rapists, pedophiles, and human traffickers.

I mean I know that they love to mix things together, but this might be the first time I’ve seen abortion linked to pedophilia and supporting rapists.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

There were some issues over the past week with logins.

I migrated from storing JWTs in the app’s file system to using the iOS Keychain to store them. This prevents - mainly for users with jailbreaks - other applications being able to access tokens.

The issue was caused by the iOS Keychain not being updated whenever the JWT was changed. So, if you signed into an account that already had an existing but invalid JWT, it would have not removed and overwritten the old one. This is fixed now along with ensuring that Memmy operates fine with 0.19. (Version 1.1.4, still waiting on Apple to approve the App Store release).

Now, this isn’t for 99 percent of you, but yet it still needs to be said. I have said before and will continue to say: I am a single person (Sean has his own obligations) working on this right now. It has consumed a lot of time, and that is fine to me. However I also have life commitments.

I totally understand that if the app is not functioning that you are going to migrate - at least temporarily - to another app. That’s fine. I would do the same. What is not helpful is rude comments or store. You’re more than welcome to bring up issues or leave reviews on the store (I do get notified of them) but doing so with “doesn’t work, devs can’t even be bothered to….” provides me with absolutely nothing to work off of.

This issue is a perfect example of that. There have been a handful of people who were unable to sign in for a few days now (more than I know of, I am sure). Of those people, a number either made comments here (and I do apologize for not reading those, please read below) or have left negative reviews without information. I was left to speculate about the issue and assume it was fixed and the user was just using an old version. It was not until today that someone reached out to me over email with details about the issue that I was able to pin it down and fix it.

I am extremely grateful for the people who have either created GitHub issues or emailed me directly with logs and information. I’ve had interactions with a number of you over the past few weeks that have been great, and that is what open source software is all about.

It should be noted too that - as of right now - this community is mainly used for me being able to make an announcement easily. I do not have the time to monitor this community however. If you directly reply to me or message me I’ll get the notification, but I do not pay attention to posts. If you have a question, it is much more helpful to send me an email (along with the debug log) or open an issue on GitHub.

Know that this isn’t just a request for myself. I’m asking you to treat every developer working on Lemmy. related projects, or frankly any open source software with the same respect. I’ve seen numerous times on this site (and frankly this was something that made me want to take a step away for a moment) rude remarks and negativity made towards developers. It isn’t constructive at all and is the opposite of the energy that we as a community should be putting out.

Please, all I ask is that we be respectful in both directions. As long as the community continues to be great I have no issue at all putting time into this. And outside of just myself and Memmy, the only way this community will continue to thrive and grow is if everyone is treated with that respect.

Remember, too, that Lemmy in terms of size and Memmy in terms of existence have only been around for mere months. Nothing comes perfect out of the box. Lemmy is still - I think we can agree - in its early stages. So is Memmy and the rest of the applications out there. What should be remembered is that the next wave of people is bound to come at some point. Your help in development can make that transition easier than it was for you, whether it be help toward me, toward Voyager or Avelon or the other available options, to the instances, or to the Lemmy devs themselves.

Thank you all. Long live Lemmy 💪(fuck /u/spez)

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 33 points 7 months ago

Don’t understand what these people think would be accomplished by sending the stuff in the mail like that. Touching it isn’t going to do anything. Inhaling I supposed, but it would be rather difficult to accidentally inhale it especially after being packed during mailing.

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 49 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)
[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 41 points 7 months ago

Ridiculous that we “cant find” the money to pay the people educating the next generation more than this women is/will be making this year from posting photos and videos of herself online. Reveals a number of priorities that are out of line.

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 115 points 7 months ago

Speculation about Gaither's involvement on the platform began in mid-October when she was seen in a video posted on Coppage's account. While the video didn't include Gaither's face, it was recorded at a party, and she was seen in a public picture wearing the same costume that was worn in the video posted on OnlyFans, according to the report.

So are we not going to call into question the “professionalism” of whoever found this video? Or did someone just accidentally make their way to onlyfans and pay to access her content. 🙄

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 55 points 8 months ago

Oh wow, I’m glad to see there’s other people who are reminded of Plasma by Win 11. As someone who never installed or used it the first time I saw someone using it I made a comment about them using Linux. Until I realized…

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 31 points 8 months ago

It’s weird with devs. Most of us are fine but there’s definitely a sizable number of “tech bros” that absolutely are misogynistic. And it’s probably worse than I realize not being the target of it.

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 56 points 8 months ago

This is what happens when you increase pricing, add advertising on top of increased pricing, remove your content from competitors and create your own additional platform, all while decreasing the quality and amount of content.

submitted 8 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 36 points 8 months ago

This is the scariest part about it


submitted 8 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Howdy all! Hopefully you are doing well.

It has been quite some time since the last update, and for that I do apologize. Both personal commitments and just the need to take a step back have had both Sean and I not really working much on the app. However, here is some news from Memmy.

The initial releases of Memmy taught me a lot about React Native. Making an app this feature filled is fairly difficult, and it grew quickly and fell apart in a lot of areas. Seeing all of those short comings, I have gone ahead and addressed them from the ground up.

The number one issue was the UI framework that was in use. Somehow, the arguably most used UI framework for React Native had exceptionally terrible performance. That has now been completely removed from Memmy. What we are working with now produces renders in within 2ms of base React Native components.

Additionally, the state has been completely reworked. No longer should there be any real issues there. I’ve taken care to try and make sure there is only one source of truth for posts and comments as well as making sure proper memoization is being used.

Swipe gestures can be fully customized now, so feel free to do whatever setup you want.

I have some code ready to test for push notifications again. Originally, I disabled them because of rate limit issues at the request of Lemmy.world. I’ll make sure I’m still in the clear, but I was given some numbers to work with before that I think will work fine.

The community drawer can be opened from anywhere in the app by pressing and holding on the home icon now. Double tapping will refresh the feed. Small stuff, but highly requested.

Drafts get stored for everything. You can start replying to a comment, close out and reply to another one, then go back to the first. Your changes will be waiting for you.

There are other changes all over the place that should really just make performance light years better. There are sleek animations now as well on community and profile views, and loading is no longer “jarring”. Animations and fade ins are used throughout the app for all loading of data.

There’s some more stuff to implement but I anticipate having something up on the store by the middle of next week. I’ve submitted something to TestFlight for approval already, so if you are still in there you can download that.

I should note that there are no plans at all to monetize Memmy. No advertisements, paywalls for features, etc. frankly, I am happy to bite the small bill for push notifications if it comes to it. The intention is just to make an environment that you all can easily use.

Feel free to come back to memmy if you left, or stay where you’re at. As long as you’re happily using Lemmy in general that’s all that really matters :)


submitted 11 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Hey guys! Sorry for being AWOL for the past few days. I’ve been taking some personal time and stepped away for a bit. Going to be cleaning up some more stuff and pushing out some good stuff to you guys soon.

This build here - for real this time - offers significant performance enhancements. There is more to be done, but this is a great start.

Here’s some changes:

  • Hide username in the tab bar
  • Some context menu refactors
  • Add bug report option
  • We have replaced the old UI library with a new one. There are still some quirks to work out, and we will be handling those over the next few days. This offers quite a significant performance boost over the last library.
  • Using more stable variables to prevent unnecessary re-renders. This is one part of the performance improvements.
  • Fix infinite refreshing attempts of an empty community
  • Added option to delete posts. This was something I threw in tonight and will be finishing edit post tomorrow. I also have the mod tools ready to go, just a matter of adding them where they need to be in the menus
  • Comment chains are collapsed after either the first 4 2nd level comments or after 3 replies to a 2nd level comment. Much easier to scroll through comments now. This is a WIP so there might be issues. Let us know.
  • Added a comment jump button. Speaks for itself. Might have some issues and is still a WIP. Let us know if anything goes wrong
  • Should have fixed a few crashes that were getting reported while I was away.

Again, sorry for the downtime. I’ll be more active over the next week and we should see some big stuff.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

As the title says. Features are now available on TestFlight. Apple should approve the release on Monday, so let's hope that happens and it's available everywhere. Cheers.

Edit: Noticed a problem with the marking as read. Fixed now and I'll update here shortly.

submitted 11 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Hey all!

It may have seemed to be a slow week, but I have been toiling rewriting a significant portion of the codebase while staring at graphs so that we can better implement new features. Currently, the state management was a bit too spread out, so I have taken the time to centralize that. This is going to make things like mod tools a cinch to integrate, and I plan to do that this coming week (seriously).

These changes should also provide some pretty good performance enhancements. To be sure, this is not a complete effort yet, however I have overhauled the two biggest things: feeds and posts/comments. These are the two biggest performance bottlenecks, and I think I’ve gotten about 80% of the way there in improving the performance there. Still more work to do though!

Additionally, we should see another significant performance boost in the next portion of the rewrite, which will remove off the current UI library that we use and replace it with a much better performing library. That is a process that will happen over time.

The great news is that now, we should be able to iterate at a higher speed with these changes, and we should be rolling out some big changes here in the next few days!

For now, there are a few changes - and things that should be fixed because of this rewrite

  • I keep saying this, but I have a feeling that this should resolve some NSFW issues
  • I also keep saying this, but I am pretty certain that this should fix the issues with language ID issues. At least for posts, comments should be fixed in a day or so.
  • The profile screen has been reworked
  • Much better (but still lacking, and this will improve further in the coming days) performance with the traverse

As this is a rewrite of a lot of state things, there is a chance that some things might have broken. However, I have done a good bit of testing here and think things are alright. If you see anything funky, please do let us know!

We do plan (and should be able to do so more easily now) have some tab bar options that will allow you to customize the functions there. For example, you will be able to visit the traverse tab from a button on the tab bar if you wish to swap it out with another one.

Like I said, this coming week will be more feature-full rather than behind the scenes work. Thanks for hanging in there while we get this stuff sorted out!


submitted 11 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml


Test post (lemmy.ml)
submitted 11 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/test@lemmy.ml

Some body

submitted 11 months ago by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Hey all!

I am doing a rewrite right now of the state management so that we can scale a lot better. This is going to allow for a super seamless integration of mod tools as well as other integrations throughout the app.

I am aware of some issues with the drawer right now, especially whenever a user has a large number of subscriptions. We are working on clearing that up.

I'm also aware of some performance issues, especially on older devices. Two things are being done to correct this:

  • Better state management
  • Stripping out one of the UI libraries that is used and replacing it with either another library or raw React Native components.

These will probably be done by the end of the week. I think these are two things that are super important to knock out now to keep things scalable. I'm learning here as we move along, and am fixing things up as I see issues arise 👍

Thanks for all the feedback, and know that some absolutely great things are coming your way very soon! Cheers

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 33 points 11 months ago

Hahaha. We are working on moving over to using SF Icons. Still a bunch of stuff to change out. Don’t look yet Apple! 🫣🫣

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Hey all!

This should be available sometime later in the day. Huge thanks for a few new contributors - @joshua-davis-rose and @bohn002 - for putting in a lot of work as well.

  • Subscriptions now available in a drawer instead of "Traverse". More of an Apollo-esque style
  • Switch accounts by pressing and holding the profile button. Feed header now allows you to select Local/All/Subscriptions
  • Continuing to improve image viewer
  • Saving images and sharing images now uses the cached files to share, so you don't need to re-download them
  • Alphabetized subscription list
  • Community about screen now shows moderators
  • You can swipe back using anywhere in the tab bar (I've been experimenting with full-screen swipe back as well, once I get that ironed out a bit more we will add that too)
  • UI now uses the iOS 14+ dropdowns for context menus
  • Cleaned up some issues with longer community names, but there are still more to handle. Keep an eye out.
  • Subscriber count is now in the community search
  • All NSFW image issues should be fixed
  • Lots of performance enhancements around the app
  • Also lots of bug fixes, especially for a few newly discovered crashes

Please be sure to report any issues to the GitHub if you can. It is much easier to track there than it is here. There's a lot of traffic, so it's hard to keep track of all of it!

Stay tuned for more coming throughout the week!

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 53 points 11 months ago

Try installing something from homebrew.

Oh you just want to install this one package here? Ok but let’s update 60 other packages first. Don’t worry, it will only take about one minute. Per package.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by gkd@lemmy.ml to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Edit: Want to make this a sugestion thread, so please let us know your ideas on themes or names below.

Howdy all!

We have been internally discussing a rebranding of Memmy to another name. This has been a discussion for some time, and although we have certainly tried to see the upsides of not rebranding, we don't think this is a viable long-term option, for - among others - the following reasons:

  • Eventual support for non-Lemmy services such as Kbin or Mastodon
  • User awareness of Lemmy. Right now, the vast majority of people who are finding the app most likely are specifically searching for "Lemmy". While that's great and (based on trends on downloads/day) shows that there's obviously a big demand for Lemmy, we think this might not be the best way to grow - not just for ourselves but for Lemmy as a whole. We want the fediverse to grow and the best way to do that is to make it acceptable and easy to access without specifically targeting people who already know about Lemmy
  • Community feedback in general about the name. None of this is taken personal or anything, but there's definitely negative feedback for multiple reasons about it, and honestly I think we agree with most - if not all - of that feedback.

Like I said, this is not something that we are doing lightly and we want to make sure we make the right choice before moving forward.

Mind you, we are not talking about a short-term goal here of supporting multiple Fediverse platforms. That probably isn't even in the one-year plan if I'm being honest. But I personally believe the way that we make the Fediverse work is by making the whole experience awesome, and that means offering users with options and ease-of-use.

So, with that said, we want to see what you guys think. We have had internal discussion about the possibility of using the name Badger, and while we all think that's a pretty good option, we are not 100% sold and want to gauge feedback before we do anything. Edit: It seems like that might not be something the community is interested in, so we likely won't be going that route.

Please drop your suggestions for themes or names below! We will go through them all sometime later in the day.

Let us know your thoughts!

[-] gkd@lemmy.ml 41 points 11 months ago

Yea the fact this cannot even be released in the EU is one of the biggest red flags I have ever seen yet loads of people seem to not care at all. 🤷‍♂️

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