[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

Not about being "the king" just about simplicity and sufficiency.

I want ubiqituous immediate connection...we aren't all maximizers, some of us just want the easiest serviceable & reliable option.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

America is not the world my friend. I mean Irish people in Ireland have been historically repressed and reviled in and by UK and Europe. I dont know how prevelant it continues to be, but there is a deep history.

Humans beings the world over find ways to categorize and class each other on ethnicity in all sorts of ways that is fundamentally working with similar power relations to racism without it being reducible to skin tone.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 90 points 5 days ago

Bernie wound up having a far greater political impact in the country than anyone would have believed 10 years ago. He didn't have to become president to influence a shift....democrats have gotten alot better overall on domestic policy and the way Bernie inspired millions of us to demand this from the dems we vote for was hugely impactful imo.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 34 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

"No offense, but if they cops don't feel like respecting free speech and protest, you probably should expect them bullets".

The 2020 protests were largely non-violent, and when that was breached it was typically because the cops brought so much violence. Its amazing to me that people can see a civil rights image and see the police oppression, but videos of cops cornering a crowd and then inundating them with tear gas and shit gets rationalized.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

I presume you are being ironic but just in case the Irish have experienced alot of racism LOL.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 20 points 6 days ago

The history of forcing slaves into limited food choices, and then caricaturing an entire race based on people adapting to those arbitrary forced limits....there are alot of layers of historical racism in play that could make doing this in a way that highlights those foods would probably play into that racism. Chicken and watermelon aren't "black" foods, they were common staples of Southern slaves that had limited choices.

That said, those stereotypes are stupid, those foods are delicious to people of all races, so if those foods are served as a broader celebration or feast and its just part of the day without any emphasis or indicators of meeting (i.e., chicken and fruit are common foods for celebration so why not have them), I don't think anyone would care.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 100 points 1 month ago

Trump wants to be dictator and is talking about a third term and you dipshits still keep on with your divisive nonsense meant to push people into political apathy. Lol this site's political discourse has been completely hijacked by bad-faith, blame Dems at all costs bullshit.

To those not acting in bad faith, you should vote Biden because at least you know he will peacefully step down when his term is up. Trump will try more J6 style violence to stay in power. Could you imagine 20 years of Trump, or if he appointed one of his kids president?

Pull your head out of your ass and vote Biden.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 134 points 3 months ago

All I read is that if women want their pussy to be eaten they should date leftists.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 83 points 4 months ago

Oh no, they've been communicating since before 2016. Just look at the changes to party platform for the GOP that year regarding funding to Ukraine. The new policies, which came directly from Trumps people, reversed course on Ukraine and basically adopted pro-Kremlin positions. And it was out of left field...on alot of policy positions, they didn't comment on shit or even have fully developed positions....but on Ukraine they have a very strong and very pro-Kremlin stance.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 82 points 6 months ago

People are paying attention. Problem is, 35-40% of the country likes fascist talking points and would be fine with a dictator, as long as it's their guy.

[-] gardylou@lemmy.world 139 points 6 months ago

Biden doesn't get enough credit for all the good shit he's spearheaded.

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