[-] flipht@kbin.social 42 points 7 months ago

We have backlogged projects, let alone maintenance on existing infrastructure, not even getting to the costs of upgrading ancient infrastructure - a lot of municipalities still use clay pipes.

Right now deferred maintenance is roughly a trillion dollars.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 49 points 7 months ago

So they amend their constitution. During a war. To force people into the streets to vote.

How does the government make sure the election is fair? Some people won't be able to vote due to danger. Some will be attacked. Some areas are occupied, and the occupation lines may change during the election.

If they tried to run an election now, Russia would publish their own results showing that the occupied areas voted for Putin. Trying to run elections is hard enough in normal times, doing so with Russia literally holding a large swath of your country is impossible.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 54 points 8 months ago

Republicans made a deal with JFK to phase out mental health hospitals and replace them with community based facilities that had a more home like atmosphere.

They did the gutting part.

Then JFK was assassinated.

Republicans decided that they didn't have to do any more after that, and LBJ used most of his political capital to get the voting rights act passed.

That's why our mental health system is so broken.

If republicans wanted to fix the system, they could start with funding the VA. Many of our troops wind up with mental health conditions due to their time in the service.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 44 points 9 months ago

Sounds like the real traffickers/groomers. What the actual fuck.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 40 points 9 months ago

Ignoring that ancient mathematicians were able to calculate the size of the earth with pretty good results, considering their "world spanning empires" are what we'd consider regional now.

Also that you can literally watch a ship come over the horizon, seeing it's sails first before the body actually moves into view. If the earth were flat the entire thing would be visible the entire time.

You can't reason people out of positions they didn't reason themselves into.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 54 points 9 months ago

Not only is alcohol legal, it was made legal again after its own failed prohibition.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 44 points 10 months ago

This. It's a signal to the faithful that they haven't flipped. It's to let them know who is still in the hate ecosystem - the ones not smiling will start having the hate machine directed at them very shortly.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 47 points 10 months ago

This is a minor wave I've seen of "oopsies" posts about work from home.

And if history is any teacher, and considering that they spent the last few months pushing the "workers actually want to come back!" fantasy narrative, I expect in a few weeks the pieces will start being about blaming workers for the return to work pushes.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 52 points 10 months ago

Divisive almost always means liberal in these contexts. I find the bible divisive, but I doubt any teacher would get fired for quoting or even directly reading from it.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 54 points 10 months ago

It's insane how many left leaning leaders were assassinated. And it isn't a coincidence that it was during the red scare. What we KNOW about McCarthyism is crazy enough, now think of all the stuff they wouldn't say out loud to fight the "red menace."

[-] flipht@kbin.social 44 points 11 months ago

It's also not a dead language by any stretch of the imagination. Even latin isn't technically a dead language since it is still used.

Imperialists calling something dead is often just wishful thinking.

[-] flipht@kbin.social 53 points 11 months ago

Just goes to show you that even when rights are pretty explicitly stated, you still have to be able to be able to afford the time and money for a lawsuit when governmental entities decide otherwise.

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