[-] experbia@kbin.social 92 points 6 months ago

I went through a Second Life land trading phase quite a few years back. Properties like this were very valuable to advertisers. Because of advertisers, it was possible to be a niche real estate mogul for weird useless little virtual properties like this that could earn you an actual meaningful real-world income. Second Life had (may still have, I've not been back in a while) its own advertising industry and multiple adtech networks. A despicable inevitability of having completely free content creation tools and also an economy that can trade with real money. People trying to sell their creations want people to pay in game currency to get their things, so they can extract the value to real money. They want people to know about their products, so they turn to people who will accept in game currency to blast awareness of their products everywhere. Those advertisers want land, which they need to buy. Probably from another player.

So, the first thing I thought of when I saw this plot was "BILLBOARDS!!!" and I hate it.

[-] experbia@kbin.social 41 points 7 months ago


[-] experbia@kbin.social 46 points 7 months ago

everybody on Earth will know

hahaha holy shit, he believes. he really believes his own shit. he really views "X" as being of planetary importance. he's actually living in his daydream, where Mars (by his hand) and Earth are networked (by him) and his "X" has somehow supplanted the Internet and spans between planets. his principal operating perspective is a delusion. wow. like, all the time.

[-] experbia@kbin.social 36 points 8 months ago

I've always said that Starfleet is, first and foremost, a jobs program.

It gives purpose to people who can't find their own, in a time where your needs are provided-for by default, and seeking personal fulfillment is the purpose for most people's lives.

Drones would cut out the human driving a shuttle over to inspect an anomaly or object themselves, robbing them of a sense of accomplishment and achievement. Starfleet is about that stuff, so that's a no-go unless nobody wants to do it and it needs to be done anyway. We see that a lot, too. They do have probes and sensor stations and stuff, after all, usually in really boring and unfulfilling locations.

They have excessive, ridiculous redundancy. They have people doing jobs the ship computers could (and often, in times of need, DOES) perform very well on its own. There are several recorded instances of entire starships being successfully maintained for extended periods of time by a single individual (who does go insane due to isolation every time, because plot).

[-] experbia@kbin.social 58 points 9 months ago

looking forward to some backwater shithole GOP-run state legislature to try and arrest her for election interference

[-] experbia@kbin.social 29 points 9 months ago

this is a wake-up call to this industry and any other industry enjoying a glut of "free" (as in beer) proprietary tools owned entirely by private (or worse: public!) organizations.

this will always be the result. every single time. if you think you and your industry are immune to getting bait & switched, you are very wrong.

chaining your livelihood to a for-profit organization is begging to eventually be extorted in this manner. greed is inevitable.

[-] experbia@kbin.social 43 points 9 months ago

it never ceases to amaze me how stupid we all are as a civilization.

we're opting out of it, but nature will continue. this will be a very curious and fairly hospitable world full of interesting xenoarcheological mysteries... in the distant future, to a visiting spacefaring civilization.

[-] experbia@kbin.social 40 points 10 months ago

Cops are well aware standing in front of a car gives them a free pass killing someone

This "technique" has been demonstrated enough that frankly, I think that any rational person would conclude that in any situation where a cop walks in front of your car, you're better off just gunning it before the cop has a chance to extrajudicially execute you first. If they walk in front of your car, it's clear they're just itching to murder you. The threat has been made, you should fear for your life. It's you or them.

[-] experbia@kbin.social 28 points 11 months ago

Of course they are. Citizens can be conscripted.

[-] experbia@kbin.social 46 points 11 months ago

do I have a case against either my institution, the professor who threw it out or OpenAI?

This all seems like such recent technology, I can not imagine this question being very answerable except via the long way: a courtroom. I suspect it would take someone trying in order to set precedent.

[-] experbia@kbin.social 102 points 11 months ago

Weird, users can't access the site, so ad revenue goes down?? Nobody can blame Elon, that's literally impossible to predict. Maybe if he bans users from tweeting more than once a day it will get better?

[-] experbia@kbin.social 129 points 11 months ago

This is great. This is how it always should have been.

Organization of any kind needs a Twitter page or subreddit? No, they need their own official, self-controlled Mastodon instance anyone can see and listen to and interact with, even without accounts on that specific instance. They need their own kbin or Lemmy instance to make and administer their community on and have control over, everyone can still participate even without signing up for accounts on that specific instance.


Hi there, still adapting to all this, hoping I can get some clarification.

It seems like the 'front page' of kbin is content sourced from all communities (analogous to alien site's '/all'). Is there a view that shows me threads/microblogs only from all the communities that I have actively subscribed to instead of every one known? (perhaps more analogous to alien site's per-user front page)

Thank you!

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