[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 17 points 4 weeks ago

Yes, worst clickbait title I've seen in a while. Health Connect was announced 2 years ago...

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 33 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I don't really get why the M8 is remembered so fondly but the M7 isn't.

Is it just that way more people bought the M8? The M7 was truly innovative and the M8 was only a small iteration on top.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 19 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The UI strings make it pretty clear this is an option the user can choose.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 23 points 2 months ago

It's not an assumption. They obviously have telemetry that shows the vast majority of people never turn Bluetooth or WiFi off.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 24 points 4 months ago

Nope, Moto is 8th.

According to IDC, the top three smartphone brands last year were Apple (20.1%), Samsung (19.4%), and Xiaomi (12.5%). 

Moto only has 4% market share currently...

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 25 points 5 months ago

feature where the screen turns on when the camera detects motion.

Using a camera as a motion sensor doesn't count as not using a motion sensor IMO.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 23 points 5 months ago

Why is it a deal breaker? Synthetic benchmarks don't mean anything. The real world experience of using a Pixel is faster/smoother.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 17 points 7 months ago

It probably wasn't reported. I'd wager the percentage of devices with multiple profiles (that doesn't include Android for work) is probably very small.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 16 points 7 months ago

Aren't there a bunch of improvements for foldable devices?

Also, there are a lot of security and privacy changes forced on developers when targeting API 34 that will help protect end users without them knowing.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 16 points 7 months ago

Qualcomm has announced that it's working on a RISC-V chipset for Wear OS

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 20 points 8 months ago

I've given it some time, but I just don't like the new logo. I don't really understand the need to make it so simple that it no longer really resembles anything.

[-] evo@sh.itjust.works 23 points 8 months ago

Could be worse. 25 cents in 1938 is still only worth $5.44 today.

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