[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 8 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

I appreciate you taking the time, and I understand where I was wrong. Thank you

EDIT I'm going to take down my comments because it's affecting my mental health, so for those of you that see it as deleted by creator, I made an incorrect statement, was given information on why I was wrong, and that's about it. Please just downvote this to oblivion instead, I think I will process this being down voted better

[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

if you were actually around long enough there were literally polls of what to call Lemmy users. Lemons was actually the top name for a bit, but lemmings won out. So. Try not to be so needlessly mean. It was named Lemmy not just because of the animals called Lemmings, but also Lemmy from motörhead. that's like two sentences into the Wikipedia page.

[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 30 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 30 points 1 month ago

Thank you to the men in the comments who react like humans with empathy!

But god damn there are a lot of people on this thread that are taking this VERY personally.

  1. Nobody is denying that men in our society deserve to be respected, nobody is saying IF YOU'RE A MAN FUCK YOU ID RATHER BE MAULED, and nobody is saying that women are always right no matter what.

  2. Of course the man could be weaker/not a threat. Of course he should be assumed safe. Of course everyone should respect all genders. And, OF COURSE, some women lie about rape! Yes! You do in fact have valid concerns!

HOWEVER, It is really shitty some people commenting decide to take a clear example with obvious intentions and then make it about themselves, and then abuse women in the comments... you are proving the point, and in fact, you are a huge red flag already.

This question already sets the scene, you are alone in the woods: there is a strange man OR you are alone in the woods: there is a strange bear. The man's intentions (AND the bear's intentions) is not clear, we only know that he is there, and he is strange. No need to make up reasons why the guy is OK, minding his business, etc. Because in the situation given, the point of the question was to ask people how they would feel lost in the woods with a man or a bear, with such a small amount of information!

The question is trying to shed light on WHY the women asked said they prefer the bear. Do they think every man -at all- is a threat? Do they think that all men will overpower and harm them"because all men want to use their strength to rape/hurt women" because they are "biologically meant to*?* and, then, where do the fears come from and what can we do to change that? Why assume the worst when everything could be just fine?

I wish people would react more like "this is very depressing, and I understand why women are sometimes afraid of men in situations out of their control" or "I am doing my part to be a safe man ". But ask yourself, "do I know someone that would clearly make a woman feel unsafe to be around?" You might know more than one person like this, and they are why we talk about this in the first place.

The best way I've ever heard to describe this fear women live with is this: "when I approach a bees nest, it is highly unlikely they will attack me, they are usually docile!. That does not mean I won't try to avoid being stung. "


Hello! I really, really love bok choy, but every time I prepare it it turns a little sour. My intent is to eat it as part of a simple vegetable stir fry.

I love blanching when it comes to green beans/peas, steaming when it comes to Broc/cauli, and stir fried for all else..

What is your favorite way to prepare bok choy to achieve the best crunchy-and-tender texture?

submitted 2 months ago by ettyblatant@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I swear, ~~every time~~ most of the time I see someone being particularly rude, ignorant, and inappropriate on a post (usually political in origin, or they swing it to being political) I click on their profile and see it has been created that same day.

They are only there to sow discord. Only to piss people off. Idk if we can just report them (for what?) but I'd like to try exposing them before responding and interacting..

I am guilty of gobbling up the bait. I've started looking at profiles of people that piss me off exceptionally and noticed they're burner bot loser accounts.

I guess i just want to say I've noticed it!


When I used rif, you could swipe a post and delete it from your screen. Sometimes I want to hide a post so I don't get triggered or pissed off each time I refresh my screen and see it there, mocking me ... I only see options to block user, community, instance. Y no block post?

[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 37 points 3 months ago

Youthful me, up for anything : shit, I'll have what she's having! Deeply depressed me in the world today : dang, and she wasn't even on drugs..

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ettyblatant@lemmy.world to c/funny@lemmy.world


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by ettyblatant@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Sometimes, I open the fridge (or a cabinet) and just see some condiment (mostly hot sauce) and realize it will dictate my diet for the next month.

Like today. I opened my bachelor/nihilist fridge and saw a bottle of Walmart steak sauce. Now, I know, I guess I must eat steak inspired meals, or ground beef inspired meals, or whatever but my favorite is over easy eggs with steak sauce. Or, any sandwich. Also, boiled potatoes, because I am a genius that hates themself. Also green vegetables.

Sriracha is similar. I see it and think, "oh, you TEASE!" and then put on a pot of rice and start blanching all my veggies.

I see some local "Louisiana Hot Sauce" in my hot sauce cabinet? Looks like I'm eating pizza for a few weeks because I love the dipping options.

I'm sure this has been a big, annoying, reddit/Lemmy monstrosity of a conversation already; I just wanted to ask what anyone else was assigned to eat by the Condiment Royal Family/Lineage/deity to obey this morning.


Hello! So, I have always joked around with my friends about how when you say a particular word a few times, you start to question if it even is a word, or if it is spelled that way, etc.(think of tubing, or smock as examples) I have noticed in the past few weeks that I (37yr) am having that problem with almost any word that I try to write. We are talking about "and/it/the/Patrick" and whatnot, and it is really making problems for me at work.

Does anyone else have this problem! Does your brain automatically make all words sound fake?

And, yes, all words are made up.. I am talking about the ones that currently reside in common speech.

[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 86 points 5 months ago

Ok, to get this straight: cops do not need to protect, nor serve, and doctors do not need to save your life. I suppose life guards will get to decide whether or not they will grab a drowning child. Maybe the bathing suit is distasteful? If someone is in the street, I don't have to stop unless I am fully comfortable doing so; I paid for my car and I shouldn't have to risk damaging it by running someone over.

What are regulations even for? God, the government is so useless!

Hard /s

[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 32 points 6 months ago

Now that I know YOU'RE not going to DO ANYTHING when someone breaks in and just messes with YOUR STUFF makes me now concerned about MY STUFF and it's SAFETY HERE

[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 36 points 8 months ago

Anyone who earns any portion of income by hanging shit on my doorknob.

Yumyumyumyum (i.imgur.com)
submitted 8 months ago by ettyblatant@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world
[-] ettyblatant@lemmy.world 41 points 11 months ago

Lemmy is your chance to have a discussion without the needless hostility that Reddit et al has. Maybe try saying "I actually find it quite convenient, here's why" etc

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