Thank you, I'll look into it!
Most people are on a local FB-like social media that's extremely toxic. Also requires a phone number for registration... but I will think on it.
There's an option in settings, although it isn't perfect.
Experience doesn’t matter because if you’re inexperienced you have to go outside your Comfort zone, if you’re experienced you got there because you like going outside your comfort zone and you will constantly stay in that state.
I was experimenting a lot during my early Linux months but then I found what works for me and settled with it. I don't leave my comfort zone much anymore.
Not really, uBO blocks some known stuff like cookie notices while Kill Sticky removes every fixed element on a webpage. It's actually more similar to Reader View.
there is far less malware on Linux
That's a common misconception. Linux is the most popular OS for servers. There are a lot of malware for Linux, probably even more than for Windows.
Thank you good stranger!