[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I don't really understand your point here. Are you claiming that a centrist supports some amount of genocide?


[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 146 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Let the death of the programming industry as a respectable professional job be a warning to centrist workers in other industries what happens when you don’t unionize and just assume your personal talent will always be rewarded by the ruling class.

It won’t.

Also let the rhetoric computer programmers use to defend the intrinsic value of their livelihood be a lesson to all of us. They talk in terms of raw productivity, in terms of securing a living wage through being more savvy than people who are dumb and take manual labor jobs. They speak about the threats of automation with COMPLETE confidence it will only be used by their bosses to create more jobs for people like them.

Finally, let it be a lesson that the confidence of programmers who look at AI/LLMs and think “they can never replace me with that, it would be a disaster” totally misses the point that it doesn’t matter to the ruling class of the tech world that replacing tech worker jobs with shitty automation or vastly more underpaid workers won’t work longterm. The point is to permanently devalue and erode the pride and hard fought professionalism of programming (Coding Bootcamps have the same objective of reducing the leverage of workers vs employers).

^ Programmers make a classic person-who-is-smart-at-computers mistake here of trying to understand business like it is a series of computer programs behaving rationally to efficiently earn money

I have met a nauseating amount of programmers who truly believe that tech companies would have to come crawling back to them if they fired tech workers in the industry en masse and everything began to break. What these programmers don’t understand is yeah, they will come back, but they will employ you from the further shifted perspective that you are an alternative to a worthless algorithm or vastly underpaid human when they do. That change in perspective, that undercutting of the “prestige” of being a skilled programmer is permanent and will never revert.

Shit is dark… but also damn if I don’t have a tiny bit of schadenfreude for all the completely unfounded self confidence and sense of quiet superiority so many people who work with computers project when doing something like teaching a classroom of 20 kids or fixing someone’s plumbing problem is way fucking harder any day of the week.

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 110 points 2 months ago

Git off discord tho for game development, it ends up causing only the types of people who are really active on discord to interact and give feedback and I have seen that really send some games off the rails as the rest of the playerbase begins to get the vibe the game is being developed for a small sliver of the game’s fans (the ones on discord and really active).

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 83 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I watched this guy for a little bit and liked his Linux stuff and then in one video he started ranting about how those FOSS licenses that include a requirement to use software ethically are the worst thing in the universe because they bring politics into software and I thought “wait, this guy is ignorant asshole isn’t he?” and turns out yes, yes he is.

Not making the point to defend those licenses or not but all this guy cared about was FOSS not being political and it’s like…are you a child? Do you not understand how all of this is political?

People like this guy give FOSS a really ugly outward facing identity and it turns away soooo many potential contributors and chill people.

To your point about this guy being exactly the kind of person that shouldn’t be allowed to own a precision semiautomatic rifle with 30 round magazines of high caliber rifle rounds, I agree, I have seen that guy get so fucking angry about shit on his channel, he has no ability to control his anger and that kind of person shouldn’t be allowed to own an object that gives their temper tantrums the capacity to kill so many people so quickly before their rational control kicks back in.

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 85 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Personally I think HP is missing the point focusing on putting drm on inkjet refills, it is only half committing to the business strategy.

The existence of a finished, printed paper begins at the moment of conception when the customer conceives of wanting to print a document. Really every step after that point (including the conception step itself) is monetizable by HP and more importantly rightfully owned as intellectual property of HP that you are technically stealing if you don’t follow through with actually printing the document on an HP printer.

HP is just leaving all of that money on the table, or maybe the printer market is just too heavily regulated for HP to innovate properly in a healthy free market.

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 117 points 3 months ago

Tradwife influencers seem like people who don’t understand how having a kink works and mistakenly craft their identity around an aspect of a kink that is toxic when applied outside the bubble of consent and play with a trusted partner.

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 253 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Hi what do you do for work?

Well, I work for a healthcare company that creates electric wheelchairs and apps to use them.

Wow that is amazing, that sounds so rewarding! What specifically do you do?

Thanks! I designed the pricing structure so that each aspect of the wheelchair experience is gated behind carefully designed paywalls that are significant enough to help ~~me~~ my boss get a good bonus at the end of the year but not significant enough that all those poor people out there can’t afford it if they have too. Ideally the cost is always a bit more than people can afford to pay since usually people have more you can squeeze out of their social connections if the need is desperate enough (we are optimizing right now for pricing structures that most encourage customers to make gofundme’s to engage with our products which is cool to be part of a new project).


submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by dumpsterlid@lemmy.world to c/adhd@lemmy.world

What hurts is that people treat it like I am doing this obsessive, unnecessary thing when in reality the amount I say sorry is perfectly tailored to the amount that I am randomly (random only from my perspective of course) pissing people off all the time around me with my actions. Which in practice means I say sorry all the fucking time.

Those same people that tell me not to say sorry I have pushed to the edge of their tolerance of me many times, and the ONLY thing I can do in those situations is say sorry in a genuine way. People really dont fucking understand having an intimate familiarity with those moments where someone is seriously pissed off at you and not only wants a practical explanation for why you fucked up but more importantly they need an emotional explanation that squares your apparent desire to be a good person/worker with the fact that you just massively fucked up something in a way that sure makes you look like a lazy, uncaring person. I have no agency in those moments, I am basically an 18 wheeler smashing through someone else's life but I have no brakes and LITERALLY the only thing I can do in that moment to make the situation better is apologize simply but genuinely in a way that conveys how hurt I am by own actions too.

Of course, the ones that love me always return to their more patient selves and apologize for getting frustrated with me, but apologies mean nothing to the memory in my body of feeling like I am always sliding towards seriously aggravating someone and hurting my relationship with them. Further it is only a learned, constant input of willpower and constant attentiveness that keeps me from constantly blowing past people's threshold of patience for me in moment to moment interaction and also in broader life contexts. An absolutely necessary survival strategy for me has been learning to constantly "manually breath" with my experience of reality so that I don't slip back into autonomic behaviors that immediately cause friction with the environment and people around me.

Saying sorry a lot is my way of double checking my social awareness and making sure I am not missing the fact that now I am just yelling at everybody for no reason because I am excited about the conversation or something. When people react with "hey, stop saying sorry!" the consequences are they are mildly annoyed at being asked the question, but when it opens up a conversation about something I have been doing that is genuinely annoying people around me it can often be the ONLY thing that saves me and others from a lot of unnecessary suffering. It also, and I can't stress the importance of this enough, is often the only thing that can halt someone from developing a narrative about who I am that is wildly inaccurate (I don't care, I am lazy, I don't like working).

The world is going to have to become a hell of a lot more accommodating and accepting of ADHD before I stop saying "sorry!" all the time and it is frustrating that people get upset at me for using a perfectly rational coping strategy in a society extremely hostile to my disability. Its like, people don't want to see the amount of effort I have to put into not being a burden on others because it stresses them out and feels like a broken record.... and sometimes I just get so angry and sad feeling like... yes that is exactly what it is like to be in my head 24/7, I am sorry you had to briefly experience that?

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 116 points 4 months ago

So Rockstar workers are being asked to take a major pay cut, significant decrease in quality of life, massively increased chance of death (driving is the most dangerous thing we do by far), and a huge chunk of free time removed from every work day from commuting that could be time spent with family or loved ones….

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 141 points 4 months ago

Fun fact, the NYC metro moves more people daily than ALL flights in the entire continental US by a wide margin, I think it is close to twice the amount of people.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by dumpsterlid@lemmy.world to c/science@lemmy.world

Undoubtedly sending robots to the bottom of the ocean just to see what the hell is there is cool no matter how you slice the pie, but Schmidt Ocean Institute livestreams the entirety of their dives (like 8 hours long or so) which brings things to another level for chumps like us who don’t have some ridiculous dream job of participating in scientific dives with magnificent undersea exploration vehicles.

It genuinely makes for the best background TV material I have ever seen. The firehouse of strange creatures they encounter that stretch your mind’s capacity to comprehend the strange and unknown is balanced perfectly by the simple physical comedy of watching ROV operators play an extreme version of the arcade claw game 3000m below the sea when they are attempting to take samples of sea life and store it in sample bins. A lot of times a scientist is actively narrating what is happening on the stream but even when they aren’t the control room is usually mic’d and at any given time features a multidisciplinary cross-section of scientists.

Check it out, put it on as a background at a party it makes great viewing in a casual party setting where people can engage and disengage whenever they want while talking about the weird creatures and laughing about the ROV claw totally failing to grab a coral and horribly snapping it in half.

[-] dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 103 points 5 months ago

Thank you for all your hard work!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by dumpsterlid@lemmy.world to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

You can play halo infinite VERY competitively with joysticks and gyro too, it feels made for steamdeck controls especially with the heavy focus on (absolutely amazing) vehicle combat.

A month ago or so it was crashing really regularly on me, but now it seems to be working fine. I can easily get a steady ~50fps with the graphics all the way down. Yeah, the graphics don't look amazing on low and there are weird graphical artifacts sometimes but it is far from ugly and the core halo gameplay is just so well balanced at the moment that who cares how it looks when it plays like that.

(yeah it used to suck, it doesn't anymore)

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by dumpsterlid@lemmy.world to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

I don't get it but for some reason the 3d open world multiplayer shooter with vehicles and long view distances that runs the best on the steam deck (other than a very graphically simple game like battlebit) is DayZ. I obviously haven't tried every game out there though...

On the V++ deathmatch server (using steamdeck screen not higher resolution monitor) I can be in the middle of a firefight with 20+ people nearby and get a stable 50fps. For DayZ that is basically the most challenging it gets for game performance, in the normal game having 20+ people nearby has to be an extremely rare situation I imagine. Yeah you have to turn the graphics down but you really don't have to sacrifice view distance and the game looks fine on lower graphics. (Gun scopes are very important for playing on a low resolution screen like this though, dont bother playing on servers where gun scopes are extremely rare).

Unfortunately the game does crash randomly every once in awhile, I can't figure out why yet but I am playing on heavily modded servers and honestly the performance is SO MUCH better than any other open world multiplayer shooter like this that I don't really feel like I can even complain much.

Interestingly the engine DayZ was made off of, Arma 3, runs much worse. I guess you can get Arma 3 to play ok offline (it looks like crap after you turn everything down though) but in multiplayer forget it.

Give it a try! Yeah yeah... mouse and keyboard players are gods of aim blah blah blah, you can compete fine with joysticks + gyro if you take the time to get acclimated to it. Go play a deathmatch server an mess around until you feel comfortable.

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