[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world 0 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Medicare For All is not free healthcare, as in on the government’s dime, it is entirely paid for by taxes.

Yeah, no shit sherlock. Socialist / Communist countries like Cuba also pay for Health Care.

That doesn't change the fact that several important examples (Soviet Union, Cuba, and now most recently, Venezuela) have collapsed... or are currently collapsing under that load and those costs.

We know plenty of examples of countries who have done that. My question is why the fuck do you want to bring it to the USA?

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

By having free healthcare for all you actually save money if basically no other change is made.


In this analysis, we found that economic output would be between 0.3 percent lower and 1.8 percent higher than the benchmark economy 10 years after the single-payer system was implemented, without incorporating the effects of financing the system. Under a single-payer system, workers would choose to work fewer hours, on average, despite higher wages because the reduction in health insurance premiums and OOP expenses would generate a positive wealth effect that allowed households to spend their time on activities other than paid work and maintain the same standard of living. If the system was financed with an income or payroll tax, gross domestic product (GDP) would be between approximately 1.0 percent and 10 percent lower by 2030, depending on the specification of the single-payer system and the details of the financing policy.

Sounds like we pay by having a loss of GDP measured between 1% to 10%. That's rather substantial.

CBO is the non-partisan accountants of the US Senate/House. They are our best estimate on the true costs of various programs.

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world 0 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Except the racists did vote for Biden in 2020, despite Harris being the VP.

Arizona ain't exactly a happy-go-lucky civil rights state. Do you really have assurances that Arizona goes to Kamala if she's on the top of the ticket?

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world -1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Yeah, and Medicare / Social Security are already going bankrupt by 2040.

A gross expansion of those programs will make them go bankrupt even faster. You need to explain how to raise money for a "Medicare for All" program... and not just "Well fuck Taiwan / Phillipines / Far East / Ukraine / everyone else in the world".

We're going to have our hands full just keeping the programs available over the next few decades, and you want to expand them?

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world -3 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

The fuck do I hear Bernie saying "Medicare for All" ?

That's literally free Healthcare as his top-of-the-line discussion point for the last decade.

All of this could easily be paid by taxing the wealthy and reducing military spending. Would that be a problem for you?

Where does Ukraine and Taiwan fit in that reduced military spending?

Ah right, Bernie is also isolationist. He probably doesn't give a shit. And even if we don't support Israel (I know how the left feels about that), we the USA need to continue to patrol the Red Sea vs not just the Houthis, but also Somali Pirates and other threats.

Military spending is going up, by any realistic discussion. Ukraine is only heating up, and Taiwan is likely getting hotter and hotter as China literally cuts off Filipino fingers and uses them to bully others in the Far East. If yall think peace will happen by reducing US Military spending at this juncture, you're losing my vote.

Bonus points: I'm also Filipino. So consider myself, and my family, very interested in hearing what the Democrats actually have to say about far-east stability / Taiwan / China's increasingly aggressive actions.

Military spending is going up, and not because anyone wants war. But because its necessary to keep the peace. USA has no control over China or Russia, we only have control over our own spending. And we must keep our spending up with them as they get more aggressive.

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world -1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

I'm an Anti-Trump Republican. I'm quite interested in seeing what yall's plan is to fight Trump this fall, and frankly, I'm not impressed with what I'm seeing in this topic yet.

Hopefully you all figure something out by next week. And if not next week, the week after that. But your time is short, and time is ticking.

I'm likely voting for the Democratic candidate, whoever it is. But none of this internal Democrats's chaos is my responsibility or my problem. I'm just here to point out that you have a large degree of my support from being anti-Trump, but I can't go so far left as Bernie (or some other progressives you got).

That's really all I'm here to point out.

In any case, figure out a name. Otherwise Democrats will lose. And figure out a name before you get rid of Biden/Kamala. You're throwing away a decent candidate with a decent anti-Trump record for literally nobody right now.

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world -3 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

We can just leave you all behind, and give voters a candidate they like. A progressive candidate.

Okay. Name the candidate.

Except we both know you don't have a name, and that's why you're going through this exercise of avoiding uncomfortable truths.

Go get that name, start pushing that name consistently, start saying [Insert Specific Name Here] is a better choice than Biden and MAYBE you have a chance.

But for now, you're just giving Republicans in general a field day and a ton of joy by attacking Biden.

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world -3 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

I listed two options I think would work for me:

  1. Biden

  2. Kamala (using Biden as a shield)

Of course, #1 and #2 are basically identical. So the easiest thing for the Democrats to do is just lean into #2.

In any case, I think this discussion is still useful to have. Whoever you pick needs to win Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia like Biden did vs Trump. Do you know of any candidate who can perform similarly to Biden in these states?

You’re just a Republican here to tell us no matter what Biden is the only option besides trump?

I'm a Republican here wondering if yall actually have a plan, or if this is another one of those "Occupy Wall Street" situations where a bunch of Republicans get voted in a few months after yall's temper tantrum. (Occupy Wall Street was 2011. And we all know how 2012, 2014, and 2016 went immediately afterwards).

For better or worse, you know you need me and my perspective on this matter. Lest you lose Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and let Trump take the victory.

If yall Occupy Wall Street / kill your own political chances again this year because you got freaked out that Biden was acting as old as any 80+ year old would... okay, you deserve the loss that's coming to you. But before you make an irreversible mistake, lets talk through this. I want Trump to lose as much as you do.

Note: I'm not necessarily against you changing candidates this late in the game. But I want to know what your overall plans are, and why you actually think that improves your political chances.

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)


So making Kamala the top of the ticket does nothing but energize the racists to vote against her.

There is no point putting Kamala front and center. Just have Biden resign in January after serving as a political shield for Kamala.

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world 10 points 5 hours ago

Biden was bad for the first 10 minutes. By the 40 minute mark he was fine but he already lost the audience and the tiny attention span of modern Americans is evident.

That's... Whatever. I get it. We're in the tiktok age of short discussions. Expect more of this moving forward.

[-] dragontamer@lemmy.world 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Biden shouldn't drop out until a solid plan moving forward is established.

Do we even know if a Democrat can unify the party if he drops out? Or will the replacement be worse?

As I've pointed out in other topics: people need to start listing names, and I need to start seeing those names consolidate into one obvious choice. IMO, Newcom, Kamala and Buttigege are out as non-starters.

Kamalas best chance is for Biden to hold the election and then promise to resign on January 2025 for example. Which I'm not particularly against but y'all ignore the racism of Pennsylvania and Arizona voters at your own peril. Biden serves as a useful shield for Kamala in this instance.

Buttigege is worse. An openly gay man in this age where Don't Say Gay is entering mainstream is a political mistake. Newcom is all sorts of compromised on both left and right issues.


The NHTSA recall notice contains a line saying how many Tesla Cybertrucks were affected by the recall. And we know that its "all of them", therefore the number listed is exactly the count of total Tesla Cybertrucks ever sold.

Digging through the numbers also reveals estimated monthly delivery figures. Tesla began low-volume production of the Cybertruck at Giga Austin in late November of last year, and a prior recall notice from Tesla revealed that it delivered 1,163 vehicles in December. That leaves 10,525 vehicles or thereabouts produced by Tesla in 2024, giving Tesla an average monthly delivery rate of 1,754 Cybertrucks, with five days left in June.


A complete recall over all Cybertrucks has been filed at the NHTSA.

On affected vehicles, the front windshield wiper motor controller may stop functioning due to electrical overstress to the gate driver component.


Another unintended acceleration issue. Fortunately, no one was injured but the Cybertruck still crashed into a house.

This happened in a rich-enough area that it was filmed by someone's doorbell camera. There's apparently 50-foot long line of skidmarks.

submitted 1 week ago by dragontamer@lemmy.world to c/ece@lemmy.world

This blogger booted an F1C100s from scratch, even though they made a mistake buying 16MBit instead of 16MByte of Flash. (Requiring to be booted off of USB-bootloader / Allwinner's FEL Protocol instead of Flash).

So a few mistakes were made, but its still a custom booting Linux + blogpost that explains the steps.


A nice analysis of various satellite images that estimates how many cars Tesla has in inventory.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by dragontamer@lemmy.world to c/realtesla@lemmy.world

SAN FRANCISCO — Tesla shareholders re-approved Elon Musk’s controversial 2018 pay package by a wide margin, Musk posted on X Wednesday night, appearing to resolve an uncertainty that has loomed over his future with the company.

A Delaware judge invalidated the package, worth as much as $56 billion earlier this year, arguing that the process that led to the deal had been unfair. As part of the deal, Musk was granted stock options as Tesla hit certain valuation milestones, accumulating massive amounts of shares that led to a record pay deal and played a hand in making Musk the richest person in the world.

Hmm, looks like we're in the "lawsuits" stage of the game. I don't expect that Elon can keep his pay package, so its going to go back to the Delaware Judge IIRC.

The interesting legal maneuver here is with regards to the Texas move. If Shareholders approve the move to Texas, it'd become a Texas vs Delaware issue. But... there's legal precedent saying that such a move would require 66% of the vote instead of just 50%. I imagine that this alone (the threshold of "move") will itself be subject to debate, and likely end up in Delaware court again before they're allowed to move out. Or maybe not? Legal stuff can be quite sharp.

In any case, stay tuned for tonight as the official announcements come out. Things are going to be interesting!!

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by dragontamer@lemmy.world to c/ece@lemmy.world

What really interests me about this design is the ~~buck~~ Boost-converter

So this ~~buck~~ boost-converter is 100% core-independent. The Analog Comparator, TimerD, CCL, and Event-System are all active while the AVR DB sleeps, meaning that the microcontroller can run this simple ~~buck~~ boost-converter without any cost to CPU time.

An incredible design that demonstrates the flexibility of AVR DB's combined peripherals.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by dragontamer@lemmy.world to c/realtesla@lemmy.world
submitted 3 weeks ago by dragontamer@lemmy.world to c/ece@lemmy.world

Hacker News discussion here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40560300

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