[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 13 points 4 months ago

Using Chrome and uBlock for work, no issues.

Firefox and uBlock for personal, no issues.

Try only using uBlock, uninstall all other extensions. Works great for me on both Firefox and Chrome.

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 17 points 5 months ago

Solarpunk is amazing

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 14 points 8 months ago

Uhm, I don't care about the device or the SIM card?... I care about my data, and I care about remotely wiping the device before they can try access the device if they are even trying to access it in the first place?

Sure they can turn it off, but if I activate the command to wipe the device the command will execute as soon as the device is powered on.

This is not the case if they remove the SIM. If they remove the SIM the connect is lost and the device can remain on and be tampered with, with my data still entact.

I don't "keep asking for proof" I literally asked in one comment? You seem very angry about people asking questions online, maybe you should do some introspection or something idk

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 24 points 8 months ago

This is the best tip so far. Thank you so much!


I know it's an odd question, but where I live phones get stolen often. My phone doesn't have the option for an eSim, which is a problem because 90% of the time when a thief steals a phone they take out the SIM card immediately, meaning I wouldn't be able to remotely lock or wipe my phone.

Should I consider glueing the SIM tray shut? Or are there alternative less permanent measures I can take to keep my device secure?

submitted 8 months ago by darkstar@sh.itjust.works to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I know it's an odd question, but where I live phones get stolen often. My phone doesn't have the option for an eSim, which is a problem because 90% of the time when a thief steals a phone they take out the SIM card immediately, meaning I wouldn't be able to remotely lock or wipe my phone.

Should I consider glueing the SIM tray shut? Or are there alternative less permanent measures I can take to keep my device secure?

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 53 points 8 months ago

Green is clearly the next colour release, to complete the RGB cycle

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 18 points 8 months ago

Uhm, get FireFox with uBlock Origin???

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 18 points 9 months ago

Firefox with ublock always

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 13 points 9 months ago

And people wonder why piracy is going up

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 40 points 9 months ago

I'm sorry maybe I'm a little triggered because this hits close to home, but seriously how the fuck can people claim "oh suicide is going up because guns"

Are they fucking blind to how things are going in the world? I'm so fucking livid right now. "Suicide is because guns" fuck off

submitted 10 months ago by darkstar@sh.itjust.works to c/reddit@lemmy.ml

As per title, I'd like to know if there are any third party apps worth it still?

I'd ideally like a web app that scrapes the shit out of Reddit causing more harm than good. Anything like that available? (Even if it's a website that scrapes I'll be happy)

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 23 points 10 months ago

I'm not voting because none of them look good, sorry :(

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 16 points 10 months ago

Proton Mail


Apollo had this feature where you scroll past a post and it automatically marks the post as read. This is huge because it allows you to easily doom scroll without seeing the same content twice :,)


As per title, I would love a toggle option to allow in app links to open in my default browser automatically.

[-] darkstar@sh.itjust.works 11 points 10 months ago

Does this actually work?

My App Icon submission (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 11 months ago by darkstar@sh.itjust.works to c/wefwef@lemmy.world

I don't have any software on my phone to round corners so please excuse the square.

The fediverse is a vast and beautiful place, just like our universe. I think our app icon should go deeper and represent more than just a simple spaceship or a mouse.


As the title says, lemm.ee is defederating instances that are allowing thousands of spam bots to be created on them. Will we be taking similar action? What is the game plan here?

submitted 11 months ago by darkstar@sh.itjust.works to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I've read some things online about it all but I'm not a total IT boff. Is it really true that Brave browser won't be able to block ads once the changes are made next year?

Ps. I use Firefox with uBlock but my SO and most of my clients absolutely love Brave


Hello world, I'm looking for motorsport reruns or recordings, specifically F1 and MotoGP. I'd like to watch the entire race but not live, maybe 2 or 3 days after.

Are there any resources like this?

Unhappy with Lemmy (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by darkstar@sh.itjust.works to c/main@sh.itjust.works

I'm really not happy with Lemmy so far. Its a great community and a cool concept, but the amount of bugs I am experiencing is really starting to put me off.

The site constantly updates / glitches, when I try click on something it moves just before I click so I end up clicking on something else. If I open a post, as soon as I go back the entire home feed is different and my sorting preferences have been reset.

As someone coming from the refinement from Apollo this really is offputting and makes me want to use Lemmy even less.

The people here are great, the federation is cool and I like how decentralized it is, but I think I'm going to log off now and I don't expect to be back anytime soon.

Ps. A functioning app I can download directly from the app store would be great. I'm not interested in progressive web apps or testflight betas, I want something that just works and is well refined.

Edit: I understand its early days, I'm not faulting devs for not being able to keep up, all I am doing here is expressing my opinion. I'm also sad about losing Apollo so that definitely adds to my disappointment quite a bit if I'm being honest.

I created r/Amish (sh.itjust.works)

Title says it all, my favourite subreddit is now on Lemmy



Welcome everyone, thank you all for being here! That is all I have to say <3

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joined 11 months ago