[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 19 hours ago

The police believe that the motive behind this hacking was to reduce network-related costs, as torrent transfers can be costly for internet service providers. KT, however, claims that it was merely trying to manage traffic on its network to ensure a smooth user experience.

Sounds like they admit it but object to the negative tone lol

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 1 day ago

So the metaphor here is lewd the AI, got it

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 days ago

I think maybe rather than trying to gather biometric data, the choice of this form of authentication is related to the intimidation factor of implying they might be.

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 4 days ago

I can agree it's a little bit racist and wrong to tell the story using that sort of slur, and honestly I kind of think likely the entire story is very racist due to being fake and made up to get a laugh at the expense of Indian people, but if it's real it seems worse to be knowingly bringing harassment down on your coworkers by intentionally antagonizing people for a laugh when you're supposed to be doing your job, I think that probably does more actual harm.

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

killswitch doesn't work because packets can still get through between the time when the VPN goes offline and when it activates, need to bind torrent client to vpn or have some firewall configuration to prevent non-vpn traffic

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

The data collected by ID.me has nothing to do with the processing of a FOIA request.”

So why collect it? If the data is irrelevant to the request it shouldn't be asked for. What is the IRS even trying to say here?

Also I want to say I've had to use this system to do my taxes and it's creepy as hell.

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 73 points 5 months ago

Of course, I don’t believe AI girlfriends are going to completely replace relationships. But I do think that, much like online porn, they will be there – always accessible, always a temptation, always a source of instant satisfaction. And I think it’s likely that, for some, a real girlfriend just won’t seem enough on her own, especially considering nearly half of Replika’s users are already in a relationship or married.

Doesn't seem that bad tbh, the dynamic of men being expected to have zero emotional outlets other than their romantic partner has always been super toxic and doesn't make things better for anyone.

The only faint glimmer of optimism I can find in all this is that I think, at some point, life might become so stripped of reality and humanity that the pendulum will swing. Maybe the more automated, predictable interactions are pushed on us, the more actual conversations with awkward silences and bad eye contact will seem sexy. Maybe the more we are saturated with the same perfect, pornified avatars, the more desirable natural faces and bodies will be. Because perfect people and perfect interactions are boring. We want flaws! Friction! Unpredictability! Jokes that fall flat! I hold onto hope that someday we will get so sick of the artificial that our wildest fantasies will be something human again.

This article is pretty reasonable

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 66 points 5 months ago

Modern version of this will be ChatGPT jailbreak messages

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/snoocalypse@lemmy.ml

So I was reading this post and decided to make the tool described, as a userscript (I credit ChatGPT with doing most of the work, which went pretty quickly). To use it, install a compatible userscript browser extension such as https://violentmonkey.github.io/ , then press install on the linked page. Reddit comments should now have a 'copy-context' button that will put the comment chain in your clipboard. I made it for old.reddit so probably won't work with the redesign. Another limitation is that it will only work to copy what is on the current page, so if the comment chain is too deep it's not going to get all of it.

Any feedback is welcome. Also if someone who can read javascript wants to give it a once-over and confirm for people that it isn't malicious that would be cool too.

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 107 points 8 months ago

This had me checking, fortunately SBF is currently in jail and almost certainly headed for prison. Also want to drop a reminder that McAfee publicly announced shortly before his death that he had no intention of suicide and expected assassination attempts after his incarceration.

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 161 points 9 months ago

Coming from Reddit, the very existence of this thread is a breath of fresh air. That there are mod logs at all to be able to document this, that there is a place where it can be posted that is not under control of the mods being criticized, is an enormous improvement over an unaccountable centralized platform.

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 95 points 9 months ago

It's actually about power and leverage, not lifestyle. Rich people don't actually spend most of their money on personal luxuries, they spend it on acquiring more wealth, which translates into more control over resources and people's lives. Regular people don't actually spend most of their money on luxuries, they spend it on maintaining their place in a world someone else owns.

The narrative that it is about what level of material status someone is living in or deserves is a distraction. It wouldn't matter at all if the rich started living more spartan lifestyles. They still have the wealth and power, that will manifest one way or another as control over other people's lives, and that's what they're really there for.

[-] chicken@lemmy.dbzer0.com 85 points 9 months ago

Tipping is a way to take any tension between the employee and the business owner, and between the customer and the business owner, and make it between the employee and the customer.

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