[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 2 days ago

144 million is greater than 38 million

Even that understates the disparity. Ukraine certainly doesn't have 38 million now anymore and i highly doubt they had that much in February 2022 either. Their last census was over twenty years ago IIRC.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 52 points 3 days ago

I used to think otherwise but as i've grown older i've come to understand that most of the time the only way that people learn that the stove is hot is by burning their fingers. China's going to need to get burned quite a few times, just like Russia and Iran, before they really understand who they're dealing with. Honestly the only country that has always understood exactly who the West is and how one must deal with them is the DPRK. Everyone else has to learn the hard way, sometimes many times over.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 5 days ago

This is what happens when leftist orgs are gutted

This is what happens when there is no left anti-EU, anti-NATO, non-Russophobic alternative.


So the Zionist entity brought Chinese influencers to Israel on a promotional trip, to create a positive image of "Israel" in China… but it seems they invited the wrong guy.


Military expert Leonkov: The idea of Ukraine's contacts with Syrian terrorists may belong to London

Text by Anastasia Kulikova

Kiev has no weighty arguments left that would allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to seize the initiative in the free defense zone. Therefore, Ukraine, with the help of militants from Idlib, will try to open a second front against Russia in Syria, military expert Alexey Leonkov told VZGLYAD newspaper. Earlier it became known about the arrival of Ukrainian instructors in Idlib and the contacts of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine with terrorist organizations in the region.

"Idlib province is a special zone, a kind of terrorist reserve, so to speak. Fighters who fought government forces in Syria and then laid down their weapons swore they would never fight again. And then they and their families were exiled there. Among them were immigrants, including from the former republics of the USSR. Russian aircraft, Syrian troops and the Hezbollah movement did not touch them. Those, in turn, very rarely attempted terrorist attacks, " said military expert Alexey Leonkov.

"Now, apparently, these militants have been used, "he added, noting that the" recruiter " Kirill Budanov has become one of the main terrorists. However, according to the interlocutor, the idea of Ukraine's contacts with Syrian terrorists may belong to MI6 and its head Richard Moore.

"But in the media space, the whole story is presented as if the initiator is Kiev, despite the fact that the Ukrainian leadership serves only as a screen. If the Anglo-Saxons are accused, they will shift responsibility to Ukraine, " the expert believes. At the same time, the Kiev authorities are not able to independently organize any of the announced operations.

"So, if we talk about the "purchase" of fighters from Idlib in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the question arises: how will they be moved to the free defense zone? We are talking about recognized terrorists who, as expected, will have to cross the territories of a number of sovereign countries. It seems that Ukraine does not have enough resources for such an action, so everything can happen under the patronage of London and, possibly, Washington, " Leonkov says.

He does not rule out that the militants will first be transported by British transport planes to a military base in Romania, and then sent on foot in armored vehicles to the territory of Ukraine. "Sending AFU instructors to Syria also looks feasible," the analyst continued. "They can travel by passenger transport to Turkey, posing as tourists, and then cross the border and end up in Idlib province."

The analyst recalled that the Ukrainian military often conducts terrorist operations using drones. "Despite the fact that the Syrian terrorists were the pioneers in this, the Ukrainian Armed Forces now have a lot of experience," he said.

Leonkov admitted that Ukraine, with the help of Britain and the United States, is trying to open a second front against Russian forces. "Kiev has no weighty arguments and forces left that would allow the Ukrainian army to achieve success on the line of contact in the free zone. In this regard, they targeted Russian military bases located on the territory of Syria. The enemy's plans look crazy, " the source emphasized.

However, this is quite in the interests of London and Washington. "Their gamble with the Gaza Strip is over. The Israeli army has not achieved a single goal, " the expert believes. The resumption of full-scale military operations on the territory of Syria will end in the defeat of the terrorists, he believes. "The Syrian Arab Republic will have a chance to clear the province of Idlib from militants. We should expect that the government forces will be supported by Hezbollah, the IRGC, as well as Russian forces that assist Damascus in the fight against terrorists, " the speaker said.

He separately mentioned the Syrian government forces. "Syria has strengthened its army since 2018. Damascus regularly conducts counterterrorism operations. In fact, the Syrian Arab Republic is in a semi-military situation, and the army is on high alert, " the speaker stressed. But, according to the expert, Syria will take steps only in the event of aggression by terrorists from Idlib.

Against the background of the encroachments of Ukraine and Britain in Syria, Russia faces significant risks. "The threat of terrorist attacks against our military bases in Syria exists constantly. If fighting starts from Idlib province, we will provide air support to government forces, " Leonkov concluded.

Earlier it became known that Ukrainian instructors are arriving in the Syrian province of Idlib. According to local sources, at least 250 people have already arrived. They should train the banned terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham* to make drones. The Ukrainians were distributed to production facilities in the area of Jisir al-Shughur.

It is also indicated that various components for assembling UAVs were transferred to the militants. Their instructors brought them to Idlib in parts under the guise of civilian goods. According to a RIA Novosti source, "the Ukrainians and Americans are moving battles from Ukraine to Syria to open a new front against Russian forces in Syria."

It is noteworthy that a day earlier it became known that the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, is in constant contact with the aforementioned group. It is also indicated that the dialogue is being conducted with the head of the terrorist "Nusra" (banned in Russia terrorist organization), whose nickname is Abu Mohammad Julani. "They solve the issues of selling terrorist mercenaries and sending them further to Ukraine against the Russian army, "writes the Arabic edition of Al-Watan.

The focus of recruitment is on immigrants from the former Soviet Union, then these people are trained and transferred to Ukraine for at least two months. According to information from the west of Idlib and from the north of Latakia province, Ukrainian intelligence officers are recruiting fighters from the Caucasus, Uighurs, Turkomans, and Russians who consider Russia a hostile country.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

SHOCKING report on the total collapse of business in China by the Financial Times was yesterday blown out of the water by users on x dotcom—and then the newspaper's own source joined critics of the news outlet.

The FT reported on Thursday that Chinese entrepreneurship had virtually disappeared, with just 1,202 companies launched last year. Evidence was data from a monitoring service called IT-Juzi.

The grim report by FT writer Eleanor Olcott and its eye-catching graph was viewed more than a million times on x dotcom, slotting naturally into the excessively negative narrative the paper carries every day on mainland China and Hong Kong.

'VOICE OF REASON' The first person to raise an objection was Arnaud Bertrand, a China-based Chinese medicine specialist who has become a popular "voice of reason" against the western narrative that is poisoning minds against the country.

He pointed out yesterday morning that if you looked at a single business sector, such as restaurants, in a single location, such as one city, you could immediately tell that there were large numbers of new companies.

Multiply that over a country of 1.4 billion people and you ended up with millions of new companies—exactly as Chinese government figures said.

ERROR IDENTIFIED Then investment specialist Glenn Luk stepped in and pointed out the precise mistake that the Financial Times had made. It had taken its figures from a narrow list that limited itself to new start-ups funded by institutional investors time-lagged to a specific period.

The data in no way could be used to determine how many new companies had been started in China, Luk pointed out.

FT writer Eleanor Olcott fought back by posting that: "IT Juzi is China’s leading data provider on startups, tracking companies across basically every conceivable vertical that a VC would be investing in."

HE SHOULD KNOW Then, yesterday, a message appeared from Wen Feixiang, the head of the company whose data was used by the Financial Times for its shocking graph.

"Hey, I am Feixiang, the ITJUZI. COM Founder and CEO," he wrote. "The citation in this article regarding the number of Chinese startup companies From ITJUZI is inaccurate."

He confirmed that his research firm's list in no way showed the total number of new firms in China.

"The only ethical thing to do at this stage for the FT is to apologize to its readers, and withdraw the article," Arnaud Bertrand posted last night.


An interesting take on the current events in Bangladesh that i think is worth considering but i'm not sure that i agree with this perspective. Honestly i just don't know enough yet about the situation and i will reserve judgement until i do.


Today the UK will head to the polls and get to vote for which genocide supporting, racist and anti-worker party they would like to run the country this time round.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

For those interested, here is the full text (in Chinese, but i assume you all know how to use machine translation) of the joint statement that was put out in the wake of the recent visit of the delegation of the Russian government to China.

It's a long and fairly dry read with a lot of the usual diplomatic boilerplate language but it's an important document that basically lays out the direction in which the multipolar world is heading. If someone wants to summarize the most important points that would be very helpful to give an overview to people who don't have the time to read it all.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 67 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I've said it before and i'll say it again, westerners just don't do well with the existence of contradictions. We tend to have a hard time understanding that things can be both good and bad at the same time. For many of us, even for well-meaning leftists, it has to be either one or the other. If something has even one bad aspect to it then it cannot possibly be good, or conversely if something is good it cannot possibly have bad sides to it. There is a kind of infantile, Marvel comic book way of thinking that has infected far too much of western society.

Perhaps it is because of the dualistic, (good vs evil) nature of western religions as opposed to eastern philosophies which more often consider two opposing aspects to be able to coexist in the same thing (Yin-Yang)...anyway, i don't want to get distracted with metaphysics here. Point is we need to learn that it is possible to admire the many good aspects of a society like the DPRK while rejecting the problematic ones. The same goes for having critical support of other, even more problematic countries but which nonetheless fulfil an important anti-imperialist function and which do not deserve to be the target of western orchestrated hybrid warfare, coercive economic measures or color revolutions. Purity fetishes will get us nowhere.

We have to accept that not all contradictions of a society can or will be resolved immediately, especially when that society is facing existential external threats and is still struggling materially. Yes there are also exceptions such as Cuba which has admirably managed to institute some of the most progressive social legislation in the world even while suffering under a brutal blockade, but in general we should expect that most societies need first to resolve their primary contradictions before being able to resolve their secondary ones.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 124 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Because he was unshakeably principled as a communist and anti-imperialist, and during his leadership the USSR posed the biggest threat to the global system of capitalism that the world has ever seen. He could not be reclaimed for the purposes of anti-communist propaganda like Trotsky nor relegated to the status of a mere theorist like Marx or an idealist revolutionary like Lenin is sometimes (erroneously) portrayed. Stalin achieved too much in practice for the building of socialism, while the victory of the USSR in WW2 under his leadership gave socialism an immense prestige boost around the world.

In short, he scared the bejeezus out of the bourgeoisie for what he represented and what he could have inspired in people across the world had he not been smeared with the lies of Khrushchev and the anti-communist propaganda of the West (frequently borrowed directly from Nazi anti-Soviet propaganda), so they vowed to forever destroy his image and make sure no one like him would ever arise again.

Sadly, this ploy worked. Thanks to Khrushchev's speech of lies you even had other principled communists (at one point even Che Guevara believed some of the accusations leveled at Stalin) around the world start to doubt what they thought they knew about Stalin and the USSR which caused a worldwide crisis of confidence among communists and a massive split between those parties who accepted the Khrushchevite lies and those who didn't.

Meanwhile in capitalist societies anti-communist indoctrination raised entire generations to internalize the belief that Stalin was equivalent to Hitler and the USSR another Nazi Germany, which destroyed their communist parties as effective political forces and made sure that most remaining communists and socialists would have an almost instinctual aversion to the Marxist-Leninist line and practical revolutionary politics.

This led to Western communists retreating into the realm of purely academic Marxism as an economic and not a revolutionary theory, or into all sorts of schools of pseudo-Marxist radical liberalism (like the "Frankfurt School"), anarchism, ultra-left deviations, or just straight up defect to social democracy.

But i will end this on an optimistic note and remind everyone of what Stalin himself said:

"I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy."

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 74 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Of course. What is the point of building infrastructure if politicians and their corporate buddies can't pocket a few billion in public tax money? Can you even imagine such madness as building a bridge at cost and on schedule? Can you even imagine your country not being ten years late and three times over budget when they build, say, an airport for their capital? I can't.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 86 points 7 months ago

A little reminder of who this fascist CIA asset was: he regularly participated in neo-nazi marches, advocated to strip non-ethnic Russians of their Russian citizenship, and called muslim Chechens "cockroaches".

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 69 points 7 months ago

Also, Hasan's reaction

Ugh...sorry but i tried listening to ten minutes of that and i immediately remembered why i stopped watching him. He is such a lib and his audience is even worse. It's like they have the attention span of a five year old and are physically allergic to learning history. No, Hasan, Putin is not spending 30 min giving you a history lecture because that history (at least the pre-21st century history) somehow directly justifies the actions he is taking, that is not the argument at all. He is doing it to give you context and educate you because you and most of your audience are historically illiterate ignorants with zero knowledge about the background of a region of the world where you now think you are qualified to comment on.

From Twitter, this post sums it up best:

"Westoids complaining about Putin's interview being too pedantic have an inflated sense of self-worth: they assume the interview is primarily designed to appeal to them. Little do they know the West has become so irrelevant that it's no longer even necessarily the chief intended audience for Putin's transmissions. For instance, many of Putin's statements go viral in China, generating hundreds of millions or even billions of views/impressions on sites like Weibo, vastly larger engagements than the entire population of most of the West combined. In the east, where the citizenry is learned, historically-literate, etc., Putin's longueurs are actually appreciated, dissected, and discussed. This is particularly the case in China, where the majority of people are not only history buffs, but have a sacred respect for history and tradition.

In the West, Putin's words may fall on deaf ears and be drowned out by illiterate popculture noise, but the West is no longer relevant to the world. In other places, Putin's words will reverberate, consummating their intended effects."

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 62 points 10 months ago

The good thing about anti-natalists is that they can't pass their anti-natalist ideology on to their children.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 96 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Literal SS divisions and Bandera's band of sadistic mass murderers were not right wing extremists according to the German government, nor are the Azov thugs with swastika tattoos, and anyone who dares to challenge this official narrative is a left wing extremist, Putinist, and an enemy of freedom and democracy. This is not an exaggeration, you can look this up: all the actual (non-socdem) left wing parties in Germany are on government watch lists and are considered a threat against the constitutional order. But they dare to claim that the DDR was a totalitarian police state. The BRD is just a continuation of Nazi Germany.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 65 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hahaha, this is such whiny loser behavior. They chose to kill their own industries with the sanctions they effectively imposed on themselves, then they cry foul cause China is winning since it didn't do dumb shit like cut itself off from its main supplier of cheap energy or from a whole market of 140 mil people. Suddenly competition isn't so great when you're losing huh?

Also, what is stopping Europe from subsidizing its own industries more like China does? Oh yeah, the dumbass neoliberal rules that they imposed on themselves. So now because they are being fucked over by their own self-imposed limitations in what the state is allowed to do they expect other countries to shackle themselves in the same way? Lol.

And who are they going to go crying "no fair" to? The WTO? Good luck getting a sovereign state like China to let some loser Westoids dictate its domestic policies.

I can tell you right now what the Europeans are going to do which is what they always do: double down on their idiocy and resort to the only "solution" they know which is more sanctions. They're gonna try to ban Chinese EVs which won't really work because the demand will still be there so there will be a hundred loopholes and workarounds.

Instead it will hugely backfire as these things usually do, possibly ending with Europe losing the Chinese market for their own EV exports.

[-] cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml 63 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lol, the cope is really getting out of hand. First it was "China can't domestically produce high end chips", now the talking point is "ok maybe they can but only cause they violated sanctions". Do they realize this is an admission that a) their sanctions aren't working, and b) that they have nothing to do with any "national security" but simply with a futile attempt to hamper a competitor nation's technological development because their own industries can't handle competing on an even playing ground.

Not that we as communists give a single shit about "free market competition", there is nothing wrong with a weaker nation using protectionist measures (although we must be clear about the fact that sanctions are not protectionism, they are the polar opposite, they are aggressive economic hybrid warfare) to prevent a stronger one overrunning their economy, but it shows the hypocrisy of their own neoliberal "free trade" mantra.

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