[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 28 points 2 months ago

I remember watching some bewitched reruns and they only had a few plots.

  • Husband doesn’t want wife to use witchcraft ever
  • Husband wants to be the breadwinner and doesn’t want any magical help with his career. By the way his job is in advertising which is useless and stupid so why would he care?
  • Wife’s in laws hate husband and make problems for him using magic in some way
  • Nosey neighbor keeps seeing strange things but nobody believes her

It’s a comedy so nobody ever thinks to use magic in a way to help society or something, so that’s ok. But it’s very noticeable how mundane the plots are. Also I think there were a few other old shows where the characters were in the advertising business or television business. I bet this was done to pander to the people who were paying for the show.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 13 points 3 months ago

It’s weird that Dennis Prager spent a few decades on talk radio and in his books talking about morality, specifically Judeo-Christian values. Then later started an organization with his name on it that constantly bears false witness and harms people and breaks several other of the Ten Commandments.

Maybe he never really believed in anything.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 46 points 3 months ago

Decades ago there were many unique candies that came out only at Easter time in the US. They were made by relatively small companies. For example there were chocolate eggs with maple or raspberry candy inside. You didn’t see candy like this at any other time of year. There were also Peeps, which weren’t great but at least they were special in that you only saw them for a few weeks a year.

Then slowly Hershey and Nestle started flooding the shelves with egg shaped versions of their boring ass candy you could get any day of the year. And they started selling peeps with different shaped at Halloween and Christmas.

It’s a shame.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 16 points 4 months ago

Sorry but boomers didn’t invent stupidity and it won’t end with them

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 26 points 4 months ago

Yes. In fact it’s a myth that the economy was strong even in the short term.

So I guess Trump wants the government to take over most businesses, have them make panzer tanks and Messerschmitts, and invade a bunch of countries to get slave labor.


[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 11 points 4 months ago

There’s a documentary “King Corn” that talks about how US government subsidies to farmers for growing corn have made it so inexpensive that it creates a surplus and prices that are too low relative to other foods. This resulted in the proliferation of corn being fed to cattle and other animals, which makes them less healthy to eat but fattens them for slaughter sooner. Also corn syrup is so cheap to make it made soft drinks less expensive. These are large reasons why fast food was so inexpensive and so bad for you. Also surplus corn and corn syrup led to the creation of a lot of unhealthy breakfast cereals which are marketed to kids.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 10 points 5 months ago

And unlike any other TV in your life, the Vision Pro can literally DRM your eyes — if you’re watching a movie in the Apple TV app or Disney Plus and go to take a screen capture, the content blacks out. It’s strange to experience a reality where big companies can block you from capturing what you see, even if all you’re trying to do is show people how cool it looks in a review. You can get around DRM screenshots on an iPhone by just taking a photo of the screen, but there’s no such off-ramp for the Vision Pro.

Hey, I found the reason why I would never never never ever buy something like this. It’s going to be the Black Mirror episode that forces you to watch ads.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 8 points 5 months ago

Strange New Worlds is more like classic trek, it’s not bad like Discovery.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 31 points 6 months ago

There are so many “boomer bad”, “genx vs millenniall”, “zoomers are lazy” stories lately. Seems like they got tired of just pitting races against each other and moved onto fake generational conflict. This way we don’t notice what the billionaires are doing to all of us. Meanwhile the 5 richest billionaires doubled their net worth.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 20 points 7 months ago

Google has different goals than a search user.

  • A search user’s goal is to find something related to what they typed.
  • Google’s goal is to make money based on what was typed.

Whether google uses AI or not, their goal will be at odds with the user’s and the results will only be useful enough that most people won’t completely stop using search.

[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 10 points 9 months ago
find / -name mysterytool -exec rm {} \;
[-] captainWhatsHisName@lemm.ee 30 points 10 months ago

It was built into Apollo (the Reddit app for IOS). You could type something highlight it and select “sPonGeTExt” from a menu to set random letters uppercase in a block of text.

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